
Cap 268: Damn evolution

When I wake up the next day I feel a little weird, it feels like there's a new stream of information coming into my brain that I'm not used to, I felt a little confused. 

  Ding!  Ding!  Ding! 

  The notification noises that start to sound in my head helped me to wake up a little more, so I tried to get my mind in order and identify what kind of information it was that was coming into my brain, I tried to understand this strange information by concentrating only on her as I closed my eyes. 

  At that moment it was like I could see my whole room again, that was the flow of information in my head, I tried to identify where it was coming from and in an instant I found out, it was my Aura, I could feel my Aura all over my room and feeling everything through her, that was something I could never do before, it was like having a new sense like having a new eye or ear. 

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