
Trainer Levels

1) Rookie: Just started their journey, no badges, and are usually the first few people you would face in the pokemon games. Like your rival at the start of any of the games.

2) Beginner: Has at least 3 pokemon of different strength, and at least 1, 1 star badge.

3) Intermediate: Has at least 3, 1 star badges, or 1 , 2 star badge and has to participate in the defense of a town or city if a pokemon raid occurs.

4) Advanced: has to participate in raid defense and automatically gets the rank of Sargent if they enlist in the military.

5) Master: trainer must have at least 3 pseudo king level pokemon and 4 elite. at this rank a trainer can apply to be a gym leader and open their own gym.

6) Pre-Elite: skilled trainers who have collected 1, 3 star badge and 5, 2 star badges and have passed first round of elimination for a league tournament.

7) Elite: Elite four strength trainers such as Agatha and Bruno of Kanto's Elite Four.

8) Pre-Champion: Strength of the head of the Elite Four. (Future Lance, and Cynthia.)

9) Champion: stronger than all of the Elite Four in a single Region and is recognized as such, by two or more members of the Elite Four. Can be in charge of the Region. (Red Ketchum, Blue Oak, and Green Oak.)

Pokemon Master: has been Recognized as a supreme trainer and has pokemon that can challenge some legendary Pokemon like: the three legendary bird, three legendary dogs, and some other mid tier legendary pokemon. (Professor Samuel Oak.)

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