
Bleeding Heart

"What did you just say?" Hazel demanded, her eyes narrowed. Nazi smirked, her arms folded across her chest.

"Yuka is not as nice as you think and I really think you should get your head out of the clouds before you become Yuka's next victim"

Nazi had a look of satisfaction on her face, she could already sense the doubts that were quickly settling in Hazel's mind.

"Lyraine was just like you. Perhaps, it's the reason why Yuka lured you to him in the first place"

"He did not lure me-"

Nazi rolled her eyes, cutting her off.

"Yeah, yeah. Keep telling yourself that. You would never be able to tell if you were under his influence or not, that's just how powerful he is. Lyraine was also just as naive as you are and it made Yuka capture her mind easily"

Hazel frowned, the wheels in her brain spinning faster.

Was it really true?

Would Yuka do such a thing?

"Yuka was obsessed with Lyraine and when he asked her to be with him instead of Caden, he spelled her. Made her to always think about him. She started to despise Caden and started to fall in love with Yuka. Then, one day, Caden discovered the truth about what Yuka had been doing to Lyraine. He took her to the council members who freed her from Yuka's spell. When Yuka found out about it, he was upset. He secretly went after her again. This time, he tried to force himself on her, but she wouldn't have it. He murdered her in her chambers. There was no way he could lie or pretend that he didn't do it because I saw him. That night, he'd looked like the monster he truly was. That's why he'd been asked to remain isolated in the East wing. He was punished severely before he was isolated " Nazi said, lowering her gaze.

"That can't be true. Yuka isn't capable of doing something as terrible as that" Hazel breathed, tears filling her eyes.

"You know I'm telling the truth. Caden has probably told you why he hates Yuka. Everything does add up, doesn't it?" Nazi asked, feigning a look of sadness.

"Why are you telling me this? You've always hated my guts" Hazel asked with an accusing look in her eyes.

"What? Do you think I'm doing this for you? Not a chance, Hazel. I'm doing this because I know what you mean to Caden. I don't like you, not even one bit. But, I'm warning you because Caden cares about you. That's it. You might want to think about what I have said and keep a good distance from Yuka"

Nazi walked away, leaving Hazel standing on a spot, completely still. Try as hard as she could, she couldn't wrap her head around what she'd just been told.

She really wanted to confront Yuka and ask him about it, but what if Nazi was telling the truth?

Hazel had no clue what to do or what to believe.


Father and son sat directly opposite each other in the royal tearoom. They were all alone, with no guard or maid in sight. Yuka brought his cup of tea to his lips and took a sip. He was dressed in a black tunic and black boots with his hair in a ponytail. His violet eyes were devoid of emotions and his lips were set in a grim line. "Did you get into a fight with your older brother again?"the king asked his son when he noticed the bruise on his son's face.

"What do you think?" Yuka said, his gaze resting on one of the potraits on the wall. It was a portrait of a young woman dancing in the rain. "You know I don't approve it"

Yuka ignored his father's statement.

"Why did you want to have tea with me? You have never done this before. Was Caden not the only one whom you always invited for some father to son bonding time?"

The king lowered his gaze, guilt in his eyes.

"I'm sorry I've always made you feel like you don't mattter to me, Kyazchiyuka"

Yuka met the king's gaze, a weary look in his eyes.

"I know you're sorry"

"I loved your mother so much and everyday, I find myself wishing that I hadn't met Clarice before I met your mother. Your mother was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I'm glad she gave birth to you because everyday, I can see more of her in you. Now, I know that you've been through so much in the hands of your stepmother and I want you to talk to me about it. How are you feeling? You know what day today is, right?"

Yuka lowered his gaze, trying to ignore the growing pain in his heart.

"How can I ever forget?" he croaked, his eyes misting over.

"Lyraine died two years ago on this day and it is on the same day that I watched my son get humiliated without being able to do anything about it"

Yuka closed his eyes, memories of that dreadful day resurfacing in his mind.

"I don't want to talk about it" he rasped, a lump lodging itself in his throat.

"You have to talk about it. I know that wound never healed, Yuka. I know that you're in pain but you won't let yourself admit how much you're hurting, You need to heal and you can only do that when you make peace with yourself. What happened that night, Yuka?"

"Why now, father?" Yuka croaked, a tear rolling down his left cheek.

"I am worried about you and I need to know that you're dealing with your grief the right way"

Yuka lowered his gaze, memories of Lyraine's willowy laughter ringing in his ears. He could remember the way her hazel eyes twinkled when she laughed. He didn't know how he could have murdered her. He knew he didn't do it. But, no one would believe him. And he'd been punished for it. He felt guilty though. He felt guilty for not being able to protect her.


Yuka was awoken by the frantic knock on the door to his chamber. Frowning, he got out of bed and opened the door. Lyraine rushed in and threw herself into his arms, sobbing hysterically. Yuka was worried and as he held her in his arms, he grew even more worried.

"What's wrong, Raine?" he asked and she looked into his eyes, her eyes swollen and bloodshot, her cheeks flushed. "He knows" she cried and his frown deepened.

"Knows what?"

"Caden knows that I'm in love with you. He's so angry-"

Yuka sighed and shut his eyes briefly.


She quickly cut him off.

"I know. I know you warned me. Yuka, I'm in love with you. Why won't you love me back? " she asked, her voice small.

"It's just not right. You will be getting married to my brother in two days. I care about you, I really do. I just don't love you the way you want me to and I'm sorry"

"I don't care, Yuka. I don't care if you don't love me. Just hold me in your arms and protect me. It's enough for me"

The door jerked open and Caden stormed in. Without hesitance, he flung an offensive ball of energy at Yuka's chest. He crumpled to the ground, gasping for air while Lyraine cried out for him. Yuka passed out while Caden grabbed Lyraine's hand and stormed out of Yuka's chamber. By the time Yuka gained consciousness, he found himself in Lyraine's chamber with her lying on her bed, lifeless. Her clothes were torn and the skin of her neck was gruesomely burnt. Stumbling away from her, he let out a cry of an anguish.

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