
Feast for a King

Joyful, excited conversation filled the dining hall, echoing from walls hastily adorned with white and gold banners emblazoned with the golden dragon of Drassin. Long dark oak tables with long wooden benches were set with trenchers, large round slices of stale bread that served as plates, small wooden soup bowls, and the round shallow mazers alongside silver flagons of ale. At the high table of the Knight General were silver goblets and bowls with spoons and knives.

All the hunters were honored in the presence of the king by having their seats at the table closest to the Knight General and the King's entourage. To the king's left, sat a young boy and girl, who couldn't have been older than Imelda, peering uneasily with large wondering grey eyes at the crowded hall. Their freckled faces seemed paler in the dim light of the hall with their reddish blonde hair and white garments. They reminded Markos of the porcelain dolls that Imelda used to play with. To the king's right was Knight General Arand with Helka Iliana and Imelda to the other side of him. All the Arands were clad in black brocade edge with gold.

With the guests in place, and Lord Arand's oldest son having been a participant in the day's hunt, Emilio had gratefully taken his seat beside Markos at the hunters' table. The young lord de Arand was the spitting image of his father in a doublet of black brocade with white trousers. His dark hair was neatly smoothed back. It made Markos wonder what of the late Lady Ophelia was present in her children, not much was spoken of the Lady de Arand. Markos was curious where the Templar that Imelda mentioned had gone. He scanned the hall but didn't see a flaxen haired man in the crowd of knights.

Emilio leaned close to Markos, turning his head slightly to the side and kept his voice low. "Isn't she cold dressed like that?" He tilted his head toward Iliana.

Markos smiled, keeping his voice low. "Remember what the house Fleur said in class? She's an Ember. The fire they carry inside them makes the snow ideal for them. It's why the convents are up in the mountains." He looked at Iliana with some admiration. 'If I held her hand, would it be like touching coals?'

Iliana's gaze shifted towards Markos and his eyes went wide. 'I've been caught!' He looked away with a light blush, tugging at the collar of his black wool doublet with its silver buttons. He quickly lifted his mazer to his lips to hide his expression.

Emilio leaned back with a look of awe. "Templars don't take vows of chastity, do they?"

Markos coughed harshly, hastily lowering the mazer. "Not from what the Fleur said. Many have families. Why?"

Emilio glanced away as he sipped from his own mazer. "Have you seen the Templar that's escorting her? Mel said she saw someone our age with her and the king."

Markos wiped his mouth and avoided the Ember's gaze. "No. He might be in the chapel or something. I didn't notice him earlier either. I know some of the other squires wanted to talk to him too."

"The tests are important. Everyone wants a chance for glory."

"Glory will come in time. Be it here under your father's leadership or out there under the Wolf, Dame Darcy de Castellio."

Emilio's shoulders slump for a moment and his mouth press into a thin line. "You make me feel like foolish, Markos." He dejectedly took a longer drink from his mazer.

Markos reassuring patted his friend's shoulder. "It's not..."

"I doubt a young Lord such as yourself, Lord Arand, need glory to find a comely woman's affections," an amused brassy voice interrupted, as a man with light flaxen hair, cropped short and smoothed back grinned at them with a sunburnt face. He was dressed in a dark blue gambeson with dark grey trousers. His sword was worn in a sheath at his side. He carried himself with an aloof confidence as he sat down beside Markos.

Emilio wrinkled his nose and raised his hand in protest. "I never..."

"Now, I meant no offense, Lord Arand." The knight reached for the flagon and poured some ale into the empty mazer in front of him. "Just putting the pieces together. The benefits of being the heir to a manor is that even if you are induced into the Order of the Holy Sword, your Lordly parents can still secure a nice marriage for you."

Markos rubbed the back of his neck. "Excuse me, Sir, might you be the Templar that accompanied Helka Iliana?"

The knight nodded. "I am," he raised his drink in a minor flourish before he took a drink. "Caelyn Talon."

Emilio opened and shut his mouth with a frown. He nodded and let out a huff. "You already know me. This is Markos Louvel, one of lead hunters. Pleasure to meet you, Sir Talon"

"Pleasure is all mine, young Lord. Please, we are the roughly same age, Caelyn is fine." Caelyn shifted his gaze up to the head table, raising his drink to the Knight General and the King in recognition. When he returned his attention to Markos and Emilio, Markos noticed his eyes were a steely blue. "Now, I warn you. If you must fall in love, don't fall for our beautiful sister. They make a vow of chastity enforced by the gods. Their touch is a two-edged sword - they can kill as easily as they heal."

Emilio glanced back up at the head table at Iliana with a forlorn sigh. "That's unfair."

Markos raised a curious eyebrow and shifted uneasily on the bench. He looked back at Caelyn. "How long have you travelled with her?"

"Since my proving a few months ago. She may seem a delicate thing but she's stronger than you think," Caelyn set his mazer down and shrugged. "We were sent to accompany the king on his journey back to Westfallion. This is on the way, so it seemed prudent."

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