
Chapter 17: All Hail Doom

(3rd Person: POV)

On the night of September 13th, 2006 King Vladimir Fortunov, his family, and any and all of there supporters were finally completely removed from power within the country of Latveria.

Thus clearing the way for its greatest monarch ever.

Victor Werner Von Doom.

A man who would not only change his country, but in time the entire world.


[September 16th, 2006]

(Victor: POV)

Two Doombots following behind me I walked through the halls of the castle I was in.

Noting any and all damages I spotted.

While several other Doombots surveyed the rest of the castle, and its immediate property up to a 15 mile radius in each direction.

Why you ask?

Because I am going to repair this castle and make it better than it ever was.

For it is going to be my new home.

I've even already given it a new name.

Castle Doom.

Of course that's the same name this place had in the comics but as the old saying goes: If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

A rule I am also applying to the rest of Latveria.

Having already re-named the capital city Doomstadt.

In honor of my mother Cynthia.

Whose soul I plan on saving as soon as I can.

But there is still much to do and preparations to be made before that.

After all, only three days have passed since Vladimir, his family, and the rest of their supporters were permanently outsed from power and I became King of Latveria.

Right now the country is in a time of transition, which can be when one is in the most danger.

Thus for my homeland sake, and those of the people who helped place me squarely upon the throne, I must remain cautious and vigilant.

As well as responsible.

I continued my person survey of the castle until I finished.

My last stop being the throne room.

Where I happened to spot Boris and Kristoff.

Along with Lucia and Zora.

All four having accompanied me during my trip here.

The former two because I invited them. While the latter two invited themselves.

Stating they could not allow me, their new king and ruler, to undertake such an endeavor alone.

Really, those two are worrying for nothing.

But I guess since given their new positions, which have them working for me and Latveria as a whole, they have grounds to worry a bit.

Lucia and Zora new jobs being the following.

The former I have named my Prime Minister, just like she was for Latveria in the comics.

Only unlike in the comics she's not working with American supervillains.

Though Lucia has already begun working on a plan to completely overhaul the government, and our foreign relation policies in concert.

She's also working on cleaning up the Latverian diplomatic corps.

Because we cannot have snakes out there ruining the new Latveria new name.

Now as for Zora, given her experience in leading the now former Latverian Resistance for years I have named her Latveria new minister of Defense.

Who is already working on building a new and proper Latverian Defense Force.

For although my Doombots are great I do not want them to become Latveria main army.

I want the people themselves having a say in how their country is protected.

Thus the plan I have in place is for half the LDF (Latverian Defense Forces) to be made up of flesh and blood soldiers and have to be made up of my robotic creations.

Satisfying everyone's needs.

The soldiers who join the LDF in particular.

Since it will give them a purpose and a steady source of income.

Two things many of my fellow countrymen desperately need right now.

But only for right now.

Because once several of my plans come to fruition my people will never have to worry about such trivial things again.

Though one step at a time here.

Joining the others they also slightly bowed to me.

Making me sigh.

Since I have told them all time and time again not to bow to me outside of offical ceremonies even though I am now the king of the country.

Yet they do it anyway.

It's a corny joke, but with them I don't mind.

"Greetings Victor." Zora said. After all four of them stood back up.

"Hello everyone." I said. "So, what are your opinions of my new home? I'm curious to hear what you think."

"It's a dump. But if you fix it up Mr. Victor then I'm sure it will end up being amazing." Kristoff bluntly spoke.

Which I appreciate.

I find his straightfroward answers refreshing.

"Thank you for that Krfistoff." I told him. "And I assume the rest of you share the same opinion?"

The others nodded their heads in agreement.

"Well then guess that means I better get to work on my home improvements." I said.

"Don't you mean having your Doombots get to work on your home improvements." Lucia jokingly spoke.

Eliciting a laugh from all of us.

"Touche." I said. "Anyway on a different note Kristoff may you come with me. There is a private matter I wish to discuss with you."

"Um sure." He replied.

So with that the two of us walked off from the others.

Me leading the young Vernard to one of the balconies with a view of Doomstadt.

The moment we arrived he got a look of child-like wonderment on his face.

"Beautiful sight isn't it?"

"It is." Kristoff replied. He then turned to face me. "So Mr. Victor what did you want to speak with me about in private?"

"Your future." I said. "The truth is Kristoff you remind me a lot of myself at your age. A young man gifted with incredible intelligence beyond his years. As well as a boy who lost his family far too early. Sure I had Boris and the other members of the Zefiro clan, but they truly could never replace my mother and father. Just like I know no one will ever be able to replace your mother. But if you're up for it I would like to make you a part of my family."

"What are you saying?" He asked.

"I'm saying I would like to adopt you. I want you to formally become my son." I finally spoke.

Feeling now is the right time to ask him.

Krfistoff eyes went wide at my proposition. "Are...are you sure?"

"Yes." I easily replied. "It's one of the fewest things I have ever been entirely sure of in my life. I want you to become my son. But the choice is entirely up to you. And just so you know should you accept my offer you will have responsibilities." I said.

Like facing danger.

For as the son of Doom Kristoff will end up with a target on his back.

Yet even with that being the case I still want him as family. For if anyone tries to harm him they will I kill them quickly.

Because I will do anything for my family.

"Of course you don't have to answer now. Take some time and think about it." I said.

"No. I've already decided." Kristoff said. Looking me in my eyes. "I want to be your son."

"Well then alright. Welcome to the family." I happily spoke.

Having just become daddy Doom.

Huh, never thought this day would come so quickly but oh well.

After Kristoff agrees to my proposal we returned to where the others were and told them the news.

All of them congratulating us.

"Victor. To think this is the kind of man you've become. If your parents were here I'm sure they'd be very proud." Boris spoke.

"Thank you Boris." I replied.

"So, having not even taken a queen and our new king already has an heir." Zora mused.

"Well if you're offering to fill the position I'll take you up on it." I replied.

"Oh my, what a tempting offer your majesty." Zora replied.

"Okay you two enough flirting there are things that need to get done." Boris spoke.

Interrupting our flirting.

But that's fine.

There will be plenty of time for it in the future.

But Boris is right there are things that need to get done.

Like preparing for my coronation and announcing to everyone there is a new monarch in town.

Yours truly.

So getting in a move on our little group left Castle Doom and returned to the old royal palace.

Which will now function as the new central government building of Latveria.

Since unlike the original Doom I see no reason to blow up a perfectly good building.

After making our return we got back to work.

Planning my coronation, while also making sure Kristoff became my son in every sense of the world legally.

Which didn't take too long at all.

Thus we found ourselves fully focusing on the coronation event.

Until eventually a month passed and the day of the promised time finally arrived.


[October 30th, 2006]

(3rd Person: POV)

Standing within massive crowds and groups all over their country the people of Latveria focused their attention on giant flat screen monitors that had been set up.

All to witness the days events.

Which the entire country had heard about.

The coronation and crowing of their new king and ruler, Victor Werner Von Doom.

A man who has helped to bring down Vladimir and his regime.

A man who had been providing aid in the form of food, clothes, medicine, housing, etc, ever since he arrived in Latveria all those months ago.

A man who was already working to truly better Latveria.

The people had heard of and seen his dad's first hand.

So with trepidation they waited for the broadcast that would truly signal the end of the old age of Latveria and the beginning of the new one Victor had begun.

As the clock struck 12PM sharp the moment everyone had been waiting for began.

The screens all across the country buzzed to life.

Showcasing Victor, dressed in his armor, with an extravagant cape bearing the flag of Latveria imprinted on both it reting on his shoulders.

He was standing on a makeshift stage.

Surrounded by Boris, Zora, Lucia, and several other high-ranking members of the former Latverian Resistance who were now part of the new legitimate Latverian government.

All of them dressed in formal attire.

There were also two others on the stage.

Rudolfo and Zorba Fortunov.

Both men were on their knees, wearing full body sets of chains.

Several Doombots surrounding them.

Ready to strike if the brothers so much as even sneezed wrong.

The two former royals looked worse for wear.

Heavy bags under their eyes, unruly hair, full untouched bears, and their muscles looked diminished.

Seeing people in such a state would normally elicit some sympathy.

But the people of Latveria had none for their former princes.

Given all the atrocities they had committed against them.

So with smiles on their faces the people of Latveria cheered at the current states of Rudolfo and Zorba.

Though they quieted down as Doom stepped forward.

"People of Latveria. You might already know my name by now, but for those who don't it is Victor Werner Von Doom. Like many of you I was born and raised in this country. And also like many of you I took suffered under the impression of the Vladimir regime. But I am here standing before you today to inform you that time is now over for good. I stand before you today not only as your fellow countrymen but as your new king and leader. I am grateful you have entrusted me with such a position. And I will do my best to live up to your expectations. And should I ever end up turning into something similar to Vladimir I ask that you rise up again and stroke me down. For without its people a country is nothing." Victor spoke. "A lesson the Fortunov royal family never seemed to learn. So now they shall pay for their arrogance and callousness. With their lives."

Victor then raised his right arm into the air after she finished speaking.

Once he did two Doombots, both wielding swords, each took up a position behind the two former princes.

Upon seeing this Doom swung his right arm downard.

When he did the two Doombots decapitated both princes without any hesitation.

Ignoring any and all of their protests.

As the heads of Rudolfo and Zorba hit the stage the people watching, and who were actually present, were stunned into silence.

That is until one person spoke up and broke it.

"Yeah! All hail Doom!" A random guy shouted.

Once he did another said the same thing. Then another, and another until the entire crowd present physically at the coronation/execution began chanting the very same thing in unison.

"All hail Doom! All hail Doom! All hail Doom!"

Their chants grew louder and louder.

But they were not the only ones who got this way.

All across the country everyone began chanting that phrase.

All hail Doom.

Music to the one in questions ears.

Now he was truly Latveria king.

And it felt good.


While Latveria celebrated a new era, so was someone else.

But this person was entering an era of hell.

Chained up in a cell, Doombots forcing him to watch the flat screen feed in front of him Vladimir Fortunov was a wailing and crying mess.

Having just witnessed his own sons getting executed.

"Make it stop! Make it stop!" He cried.

Yet no one could hear his screams, nor would they answer his prayer.

Because now his very existence belonged to Doom.

Truly a fate worse than death.


If you want more go to my paetron, where there are up to five advanced chapters of this story.

Here is the link: patreon.com/ArifuretaForever

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