
Chapter 90 - Daughters of Darkness

Tansy finished stacking some shirts in one of the cubbyholes, glad the day was half over. Wanda took the day off, leaving Sherri and Tansy to run the store. They had a steady stream of customers, keeping them busy with little time to talk, and Tansy enjoyed the brief respite.

Sherri appeared out of the back, two cups of coffee in her hands. “I figured since Wanda wasn’t here, we could enjoy something other than tea. I looked for your vodka, but didn’t find any, so decided on coffee instead.” She smiled as she set the cup on a shelf near Tansy. “You know you should really work on that vodka thing.”

Tansy laughed as she finished putting the shirts in place and then reached for the cup. “I’ll keep that in mind,” she said. “We’ll have to suffer with coffee for now, I’m afraid.”

Sherri made a dramatic sigh. “Fine, I guess I’ll suffer through.” She chuckled as she moved to sit behind the front counter, sipping her coffee as she walked.

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