
Chapter 9

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn

Checkout My P.A.T.R.E.O.N

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(~30 chapters in advance)

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Chapter 9

Title: Training...


Max looks around him and sees the many other marines lined up. He has already gotten his Marine uniform and is wearing it. 

"Okay recruits!!" Calls out a tan man with a goatee. He too is wearing a uniform, but he also has some small modifications to it. "My name is Hartman, and that is all that you need to know! I will be training you till you either die or become marines!!"

His yells vibrate through the yard, and many marines wince at this. Max on the other hand has a serious look on his face. He too wants to be a marine and training here is his first step to doing that.


For the next four hours or so, Max and the others truly train till they fall. The criminals in North Blue aren't as weak as in East Blue, so the marine training on this side of the world is harsher. But he didn't mind it at all, he has a smile on his face the whole time as the drill sergeant (Hartman) has him run around till he falls down. At least he was within the high end of the spectrum as he fell.

But Max wasn't satisfied with this, so once he recovered his stamina, which only took less than ten minutes for him. He is back on his feet and running around, doing pushups, squats, chin-ups, and obstacle courses. 

'To become so strong in around six months, Coby trained till he fell unconscious. I will do the same and more since I have the Bear Bear Fruit, I can recover quicker and train more for better results.' Contemplates Max as he keeps running around. He plans to play his advantages as a Zoan to its full potential. 


Hartman looks at this and smiles as he notices Max training way harder than the others. Also, his recovery speed is downright frightening.

That is also what impressed Hartman, young men like these become the future of the marines. Even the Admirals, all came from small places like this and they just showed impressive feats.


Night comes about, and it is eighteen hours since the training has started. Yet Max is still running around the obstacle courses, doing pushups, squats, and much more.

The other marines are all asleep now… but Hartman looks at this in amazement, to him it feels like watching a young monster in his growth phase. He feels that if he goes to sleep like the others, he will come to regret it. 

'But really though, I am getting tired just looking at him. The brat gets so exhausted that he falls on the ground, but then gets back up not minutes later, fully energized.'


Max, on the other hand, is in a trace. 'Damn, everything hurts, I feel like my legs have become noodles and my arms like broken branches about to fall off a tree.'

His body was in pain, he was only moving due to willpower now, wanting to push himself even more. His fruit helps him recover his stamina, but even that has a limit as he isn't a machine that can just recharge and be ready to go.

His muscles are torn and torn… all over again… but once he heals up, he knows that he will become stronger than he already is.

He must put in hard work like no other because in three years he plans to compete against monsters of the highest caliber.

Three months pass as Max trains his body down to a pulp. Every day he trains over sixteen hours a day, the exercises getting heavier and heavier. His body also gets taller and he builds muscles, he went from being 165cm tall to 177cm… 

Max is shirtless and meditating in the cold snow. He is going through some basic training to truck his system to keep his body's heat even when in the cold. It was possible in his last world, so he can do it here now too.

'It's so fu*king cold.' Complains Max, because while it was possible in his last world, it doesn't just make it easier.

It isn't his power that is the problem, it is his control over his body. He plans to learn some Rokushiki, those techniques are something that can help him in any fight, they are all useful. It turns one's body into a weapon, plus with his Zoan Devil Fruit, it will be perfect. 

"Oy! Max, get ready and stop your lame meditation training!" Calls out one of the marines that have gotten friendlier with Max as they have been here.


Suddenly an explosion rings out next to the marines head. He is shocked, he looks at the wall and sees a stone embedded into it. He looks back at Max who he sees has his hand extended.

"Oy! Answer like a normal human!! You could have killed me!!" Yells out the marine in full-on panic.

Max gets up and dusts some of the snow off himself. "Don't worry, I have good aim."

"No, you don't! I have never seen you throw rocks!" Complains the man, feeling like his whole life flashed before his eyes… though it was only the weird moments that he would rather keep to himself.

"Hm? Then you should stop trying to annoy the guy who can't throw his stones good." Says Max, with a smile on his face.

"You knew it was a joke!"

"Sheesh, are you gonna complain about such trivial things for so long?"

"It's my life we are talking about here, it's not trivial!" 


Another stone is thrown by Max and this one almost hits the marine in the head.

"Then tell me why you came here and stop taking chances with your life." Max shrugs. "It feels like you are suicidal."

"Damn it, I don't know why I am even friends with you." Complains the man, doubting his psyche. But once he sees Max crouch down to pick another rock, he immediately starts talking. "The captain called every one, we have some new pirates that are causing a ruckus around these parts."

"Huh… what are their names?" Max asks, wondering if it was anyone he knew about.

"They are called the steel Cutlass Pirates. Their boss has a bounty of 83,000,000 and he is the biggest fish in North Blue. Apparently, he even was in the Grand Line."

Once Max hears that he smiles. But then he comes back to his senses. "Wait, can we even handle someone like that?"

"Hell no." He answers immediately. "But the Headquarters is sending in reinforcements, so no need to worry about it."

"So what will we be doing in the meantime?" Asks Max, but his marine friend shrugs.

"Probably just gonna harass them so they can't land on an island. That way they don't get any resources to get out of North Blue."

Max nods at that. Sometimes marines engage pirates that they have no chance of defeating for this reason. Also, one good cannonball shot and the pirates are trapped within the ocean.


In the end, Max puts on his uniform and meets up with the rest. 

"Oh, look, it's Max."

"If we have him with us then there is nothing to fear."

"Yeah, he is crazily strong."

"You think he is stronger than the captain?"

"Probably, I mean have you heard the captain's name. His name is Pegasus, that sounds gây. Max is a more manly name."

"What? That doesn't make sense. How can a name have anything to do with it?"

"You don't understand bro, it has everyone to do with it."

Hartman, sees the young marines whispering amongst themselves and he yells out. "Everyone!! Attention!!"

That grabs everyone's attention. He then looks at Max and says. "Petty Officer Max, you will be our secret weapon. I want you to sneakily destroy the Cutlass Pirate's ship. I don't care how because as long as you do it, you will be guaranteed a big promotion."

Hartman looks at Max with high expectations, though he is young, he has made a very good impression on everyone. Even the cooks and chore boys are fond of him. 

"Sure, I will take care of it." Max accepts casually, seeing no need to refute such an offer. 


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