
Reincarnated in Naruto, Yeah Naruto

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This is Gonna be short Chapter's ok ok, I'll try to improve it ok, And English is not my First Language so bare with it. And I don't own Naruto, And i upload whenever i want cause im lazy but hardworking, oh forgot to tell Pairings are NarutoxHinata, Idc what ya'll say, no harem to complicated and Mc gonna be Slightly OP

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Chapter 1Reincarnated as Naruto

Name's Andrew, and i'm like 16 i think, Well i supposed that I'll tell you some things about me, first of all im dead, and how did i die?, Well maybe your expecting Truck-sama or some God killed me and gave me a chance to reincarnate, Nope i saved someone's Grandma from a robber and unfortunately i got stabbed in the groin, Yeah of all place's he picked my groin and now im in some kind of Insane Asylum.

???:"Hello Young one, You are here toda-

Andrew:"Cut to the chase, Your some kind of God that will give stuff right?"


God:"Yes i will give you the chance to reincarnate accompanied by 5 wishes that you desire"

Andrew:"Sweet, Thank you Novel's and Fanfiction's that i've read to much of"

Andrew:"Alright so i already know that you can reincarnate anywhere even in anime, Let's see here, Hmm Dragon Ball? Nah too much screaming, One Punch Man? I'll think about it NOT!, One Piece? Pirate's are cool but it's One Piece, Naruto? Yeah Cool Ninja's, Alright I want to Reincarnate in Naruto as Naruto"

God:"Ok it's acceptable now for your 5 wishes"

Andrew:"Alright so i already have Kurama, Hmm i wish for a Sage Body!"

God:"Well atleast you have some Braincells left to accompany you after your death, Next wish"

Andrew:"HEY THE HELL!, Tch whatever, Okay so my second wish issssss....., Sharingan, nah that's for the pussies, Alright ok i think i have one I WISH FOR ME TO HAVE THE ADMANTINE CHAINS!"


Andrew:"That's what you get for insulting me, Hmph!"

God:"Ugh next wish"

Andrew:"Ok i want Jugo's Bloodline, and remove the side affects of it like mentality instability and urge to kill someone"

God:"Next wish"

Andrew:"Hmm Swift Release?, Yeah i wish for swift release"

God:"Okay your final wish"

Andrew:"Do i want to change my appearance?, Hmm maybe i can change myself to look like Gojo, Nah waste of a wish, How about some change's with my lil bro, Nah i think Naruto already has a Big Juicy Brother, Not that i know, Hmm how about i create a Dojutsu, Ok i guess i am a pussy i wish i have a dojutsu that has the ablities of the Sharingan and The Byakugan, Oh and when i activate my Sharingan change the appearance to my Blue eye's so that nobody see's that i have the Sharingan And like the Sharingan it can be Upgraded to Mangekyou, Eternal and to a green 8 tomoe Rinnegan cuz why the fuck not"



God:''Alright now of you go and goodluck"

And suddenly the God snaps his finger like Thanos and my concious was gone.

[Lol this isn't an official novel yet, im trying to see if this will turn out good, if it does then i'll try to upload more chapter's, But im a lazy person so you'll gonna get like 1 Chapter a week i know i'm lazy ok well keep your stick on the ice]

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MrBoness · Aktion
194 Chs
Volumen 1