
Landing at Centraxus

Prince Aerus, Prince Phoko, Saderus, and several other servants finally left for Centraxus. They had sent a visit permit there. The response given was very good, it was a relief.

Hamdi was behind the wheel to pilot the Elipsis Plane. He had been in that job for a very long time. But not once had he landed a plane on the ground of Centraxus. Various feelings of indecision and nervousness overtook him, even more than the nervousness when he rode the plane for the first time in his life.

Everyone, except Prince Phoko, was the same. They were anxious, they were nervous. Centraxus was a large planet with a high race. When they were in the land of Centraxus then all the advantages and powers they had may mean nothing. They wouldn't be able to save themselves from the lightest of attacks if there were bandits in the way.

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