
Prefered to be Respected Than to be Loved

How could Princess Harya take her eyes off Sengko? A man who had given her a very high blow amid her Mirah's energy explosion.

The princess wouldn't be able to forget how shrewd Sengko was about it, and how soft but demanding at the same time Sengko was. Hedos was handsome, but there were too many innocent sides that didn't challenge the princess.

"Sengko!" Princess Harya hugged Sengko's body spontaneously. It was as if she had missed him, especially in the long seconds leading up to dawn. A void that wanted to be explored, and also filled with overflowing love.

She tightly hugged Sengko as if to describe that she wanted to crush the man's body. The distinctive aroma of Sengko, like earth and also the skin of reptiles. For some reason, it was still intoxicating for Princess Harya, especially when the nerves in her body wake up and reminisce about those good times.

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