
First Flight

So how am I going to feed the bird? Simple I'm going to have it feed itself. He has two legs, and can hide from trouble just fine. He can steal grain or something. Muninn says he's fine with that.

Yes I named him after one of Odín's Ravens. I thought it was fitting.

After another weeks practice I have some of the basic moves of a sword down packed.

If you asked me to fight someone I'd likely lose though because first I'm three and a half years old, and second I only know the movements not how to fight which is huge.

Currently I am sitting on my study's balcony on one of Alfred's thick branches. He's also making sure I'm confortable with a vine strapped to me. How nice is he.

"What a good tree", I say while petting him.

[He's terrified you'll fall. He's wrapped around you to make sure you don't fall off him and the balcony due to you constantly losing focus.]

I'm not stupid so I forsure won't fa—-

Fall. See I caught my balance.

[Because you are hanging onto Alfred's Vine]

Anyway right now I'm waiting for Muninn to fly outside the mountain. It's a sight I've been dying to see.

One of the reasons I've been losing my balance is due to my multitasking.

While monitoring the log, my own body, and Muninn's telepathic vision he's sharing with me, my mind is getting quite taxed.

I've been practicing being ambidextrous for a while with my hands the last two weeks. It's already extremely difficult to do so with my hands; Imagine me multi-tasking thoughts. It's extremely brutal multitasking thoughts in conjunction with actions. Every now and then I'll slip off this branch.

This is a type of training I've devised to get used to it. I'm very content with it but Alfred is nervous. He thinks if I die my parents will chop me down.

I told him not to worry, if I die my parents will likely build a boat out of his wood so my corpse can sail the frozen sea with him for eternity. Just a typical Viking funeral.

[You really know how to make light of anything]

As Muninn flew over the city I saw a lot of important buildings covered in runes. Some of them glowed. I didn't ask Muninn to stop to look yet. There will be plenty of times for that later. I urged him to go as fast as possible. The gate is just ahead.

The exit to the outside is akin to a giant crack in the mountain. There's two giant statues of past Tribal kings on each side.

The gate is pure metal and it's locking mechanism seems to be a metal beam. I can't really tell since the gate is wide open.

Then there's a large hall. I see several large rooms carved into the side on the mountain on Muninn's left and right. It looks like a processing center. I notice some underground passages as well. From the thoughts Muninn is reading, there's a dungeon and policing center. There's quite a lot of security.

The stone used in this corridor seems to flow in a rainbow colored fashion like diamonds. I've read that the Giant blacksmiths of old forged this corridor into such hard material that it resembled diamonds.

I'm guess this is as close to a rainbow bridge as I'll ever get.

Flying out the gate the first thing i see is white. Snow covers a vast town. It seems there's a large town outside the mountain. There's not a lot of visitors because there's not a lot of people for the size of this town. I'm not surprised though. We are in the middle of winter.

I do see some interesting people though. Most people in the tribe are fairly tall but there are several distinguishing features that set each tribe apart.

The Forest Jotunn's have Cream to white colored skin and dark hair. They have blue to green eyes. They are usually thinner and a bit taller than Asgardians. The Asgardians have more of a range. They typically have Auburn, Brown, or Blonde hair. Their eyes have darker tones with hazel green being the lightest. Asgardians are also fairly stocky. Big muscles and tone bodies all around except for a few outliers like the fat merchant I see in the corner of Muninn's vision. Asgardians have a range of skin pigments between Cream colored to tan like latins back home. My father told me that tanner Asgardians are from the south and experience more sun. Also a lot of Asgardians were fishermen and traveling by boat easily tans the skin. He himself spent some time in the south as a child during the last tribe war.

And speaking of war, I see some shady characters walking around. I could guess who they were, but I asked Muninn to get a closer look anyway which confirmed my suspicion.

They were desert devils or Descendants of the Damned. Dark features. Hair that almost seemed burnt. The closest race I could compare them to would be Egyptian but they have feature that only a descendent could have. Their eyes were Red like fire, hair white like snow and darker skin. It was a rare combination and therefore easily recognizable.

I for one am glad to see they are here actually. As long as their here attempting to purchase food, the less likely their tribe declares war for pillaging.

I've heard my tribe isn't xenophobic and welcomes all tribes. It's part of the reason The Forest Giants and us have such a good relationship. The desert tribe on the other hand... let's just say our relationship has been rocky at most and hostile at worst.

You see their magic has something to do with darkness and death. It's apparently foul to the Forest Giants and the druids who are apart of it. Because of that, they are usually in direct conflict. This leaves the Asgardians as peace keepers at times and soldiers in others.

Ironically enough, according to Norse mythology, it was the Fire giants, Hel, and the Frost giants that eventually destroy Asgard come ragnarok, but here the Asgardians are the child in the relationship between the warring parties.

According to my father, this time of peace has only been a recent event. He very much welcomes it but is always prepared for war.

Apparently, an event three and a half years ago put a lot of hostilities on halt.

Ringing any bells?

Yea the reason we have peace currently is me. I'm the first baby to be born of a union of two tribes ever.

The Goddess wasn't lying when she said my parents tried really hard to have me. It was because of this.

There was a lot of if's on whether it could even happen. Apparently both bloodlines are so strong in humans that they directly conflict causing no babies to survive the merger.... and no babies have.

The Goddess didn't have to confirm this one and I figured it out in my own. This body I inhabit belongs to a dead fetus. The Goddess connected me to this body knowing the soul in it wouldn't last.

The king and queen chalked it up to the really powerful Druid magic they were using to impregnate my mother. I knew the truth though.

He technically died before being born and I'm just a home invader. I have no qualms though since the home was already on fire.

In any case this has resulted in some parties believing if it can happen once, it can likely happen again. Their hope is if they can merge all the bloodlines together, they can restore the original Horned Titan Ymir's bloodline.

Yea there's some differences between Norse mythology and the mythology of this world. Apparently the great cow which nourished Ymir in Norse mythology never existed. In this world, the legends say the horned Titan Ymir coupled with a Goddess who bore him all the giants. Hel's denizens are included because Hel's denizens were originally Frost giants who were charged with guarding Hel.

So basically I'm a miracle baby with the potential to reunite all the tribes. The reason why the desert tribe has been so peaceful is because their hoping to wed some princess to me.

There are of course a lot of dissenters. Death threats have been announced from several factions already. Most from the more sandy variety who fear what a child of mixed blood leading the Asgard could become.

Which has led to my current situation of having to use a bird to see the outside world. I'm locked in the palace until I'm strong enough to protect myself in disguise.

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