
Thank You, Ceri

"Go and get the doctor", Ceri ordered Alys.

The feeling that had gone for a short time, came back in full force. [Who- this lady is telling me to do something with such audacity], Alys thought. But she didn't have an option. 

Grudgingly, she slowly walked out of the area and went in search of the doctor.

When she found him, Alys discovered that it was hard to face the doctor and talk to him. he felt exposed and naked standing before him. It was like he knew all her secrets.

Alys felt shy in front of the doctor.

He watched her struggle with herself. "What is the problem?", he asked her, She had come to his office and was suddenly quiet. [This is one strange girl], the doctor thought.

"The- The queen just uttered a word", Alys said with her hands intertwined behind her and her feet making circles on the floor.

"Oh! That is good news", the doctor exclaimed. "Let us go. Let us go and see her", he said with such a wide smile on his face.

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