

Every one of Leonel's words was like another knife through Talon's heart. The Barbarian knew that Leonel was only speaking so much precisely to attack his psyche, but did it matter when it was true? 

He still remembered Leonel's words from back then, and right now, he was being forced to face them again without even a chance to refute. 

He couldn't even feel the pain in his chest. It wasn't greater than what the Regulator had done to him. And even if it had been, it wouldn't overcome what was in his heart. 

His psyche had taken a great blow and his gaze became a bit vacant. 

The vitality of a Barbarian Race existence was massive, probably even more than Leonel and his Life State Vital Star Force, even when his Northern Star Lineage Factor was taken into account. 

As such, definitely the blade through his chest, Talon wasn't even close to dying, but did it matter? 



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