

'Talking to their werecat'


Mikey's P.O.V.

After a couple hours of swimming and playing in the water with Theo. Deciding to get out and take a break, I look around the pond for Theo. Unable to find him I frown slightly thinking that he probably got out already. I start to make my way out of the water when I am suddenly grabbed and picked up into the air. Letting out a yelp I automatically latch onto what is holding me. Feeling bare skin and muscle under my skin I open my eyes and my face turns beet red within seconds. As it is Theo who is holding me against his chest allowing me to feel his muscles through my shirt. "I'm sorry kitten I wasn't trying to scare you."

I hide my face into his neck as I pout slightly. "Meanie."

Theo chuckles slightly causing a slight rumble to leave his chest. "I said I'm sorry kitten."

Leaning his face down he starts to cover me in kisses which causes me to giggle as his stubble tickles my face. Playfully I try to push his face away causing me to end up wiggling in his arms a bit. "Theo that tickles."

Pulling away slightly he chuckles a large smile spreading across his face. "Oh, does it now?"

Noticing the playful look in his eyes I quickly try to wiggle away as I know what he is going to do. "No, it doesn't."

Without hesitation Theo starts to cover me in kisses while also tickling my skin with his growing stubble. Causing me to burst out in uncontrolled laughter as I try to escape from his grasp. Though I am not actually trying to get away from him as this is the most I have truly laughed in my whole life. Eventually he does stop the onslaught of ticklish kisses causing my laughter to die down. "Alright lets actually get you out of the water then."

I blink slightly confused until I remember that Theo is still standing in the water as he is holding me. Getting out of the water Theo sets me down on the picnic blanket not seeming to care if it gets wet. Pulling a towel out of the basket he wraps it around me before grabbing a set of dry boxers as well. Grabbing his shirt, he offers it to me along with a pair of boxers. "I didn't think to bring extra shirts, so just wear mine for now. We don't want you catching a cold."

I blush deeply at the idea of wearing Theo's shirt even though it isn't the first time I've worn his clothes before. But I didn't really know him the first time he was just a stranger who turned out to be my mate. Thanking him I take the clothing while keeping the towel wrapped closely around me. Getting up I head to the cabin to get changed in like last time. Setting them down on the counter I remove my soaking wet clothes before drying myself off completely.

Once I am fully dried off, I slip on the dry clothing. Putting the shirt on I can't help but smile as I breath in Theo's scent. Which is when I realize that I had forgotten my pants as well as my socks and shoes over at the picnic basket. Embarrassed that I had forgotten them I peek out the cabin door to see if I see Theo. Not seeing him I take my chance to save myself from embarrassment. Slipping out of the cabin I quickly head to the picnic blanket without being spotted or, so I though.

Hearing the snapping of a twig I freeze panicking as deep down I am afraid that it is Raphael coming to take me back to his pride. "Mikey are you okay kitten?"

Turning around I automatically relax when I see that it is Theo behind me. "Yes, I am alright I just heard a stick snap it startled me."

"Are you okay now though?"

"Yeah, I'm okay now."

Theo walks over and kisses me on the temple make me relax more as I smile softly. Which of course when I blush when I see what he is wearing. As I am wearing his t-shirt which leaves Theo in only a pair of jeans. "Are you sure kitten you look flustered?"

"Yes, I am sure I am flustered for other reasons."

"Oh, and what reasons would that be kitten?"

I can feel my face get redder as his eyes meet mine. In my hesitation Chase takes advantage of the situation and takes over. As next thing I know I am kissing Theo my arms being wrapped around his neck as my fingers thread themselves through his hair. Theo all to happily kisses me back as a faint growl escapes from him. It sounds happy and also slightly territorial. Though it wasn't in a bad way as I actually found myself loving the sound. When I realize why I pull away from Theo about to apologize when he speaks first. "You are showing pre-heat symptoms. That means your heat is only a couple weeks away."

While chewing at my bottom lip nervously I nod as I am also cursing Chase out in my head. Though it didn't seem to faze him as Chase was giggling excitedly. As he talks over me in excitement about being able to become properly bonded to Theo and Kyle. As well as being able to carry their kits. I would be lying if I said I hated the idea of being properly boned with Theo and starting a family. Though I feel safe around Theo, and I know he would never treat me the way Raphael did. The thought of mating with him made me nervous and anxious especially if he finds out that he isn't my first. "When we decide to head back, we can go see Doctor Heather to put you on heat suppressers if that is what you want. Unless you would like to go back now."

My eyes snap to look up at him in shock and surprise at what he just said. As in my old pride if the dominate male notices their mate showing any signs of going into heat, they would take advantage of the state it puts their mate in immediately. While this made me happy it did not make Chase very happy as he quickly takes over. "No, I don't want to wait."

Though I can only watch I can see that Theo noticed the change right away. "Hello Chase."

Chase huffs at him as he tries to be made at him for his suggestion. "Hello."

Theo sits down and without hesitation Chase quickly gets into his lap. Theo wraps his arms around our waist and kisses the top of our head. "You are mad with me why is that?"

"I don't want to wait. I want to be your mate now."

Though Theo smiles I can't help but roll my eyes at Chase's antics as he sounds like a whiney child. "I know you don't want to wait, but what about Mikey does he want to wait?"

Chase looks away as he already knows I want to wait. "Chase."

Chase's and my attention snap back to Theo in a heartbeat when he hears the deep rumble in his voice. Though it isn't Theo who is looking at us it is Kyle. "K-Kyle..."

Chase becoming a flustered mess because he realizes that he is talking to Kyle. "Hello my little speedster."

Chase giggles happily as he blushes deeply, and I can't blame him. "I hear that you don't want to wait, but Mikey does."

His giggling stops as he looks at Kyle with a pout. "I want to be yours."

"And we want to be yours both of yours."

A shiver runs up our spine when we hear him say this. "We aren't going to leave you either of you. We don't have to rush this either because we want both of you to want this. How about we make compromise?"

"A compromise what kind of compromise?"

"You let Mikey take the heat suppressers and in exchange we will mark you. though not a permeant mark this one is temporary it would go on your wrist. we will redo it every time you want it would last a week."

Chase hums as he thinks about it. 'Would you be okay with that Chase?'

'Yes, under one condition.'

'What condition is that?'

'I want us to have more physical times like before we went shopping or before we went to see Doctor Heather though without the interruptions. I'm not saying we go all the way I'll let you set the limit, but when he does our mark, I want that with our mate.'

I hesitate as I think about the deal for a bit. Eventually deciding that I found the deal fair I agree with him. ' Alright that is fine with me.'

Chase happily thanks me as he explains the deal to Kyle and Theo. As I know I most certainly wouldn't be able to tell them what we agreed on without getting as red as a tomato. They talk for a bit longer before Chase lets me have control back as Kyle does the same for Theo. His eyes staying sunset orange, so that he can see me. "We can do the mark after we see Doctor Heather if that is fine with you."

Deciding to follow Chase's bold lead for once as well as feeling some of the symptoms of my pre-heat I shake my head no. "No."

"Oh, okay if you want to wait longer than that is fine with us. We want you to be ready."

"I don't want to wait I want you to mark us now... please."

Theo's eyes study for a second as if to make sure that it is me and not Chase saying this. Which of course causes my confidence to waver and my face to start to turn red with blush. "Unless you don't want too th-..."

I am cut off when Theo covers his lips with mine. "I don't want to wait either."

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