
Meeting My Mate

‘Talking to their cat.’

~Mind link~

Theo’s P.O.V. (Theodore)

I was sleeping peacefully when I was woken up by the voice of my second-in-command Axle in my head as he opened a mind link between us. ~Theo are you still asleep?~

~I was, but not anymore. What is it?~

~We found a male rogue at the edge of the territory.~

~Alright you know how to handle rogues, is there an issue.~

~Well not exactly, it's just that this one seems different. He is young, maybe in his late teens. There shouldn’t be a reason for some at his age to be a rogue. That and I don’t know why, but Luca just feels very protective over him and to be honest I’ll admit I feel the same way. I don’t why and neither does he. Also Heath wants to be the one to handle him.~

Hearing this I can’t help, but frown at what Axle says. It makes no sense for him and his leopard to feel protective over a random rogue he just met. Though at the mention of Heath I can’t help, but inwardly let out a groan. As of late Heath has been causing me some issues as he is trying to take charge in areas, he has no right to be doing so. ‘We need to deal with him and put him in his place.’

‘Yes, I am well aware of that Kyle.’


Cutting off my conversation with Kyle, I let myself get pulled back into my conversation with Axle. ~Yeah alright fine I’ll be right there just give me a chance to put on some actual clothes first.~

Hearing Axle chuckle I roll my eyes as I can practically sense the smile on his face. ~Of course, my King. I’ll have Katie waiting for you at the doors.~

~Alright I’ll be there soon.~

Cutting off the mind-link connection I let out a groan as I buried my face back into my pillow. After a few seconds I sit up in bed rubbing the remaining remnants of sleep from my eyes. Throwing off the covers I carefully remake my bed making sure there isn’t even a wrinkle in the sheet. Before I neatly fold the comforter down to the foot of the bed. Once I am sure that it is done just right, I head to the bathroom. Knowing I don’t have time for a shower right now I decided to brush my teeth first. Finding my way to the sink I reach out in front of me for the handle on the medicine cabinet. Reaching for my toothbrush my hand ends up finding my medication instead. Frowning at this I go to pull my hand away only for it to be forcefully stopped. ‘Kyle.’

‘No don’t start with me. You and I know both know that you need to take your meds. If you don’t, I’ll be an issue for you all day.’

Letting out a low growl knowing that this is not an empty threat. ‘Take your meds or I will tell Katie as well.’

‘Alright Alright you don’t have to go that far.’

Grabbing my medication, I unscrew the cap being glad that I figured out how to get it, so that the child proof function is no longer a problem. Removing a pill from the bottle I pop it into my mouth and swallow it dry. Screwing the cap back on I make sure to put it back exactly where it had been before. Then I move my hand over slightly to the left, finding my toothbrush and toothpaste. Brushing my teeth, I start to think about what Axle said. That he and Luca for some unexplainable reason feels protective of this rouge. It makes no sense as it is a person even though on the younger side, he is still a rogue not a member of the pride. There is also no chance that this rogue is his fated mate. As he is straight most of the time plus has already found his fated mate who happens to be my little sister. So, his protective instincts for this rogue really don’t make any sense. Spitting out my toothpaste I let out a heavy sigh. Rinsing out my mouth I then wash my face quickly.

After drying my face, I put everything away making sure I didn’t leave a mess behind me. As I then head to my closet to find something to change into. Eventually I found a pair of slacks and a nice button up shirt. Slipping them on, I decide to grab a pair of matching shoes. Tying them quickly I then get up and grab my sunglasses slipping them on as I leave my room. Deciding to skip breakfast I just head straight to the dungeon. When I get there, I am suddenly tackled by my sister in a greeting. Letting out a groan at the sudden tackle I wrap my arms around her waist. “Good morning, Katie.”

“Good Morning Theo. Did you sleep alright?”

“Yes, I slept fine.”

Once Katie lets me go, I then let her go in return making sure she is steady on her feet. “Have you seen the rogue?”

“Yeah, I was the one who caught him and his scent. The poor kid looks so malnourished and scared. I have never smelt so much fear on someone before. I know he is a rouge, but I don’t think that he is a threat. I think he is just a scared kid who is running from something.”

Hearing this I hum softly at Katie’s opinion on the matter. “Did Axle talk to you about how he and Luca are feeling towards the rogue?”

“You mean their protective instinct towards the rogue?”

“I do.”

“Then yes, he talked to me about it. It is strange and I would be lying if I said we didn’t feel the same protectiveness over him. I don’t know if it is because he is also a cheetah or not. Maybe that is why Axle is feeling so protective as well.”

Frowning I run a hand through my hair as this does grow my curiosity and my confusion. “Alright then let's go see this rouge and get this all figured out.”


At this she loops her arm through mine and walks into the dungeon. Leading me straight to the cell that this strange rouge is being held in. Though as we start to get closer my nose can’t help but start twitching at this smell that quickly catches my attention. The smell being, so captivating, so intoxicating that I couldn’t get enough of it. Just the faint whiff of this scent was driving Kyle mad. As I could feel my own heart rate start to pick up. The smell being a mixture of Mexican vanilla, the forest floor after an early morning rain and cherry plums. That is when Kyle growls out the words that I was now expecting, yet still surprised to hear. ‘Mate! Ours! Our Mate!’

Despite these being the words, every shift can’t wait to hear when I hear this, I can’t help but feel fearful. My skin crawling with anxiety and dread that my mate is only a few feet away from me. I didn’t care that he is a rogue or that he is a guy as I wasn’t exactly interested in women. Without even meeting him yet I knew that I already loved him and that my mate was perfect. My fear came from the thought that he would reject me in a second. Yes, I may be the King of a strong and powerful pride, but I am still a blind king. Which did make other pride kings question me and look down on me often for my disability. It makes my rule a constant fight to prove to the other kings that my pride and I am not to be taken lightly. Despite having earned some of the Kings' respect and even friendship I still have to fight. Even though I was blessed with a rare and powerful were-cat who still has his sight.

Knowing that I am now a few feet from my mate terrifies me as who would want a blind man for a mate. Not that I would blame him for rejecting me if he did. It would be a big adjustment and ask for anyone. “Theo you, okay?”

“Hm? Oh yes, I am alright.”

Katie immediately stops in her tracks suddenly. Which in turn causes me to stumble as I hadn’t been expecting her to stop like that. “Really Katie, a bit of warning before you stop like that would be really appreciated.”

“Then you shouldn’t lie to me.”

I open my mouth to argue but decide against it as I can feel Katie’s stern graze on me. “Alright Alright you win I’ll talk.”

With this Katie starts to walk with me again. “Good now what’s wrong?”

“That rogue is my mate.”

This time I prepared myself for Katie to suddenly stop as I was expecting it. “Wait really? He is your mate.”

“I believe so, but we both know that I won't know for sure till I meet him.”

'He is our mate, don't doubt that.'

"Well then let's have you two meet and find out for sure."

Katie opens the door and leads me down the stairs to the cells. The smell of silver burning my nose a bit, but I ignore it as I have grown used to the uncomfortable feeling. Though the smell of my mate is much stronger than the smell of the stinging silver. My heart aching as I can smell the fear and anxiety mixed in with his scent. As we reach the bottom of the stairs, I can sense Heath bow his head to me as he speaks. "My King, I thought you were heading to the meeting with the other neighboring prides' kings."

"I called him. Theo is our King, and he is the one who decides what happens to all trespassers, not you Heath."

Hearing a growl slip out from Heath towards Axle my already growing agitation for him grows a bit stronger. "Don't growl at your second-in-command. You are not the pride's enforcer nor are you second-in-command. So, you don't make these decisions remember your place, Heath."

Making my tone of voice low and cold I let out a threatening growl as I warn him. Though as soon as I do I freeze when I hear a frightened whimper come from the direction of the cells. Which causes my head to snap towards the direction of the source in a second. 'Our mate is scared. We scared our mate. We need to comfort them and apologize.'

"Axle open the cell door."

"Are you sure Theo? He could lash out and he seems terrified."

Though I knew he was male it was the first time I processed that my mate was male. Which makes me smile happily slightly.

"Yes, Axle, I am sure."

~Hey what's your plan Theo?~

~No one is to harm him. He is our mate.~

~Wait really?! Congratulations it's about time you found your mate.~

As he unlocks the cell, I mentally roll my eyes at his antics. ~Yeah, yeah very funny. Just hurry up and open the cell door.~

~Of course my King.~

Once the cell door is properly open, I let go of Katie's arm. Stepping into the cell I follow his scent to try and figure out where my mate is. Finding that he is close to the stone wall of the cell I kneel in front of him. My nose twitches slightly to make sure that I am actually in front of him. Once I am sure that I am in front of him I slowly reach out to him. Though just before I make contact with him, I can feel him flinch away. As he takes in a sudden sharp breath as the smell of fear in his scent grows. Which makes me mentally curse myself as I didn't want to scare him even more than he already is. Yet I only made things worse. Knowing that my mate is so skittish and terrified hurt my heart. Though it also confused me as to what could have happened to make him like this. Knowing better than to try again I pull my hand away from him. I am about to say something to him when of course Heath decides to step into the cell and make stupid decision of speaking. "My King we should just kill this trespasser and be done with him."

At this Kyle snaps as he lets out a snare as he comes to the surface in a rage. Taking over my body my sight returns to me as he takes over. Grabbing Heath by the neck we slam his back hard into the silver bars. He lets out a hiss in pain as we snarl at him. "You will not harm what is ours! Our Mate!"

I bare my fangs at him forcing him to submit to me as my King's aura suffocates him. "I'm sorry, my King, I didn't know that he was your mate."

"Theo your nose."

Hearing Axle's voice I force Kyle back as my sight returns to darkness. Letting go of Heath I hear him drop to the ground as I bring my hand to my nose. Which is when I feel the familiar warm sticky liquid that is blood against my fingertips. Quickly I wipe the oozing blood from my face to keep it from running any farther down my face. Once I am sure that I no longer have blood on my face I glance at my mate. As I can feel his anxiety and stress through our newly forming mate bond. I try to give him a soothing and apologetic smile as he had to see me act like this. “Katie take him to the pride house for me and let him get cleaned up, have the doctors give him a full exam and get some food for him.”


Hearing Axle approach me I can also hear Heath scurry out of the dungeon like the scolded kit that he was. Once Axle is within reach I find his arm, so that he can guide me out. Since stairs can still be tricky even if I have the steps memorized. Letting him lead me out I stop just before we get to the door. Sniffing the air slightly for Katie's scent I turn my head in the direction her scent is strongest. “I have to get ready for the meeting and won’t be back till later today. Please look after him for me Katie.”

“Of course, Theo.”

Knowing that my sister will take good care of him I let Axle lead me out. Once out I let go of his arm and we headed to my office. Though as we walk, I am immediately scolded by Axle. “You know you shouldn’t be using your panther’s eyes like that when you are in control. It puts too much strain on your body. You could end up having another seizure and you have a mate now.”

“I know I didn’t mean to, we just reacted.”

“Still, you have to be careful.”

“Yeah. Yeah, I know mom.”

Even though I can’t see Axle’s face I know that he is giving me a look. It is the same ‘really’ look he has been giving me since we were ten. I chuckle slightly and scratch the back of my head. “You’re giving me the look, aren’t you?”

“Yeah I am.”

Even though his voice is stern I can hear the faint hint of amusement that he is trying to hide. Opening the door to my office I walk in while Axle closes the door behind us. While I head to my desk knowing that I have a spare shirt tucked away in the drawer. Feeling for the right drawer I open it once I locate it and pull out the shirt. "Does this shirt go well with the rest of this outfit?"

"Hm let me see."

Unfolding the shirt, I show it to him. Hearing him hum as he thinks for a second as he compares it to my outfit. "Yeah, it will work fine."


Putting the shirt on my desk I start to undo the shirt that I am wearing. Peeling it off I lazily toss it at where I think my chair is. Though I can hear it land on the floor making me let out an annoyed sigh. As I grab my clean shirt and slip it on, I can hear Axle walk over and grab my shirt. "Thank you."

"Of course. Also, the S.U.V is ready."

Perking up when I hear this I nod as I finish buttoning the last button. "Alright then I suppose I should head out then."

"Mhm and don't worry your mate will be fine he has Katie with him."

At this I can't help, but chuckle at his words. "Are you trying to comfort me or make me worry even more?"

Hearing this he chuckles as well in return. "I suppose that is far. Come on, let's go."


Leaving my office, we make our way outside to the S.U.V. that is waiting outside for me. Of course, with being blind I obviously can't drive myself. So, I have a personal driver to get me from place to place. Finding the handle to the back door I pull it open and climb in. While I buckle in Axle wishes me good luck before shutting the door. "Good morning, Sir. How was your morning so far?"

"Good morning, Sebastian. My morning was interesting. How is your mate and kit? She should be due soon, right?"

"Yes, the doctor says a month. Liv thinks our kit will be here earlier than that. I know better than to argue with her and her instincts."

"That is a very smart decision. Well, when that time comes just let me know. I want to make sure you can get there in time. As well as get the time needed to be with her."

"Yes sir. I think that will make her very happy."

Settling back down into my seat I wait till we arrive. The drive takes an hour and half to get to the pride house that the meeting is meant to happen at. Feeling the vehicle come to a stop I adjust my sunglasses before getting out. As I do, I am greeted by Queen Thea. "King Theo it is good to see you again."

Hearing Queen Thea's voice I smile softly in greeting. "Queen Thea, it is good to meet you again. You sound as radiant as ever. I must thank you for hosting this meeting today. I know it must have been a lot of work for you."

"Thank you. Now come on, let's head inside. James is waiting for you in the conference room."

Nodding, I let her take the lead as I followed her scent. As I have been here several times, but I don't have the place memorized like I do at my own pride house. Knowing that I need to focus on following her, neither of us say a word as we walk. Eventually we end up getting to the conference room. The chattering voices of the pride kings filling my ears as I enter the room. "King Theo it is good to see you again."

"It is good to be here again, King James."

King James being one of the few kings that I consider an actual friend. As he doesn't look down on me and treats me as an equal. Joining them at the table I take my seat as we start the meeting. Spending several hours discussing issues that the prides are experiencing and giving advice, ideas, and support to each other. Eventually though the meeting comes to an end, and I can't wait to get back to my pride. Not only because I don't like to be away from my pride for so long, but because of Kyle. Since a certain feline decided to start getting to know our mate without me. Though I know he is only talking to my mate's cat it still doesn't make it fair. Especially since he isn't just giving information about himself but me as well. "Geez if I didn't know any better, I would say you don't like me with how fast you are trying to get out of here."

Hearing Jame's voice I shift my stance to face him more. "Good Thing we both know better."

He chuckles at my quip before replying. "So, what has got you all in a hurry? More so than normal that is."

"Well since it is you, I will tell you. Today before coming here, I found my mate."

"Really congratulations no wonder you are so eager to get back home. How did you find them, or did they find you?"

"Well technically my sister found him just on the edge of our border."

"He is a rogue?"

"Yeah, but not like the ones we are having issues with. He seemed scared more than anything. He is also a cheetah like my sister."

"Hm interesting."

Hearing this I can't help, but from knowing James

isn't a good thing. "What is it?"

"Hopefully nothing, but you are aware of King Raphael right?"

Hearing that name my face scrunched up in disgust at the mention of King Raphael. As I have heard of how he runs his pride and treats his weaker pride members. "I am guessing by the look on your face that you do."

"Yes I am aware of him."

"Yes, well rumor is that his alleged mate, well more like plaything, has gone missing before they could be bonded."

I hum softly at this, my arms crossing across my chest. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because his missing mate is a male cheetah. I am not saying that your mate is the one he is looking for, however..."

"It is odd that I find my cheetah mate when his disappears."

"Exactly. So just be careful."

"Don't worry I will. Though I expect that I will have a visit from him soon."

Hearing the familiar rumble of my s.u.v. I perk up slightly. "Seems that my ride is here."

"Alright but I expect to be introduced to this mate of your eventually."

"Of course."

Getting into the vehicle I head back to my pride where my mate is waiting. Which made the drive seem even longer than usual as I was getting a bit restless. Leaning my head back against the back of my seat I start to let my mind wander to what James had told me. What if my mate is the cheetah who left King Raphael. It makes me wonder what his life was like in a pride like that. As my thoughts wander Kyle lets out a low growl at them. ~I know I don't like these ideas either.~

~Then stop thinking it.~

~You and I both know that is easier said then done.~

Kyle lets out a snort as he paces with my head. Eventually we do arrive home and I wish Sebastian a good day before heading inside. As I head inside I immediately am greeted by the scent of my mate. It makes a low rumble leave me as my nose twitches while I take in more of his scent. Following the strongest trail I make my way toward the living room. Not being able to help myself I use Kyle's eyes to see. As sight returns to me I look around searching for my mate. When I finally spot him I can't help, but let a faint smile spread across my face. My mate being all cleaned up and asleep with Katie on the sofa. Covering Katie with a blanket I leave her there knowing Axle will come for her soon. While I take my mate into my arms making sure not to wake him as I give him a once over. His actual hair color being a light warm brown and even though he is small and under fed he is perfect. Especially since everything he is wearing is mine. Which makes him look even more adorable. My smile can't help, but as I feel the sparks run across my body. As I carry him I can tell he feels them too as he snuggles closer to my chest. Which causes more sparks to erupt as he starts to purr in his sleep. Shifting him in my arms I open the door to a room across from the hall from mine. It being a empty room that I figured would be easier for him then taking him to my room. Especially if he was the one that escaped from Raphael. Stepping into the room I close the door behind me and chuckle softly as his purring grows louder. Shifting him in my arms one last time I pull back the covers before laying him on the bed. After tucking him into bed I start to pull away which causes him to whine loudly. Noticing that he is starting to stir I gently run a hand through his hair. "Okay just til you fall back asleep though."

Moving to the other side of the bed I let my vision fade away as I climb into the bed. Hearing the sound of his rhythmic breathing I find him with ease. Wrapping my arms around his waist and pulls him close to help him settle back down. As he starts to settle back down I can't help, but kiss the top of his head.

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