
A Jerk

The wet wind started blowing hard. Cold. The rain did not fall, made the sky so cloudy. The gray clouds moved slowly in the wind. The thunder roared, preceded by a bright flash of light splitting the sky.

Jasmine tried to remain calm, even though Jasmine's heart was as thundering as the cloudy sky right now.

"So what do you want to confess, Jasmine?" asked Albert in a gentle tone.

"I… I…," Jasmine stuttered. She bit her fingertip. Try not to panic.

"Speak slowly. I'll listen to you," Albert said as soon as he noticed the vibes in Jasmine's voice.

"Father, I found a drug in the vitamins that Rafael gave to me. I don't know why he exchanged the contents of the vitamins for the drug." Jasmine fiddled with her fingers on her lap.

"What? What did you find?" Albert gasped. He knew Rafael's behavior but never thought Jasmine would find it.

"Birth control medicine. At that time, my world fell apart, Father. My heart ached and suffered. Why could the man I love so much lie to me? I was emotional because El didn't even want to give me an answer. At that time, I was sure that he never loved me. I... I lost direction, Father. I... I ...." Jasmine paused, took a deep breath before saying her sin of betraying Rafael by sleeping with Leonardo.

"What have you did, Jasmine?" Albert asked patiently. He waited for Jasmine to speak again.

"I …, I sle—"


The sound of Jasmine's cell phone made them both fall silent. Jasmine was nervous. She rushed to get the cell phone in her bag. She was about to turn off the call, but it was from her office. More precisely, from her notoriously impatient boss.

"Father, may I take this call for a moment?" she asked.

"of course, Jas." Albert let Jasmine pick up the call because it seemed important.

"Hello, Mr. Sam, what's wrong?" said Jasmine softly.

"WHERE ARE YOU NOW, HUH?!" Samuel snapped on the other end of the phone, making Jasmine have to keep the phone away from her ear.

"I… I'm at church, sir," Jasmine replied timidly.

"Why?? Confess sin??!" The high pitch of voice made Jasmine flinch.

"H—how do you know, sir?" Jasmine was stunned.

"So it's true??! THIEF!! Go back to the office now!! Or I'll fire you!" There is a tone of anger in Samuel's intonation.


"Hello, hello, sir... Hello!!" Jasmine's face contorted in confusion. Why was her boss suddenly yelling at her? Thief?! What did Jasmine steal?

[Oh my God, what happened?!] Jasmine rushed to pack her things.

"Fo ... forgive me, Father. I have urgent matters at the office. Thank you for your time. God bless." Jasmine rushed over. She didn't even have time to hear Albert's reply.

The motorcycle driver who had just hung out was surprised by Jasmine's arrival. Without saying much, the woman rode behind the motorcycle taxi.

"Sir, please take me to the bank."

"Okay, Miss."

"Hurry up, please!" Jasmine patted the rider's shoulder. The older man nodded and accelerated his motorbike—motorcycle outride among the vehicles but stuck in red traffic lamp.

"Mr. Leon, isn't that Miss Jasmine?" Kesya pointed to Jasmine's presence from their car window. Leonardo followed the direction of Kesya's index finger. Sure enough, Jasmine looked worried, waiting for the red light to end.

The green light came on. The rider immediately stepped on the gas again. He didn't want to disappoint his passengers.

"Here, the fare." Jasmine gave the money to the rider. Then rushed to the bank.

"The return, Miss?!"

"Just keep it." Jasmine kept running.

The financial transaction hours have ended, but the lobby looks boisterous. The loudest voice came from the mouth of an old woman. Jasmine recognized her. She was the woman she had met this afternoon—customers who entrust her money to Jasmine. Around the woman were Jasmine's colleagues, Mr. Sam and Kikan, who looked the most resentful of this situation.

"Calm down, Ma'am! Let's have a good talk, okay!!" Kikan tried to calm the old woman's heart.

"How can I calm down?! I gave my money to the bank to be safe. Why did it disappear right in front of my eyes?!" She protests.

"I'll take care of it, ma'am." Samuel intervened. His eyes immediately lit up when he saw Jasmine's arrival.

"W—what's wrong? What's missing?" Jasmine asked, confused.

"This woman is a thief!! What a brat!! I trust you. You stole my money!!" The old woman approached Jasmine. She shook Jasmine's body, making Jasmine even more confused. Who stole the money? Jasmine did not touch any penny of the customer's money.

"This is must be misunderstood, Ma'am. I didn't steal your money." Jasmine pleaded. She gave thirty million in Kikan's hand.

"Really? Then why was it found that there was a bank deposit worth three million from your account to your mother's account? The amount is the same as this customer's missing nominal!" Samuel threw the printout of Jasmine's account in her face. Jasmine was stunned. She got the money from selling Leonardo's dress, not from being theft.

"Kikan, help me. Aren't you the one who received the money from my hand?!" Jasmine begged Kikan to help her.

"You're accusing me? I've been sitting next to the teller. I immediately put the money on the table!! Is that right?" Kikan asked the teller who received the money.

"Right," she answered.

Jasmine's tears welled up. She didn't know how else to explain this. She didn't steal the customer's money. But all the humans in this room seemed to be accusing her, bullying her as a thief.

"You thief!! I will report you to the police!!" The old woman accused.

"Ma'am, don't!! Jasmine beg!! Jasmine didn't steal it. No!!" Jasmine shook her head, gripping her client's hand, pleading for the old woman's wisdom one more time.

"We'll have a good talk, Mom! Don't bring the police in, okay?" Samuel tried to calm the old woman. If there is a theft in his bank, all customers would certainly be anxious to put their money in this bank.

"My heart is restless if I don't punish this despicable woman." She pushed Jasmine, who was still crying under her feet, Jasmine tumbling backward. Kikan smirked as she looked at Jasmine.

"I'm going to fire her, Ma'am! I'm going to fire her, Okay?!" Samuel tries to punish Jasmine, show the firmness, and gain her trust back.

"Sir!! I'm innocent!! I didn't steal it!!" Jasmine looked wistfully at her boss. Jasmine's eyes were bloodshot as her tears kept spilling out.

"SHUT UP!! YOU THIEF!! Get your stuff done now!! I FIRE YOU!"

"She fed her mother and sister with hot money. how disgusting." Jasmine's friends who watched the incident sneered.

Jasmine swallowed her saliva heavily. Slowly she got up, clenched her fists, and determined not to give up. She wasn't the one who stole the customer's money, Jasmine was poor, but she never stole. What else to feed her family with stolen funds.

"I never steal!!" Jasmine screamed, but they only sneered at her.

Jasmine left. She packed all her things into a cardboard box. Jasmine wiped away the tears. She had to be strong. If you are innocent, there is nothing to cry about.

Jasmine returned to the lobby. She glared at her colleagues and stopped in front of Samuel.

"I'm not a thief!!"

"And you ...!" Jasmine pointed at Kikan.

"Why me?" Kikan folded her arms in front of her chest.

"You must be jealous of me!! So you did all of this scenario!" Jasmine pointed at Kikan.

"Watch your mouth!! On what basis are you accusing me? Where's the evidence? I have witnessed here!!" Kikan challenged Jasmine. She pushed the Teller officer.

Kikan's words silenced Jasmine, but she was sure that the woman would want to get rid of her when she remembered Sisca's words the other day. Jasmine usurped her place, usurped her position in front of Leonardo.

"You thief! Instead of admitting guilt and apologizing, you accuse others!" the customer shouted.

"I never stole!! And I won't apologize for what I never did." Jasmine stared furious at the old woman.

Clap!! Clap !!

The applause was heard. Suddenly all eyes turned towards the source of the sound. How surprised they found who had come.

[Well, she is indeed my woman! Must be strong like me!] Leonardo stepped inside. He saw Jasmine carrying a cardboard box of her belongings.

"Mr. Leon?!" Everyone was surprised by the arrival of Leonardo.

"What are you doing here?!" scorned Jasmine fiercely.

"Help you!"

"I don't need your help!!! All of this happened because I knew you, you bastard!!" Jasmine glared fiercely at Leonardo. Without hesitation, the woman stepped out of the bank building, wholly fired. What else could she do there? It was no use. Everyone will not hear her voice, will not hear her reasons. Jasmine nudged Leonardo's shoulder roughly with hers before leaving. Feeling furious about this arrogant man, her life has become a mess since getting to know Leonardo. Nothing goes well. Nothing goes smoothly.

"JERK!!" Jasmine cursed again and left the main door of the bank lobby.

Leonardo smirked. He didn't mind if he had to hear the curses coming out of her thin lips. He only objected to the harsh words that were coming out of the lips of the bastards in front of him at this time. Who rudely accuses his woman of stealing.

"Let's think about what punishment you all deserve." Leonardo stroked his chin.


EA EA Ea ....!!

My Leon is coming...


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