
It's a Contraceptive Pill

Jasmine rushed into her house, locked the door, and closed all the curtains. She didn't forget to check all the locks on the windows.

"Argh!! That perverted man pisses me off!" Jasmine exclaimed. She drank one glass of water without pause.

Jasmine's eyes caught the letter that Rafael gave her—attached to the refrigerator door. Jasmine grabbed and read the note. Her heart was relieved because Rafael went to work. That's why Rafael doesn't know that Jasmine didn't come home last night. It

But on the other hand, Jasmine is also a little annoyed. Why hasn't Rafael ask how she's doing? Come to think of it. Jasmine has always been the one who texts or calls first. Is it true, only Jasmine cares? Is it true, only Jasmine loves?

"Don't forget to take the vitamins," Jasmine said, voicing Rafael handwritten in the letter.

Jasmine immediately remembered the vitamins that Leonardo gave her, then grabbed the bottle of vitamins on the dining table. The same Rafael had opened the seal even though it had just been bought. Jasmine took out some of Rafael's grains and compared them to Leonardo's. Different, both in shape, color, and also smell.

"What vitamins did you give me, El?" Jasmine's shoulders went limp. What did her husband give her all this time? One year Jasmine took all the tablets every day without a break. She was grateful that her husband was so considerate, so without hesitation, without asking, Jasmine drank it.

Jasmine rushed to change clothes. She had to find out for herself what medicine Rafael gave her.

Jasmine went to the bathroom, take off her clothes. Because she was too hasty to flee, the woman has not removed the price tag of the red dress from Leonardo.

"Ten million rupiah?? Wait!! I must have seen it wrong." Jasmine rubbed her eyes, then started counting the number. (equal with 700 USD)

"One, two, three, ..., seven!! There are 7 Zeroes! How can clothes lacking materials be this expensive?!" Jasmine exclaimed while grumbling because the dress model showed thighs and shoulders. It only takes a little material to make the dress, so why is it so expensive?!

Jasmine stopped complaining. She still had much more important things to do. Jasmine tucked the red dress carelessly into the closet and rushed to take a shower.

[What medicine? What medicine did you give me, Rafael?!] thought Jasmine in the shower.

After taking a bath, Jasmine quickly packed up. She was about to go to the nearest pharmacy. Don't forget Jasmine brought two bottles of the same vitamins with different contents. She went to a pharmacy not far from where she lived.

"Does this vitamin have other variants?" Jasmine asked the pharmacist.

"No, only one variant, Miss," replied the pharmacist.

"Are you sure?"

"Very." she smiles.

"Eum ... can you investigate the contents of this drug?" Jasmine put a few white tablets into the pharmacist's hand.

"I'll try, but it will take time."

"Okay, please let me know when the results come out." Jasmine gave her cell phone number.

"Okay, Miss."




Jasmine sat enjoying a cup of hot coffee while waiting for the results of the drug content to come out. She sat in the cafe opposite the pharmacy, sitting in front of a large glass wall that immediately showed the traffic jams and the bustle of the capital city life.

Breaking news discussing the death of the Deputy Mayor and also the reclamation of the bay into a high-end entertainment center was heard from the television in the cafe.

With an anxious heart, Jasmine waited. Still have high hopes that Rafael can't give her any medicine. What's the reason anyway? Why should he change the drug?

Jreeesss ...!!!

Sound of rain heard.

[Rain? ] Jasmine was taken aback. It wasn't long after she was daydreaming, the rain already pouring heavily.

The sound of lightning began to resonate with each other, millions of droplets of water descended to wet the earth. It gives off a distinctive aroma that tickles memories. Likewise, with Jasmine's brain, she began to reminisce about her time with Rafael. How the man's smile, how the outline of the man's face, what about the look in his eyes and also the sound of his breath.

[I love you, El. Don't let my suspicions and Leon's words be proven,] Jasmine thought.

Tears dripped from her round eyes, along with the sound of a phone call.

H Pharmacy is calling....

Jasmine wiped away the tears and rushed to answer the call. A voice from the other side of the phone was heard. Jasmine's eyes filled with tears again.

"It's a contraceptive pill, Miss," she answered.

"What?" Jasmine covered her gaping mouth.

"Consumed in the long term can be harmful to the uterus. The worst effect you will not be able to conceive again. You should stop taking it without a doctor's instructions," she added.

"I... really?" Jasmine had tears in her eyes. Her tongue was numb. Her throat seemed to be choking on something.

The call has been disconnected. The rain is falling harder. Jasmine lowered her head, still with a tight chest.

"Why? Why, El?? Why did you do this to me?!" Jasmine whispered, her heart hurting so bad.


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