
Demi-god: 10

Victor (POV)

I welcomed them for a little tour by the way they can clarify their doubts. I also don't just accept my words and allow me to see their leader. I heard from them calling Alars a Mentor. Anyway, Castellia doesn't get a lot of visitors or guest. Maybe making them believe I am someone important and my reason for visiting the Titan has some important reasons. After one hour those titans seem too surprised by me. Because I am the only one who lives in the mothership with no subordinates, but not bothered to ask it thinking maybe I am a weird character who lives a lonely life.

Commander seems to friendlier person because of the conversation I had with him. He is strict in his duties but also a common eternal. He also seems to found me not simple as I look, it is also good for me to have an equal conversation.

Then, with them I travelled to the docking station, commander helped me in getting a chance to meet the council of Titans under the leadership of Titans. It is then arranged by them for me to enter the headquarters to meet the people of the council and Mentor in the evening.

Then I was transported to the headquarters which stood tall among all buildings. When I entered the hall of titan, I saw Mentor sitting on his throne and while other council members of titans sitting on either side of the hall of Titan.

But Mentor seems to have a little panic in his eyes, he is already in an alert state if I do anything wrong. But I had a smile and said "Thank you for accepting my request".

"You may wonder why a person of unknown origin suddenly came to Titan for establishing Titan".

All the titans are looking towards my reason for visiting them.

I said, "I am a traveller who like to preserve species that may become extinct in future due to many other reasons like internal war, war with others, etc"

"But then again you may think what that got to do with them? Right".

One of the council members said, "Don't make us laugh we are Eternals we have been here for thousands of years, and why would you include us in the future extinct species list".

While Victor replied "I never you will go extinct or anything, I only said species that may extinct. I never had the power to predict the future. But I can say where one species pathway is forward. Likewise, you said you peoples are here for thousands of years. That's good but you guys never thought about what you may face in the future due to your growing population. You people have a long life span but it is also corroding your planets stability. In future overpopulation may destroy the foundation Mentor built in the Titan."

Mentor asked, "What that got to do with you?"

I replied, "It got nothing to do with me, but I came with a proposal that may save your species from getting extinct if you guys faced any danger that may cause your extinction future".

"I can guarantee that atleast one person of Titan will exist somewhere even Titan got destroyed"

Mentor asked, "Why should we believe your words?"

I replied "If I had any enmity towards your people then you may not live until now"

Every council member who listened to my words where anger and was going to attack me. But Mentor said, "Wait". Then he looked at me and said "Can't you make troubles here".

I replied that "I never had hostility towards you people only pity towards a civilization that is moving towards destruction. The overpopulation will handicap your civilization. But I have a way to make the damages less"

A mentor who no of the problems in Titan wanted to know the solution. He looked towards the Victors solution.

I said "A new titan to accommodate half of your population" While one of the council members said, "Do you think we can't on our own".

I replied "You can I never said you can't, but can you say that the thing which made you extinct can't do it on new titan. But I can say in my word of honour. I can let them live a normal life without any danger of being extinct."

Everyone in the hall including Mentor looked toward me with surprise and horror. Which person can guarantee the safety of civilization in this universe? They wanted to know-how.

Seeing their face of surprise and doubt I released the power of shadows I enclosed within me. Which I haven't shown to anyone until now.

When Victor released his power the entire titan which was surrounded by light was enclosed with darkness. A mentor who saw all of this wanted to ask Victor to retake his power but can't even speak. The entire Titan planet has implemented the war sirens.

Seeing this Victor thought "WTF I had this much power, why didn't I know". He immediately retrieved the aura and my darkness. Everything returned back to normal.

Then, I Said to them "Sorry, I overdone it while being overly emotional during the speech". Hearing this Mentor don't know whether he should smile or laugh.

While the council members are sweating thinking this person who looked like a kid had this level of power. They just wanted to run away from him if they met in the war. But luckily, he is not their enemy and he hadn't shown any hostility towards their civilization.

Seeing everything return to normal I said to them "I can guarantee half the civilization of titan can live in my shadow galaxy with safety and protection guaranteed".

Hearing Victor has his own galaxy under his control the titans in the hall thought maybe they are dreaming. Otherwise, how can you say all of this thing happening in front of them is true. They even tried slapping them to wake up but later realizing the reality of things they just accepted it.

Mentor asked, "Are you a god?"

I replied "I also don't know but I have this power. I also have my own galaxy. It was so boring, so I tried to add some species to the empty galaxy as a hobby for now." "Oh! You don't have to worry that I also have some other civilization I added recently so it is not an empty galaxy. Even though it only has 2 living civilization in them for now."

A Mentor who heard all this "What in the hell is going, he came and said he has his own galaxy under his control. He also two planets with a new civilization but he is not God. If he can't be called God then what should I call him a normal person?"

When I saw other eyes, I said with bitterness that "I don't know whether I am god or not. Also, the power I released before was also unknown to me until now. Please believe me I am a normal person who got a galaxy as extra in this life."


A/N: See you later.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

valient_vickycreators' thoughts
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