
Chapter 112: Taking Care of Business


"Hello, Ally, it is Boris." I have finally broken down and called Ally to get her started on my "life management," as Talia has described it.

"Oh, hi," she says. "I thought maybe you had changed your mind about hiring me."

"That fact that I have not called you sooner is just proof how badly I need the assistance. We will start to travel soon, and I really need you to help me get organized. Could we meet for coffee?"

When we do meet up at the coffee shop the next morning, I don't show up empty-handed. I've brought a substantial pile of bills and papers in a large file box. When I sit it in front of her, she raises her eyebrows. "What's this?"

"This is a box of bills and contracts and other miscellaneous life papers."

"And you want me to organize it?"

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