
Last night in Canterlot


Some could say that I wasted a perfect opportunity for an R18 in this chapter but I felt that it is better with how it is now, and it feels more wholesome...I guess XD

Well I hope that I didn't make any stupid blunder in this chapter and you still like my creations soooo...Like always ENJOY!!!


Luna opened her eyes to the sight of the same Handsome Stallion That just requested her, laying closely beside her. She blushed remembering the kisses they exchanged in the Dream Realm. But despite that dream world being as real for the Princess of the Night as the "real world", She still wondered whether it would feel different if they kissed right now.

But her musing was interrupted by Starfall waking up and smiling at the spacing out Princess.

"Morning Princess. Had a nice dream?" He joked and she couldn't help but blush.

She wanted to reply but it finally downed on her that Starfall was lying in her bed as her eyes opened wide.

"W-wait! What are you doing In my bed?!" She exclaimed while pulling the covers up around her in a cute manner.

Starfall snorted and patted her head leaving Luna puzzled. She was an immortal Princess and it wasn't very often that someone petted her like a little filly...

"I actually came to visit and was about to wake you up when you grabbed me and called for help. You can imagine that I wasn't about to turn you down in a time of need, right?" He said as his hoof moved from her mane to caress her cheek and she unconsciously snuggled into it...

She looked into his eyes that were so full of care and love for her. She just couldn't get enough of those purple sparkling crystals. She felt so safe and happy with him and wanted nothing else but to fall into his embrace and kiss him like she did in their dream, but she was scared...In the hundreds of years that she ruled Equestria, romance never crossed her mind even for a moment. Despite her long life, Luna had completely zero experience in that department.

"I guess...I mean...uhh..." She tried to say something but was unable to speak her mind nor tell him what she really felt unlike in her dream where she felt much more comfortable...

Thankfully Starfall could see her hesitation and worry, and seeing as he already had tad a bit of experience, he could guess what she was thinking at the moment.

He decided to go for the universal tactic of easing her worries by kissing her silly right here and there...

Luna's mind went blank as soon their lips touched and only one thought passed through her head as their tongues were fighting for domination...

'It feels much better than in a dream...'


It took a while of kissing and talking before Luna finally came to terms with her new situation... She had a Coltfriend!

For some reason, the thought filled her with an unfathomable amount of giddiness and she felt as if she wasn't a thousand plus year old Princess but a teenage filly discovering the wonders of love.

Starfall looked at Luna's mane in wonder. Her hair that usually looked all mystical and wavy, were now just plain blue and...normal for the lack of a better word.

He didn't know why it happened but Luna looked like after she was released from Nightmare Moon's corruption, but it also gave her a bit of a younger look. Maybe she unconsciously wanted to become younger so that they fit better together, and her magic listened? Who knows... He'd have to wait and see what happens...

But that wasn't important right now. She seemed to be very eager in showing him something and he wasn't about to turn her down.

He didn't expect what she was about to show him though as she dragged him to a hidden room in the back of her bedroom...

Because it was a freaking Game Saloon!

Now some people would probably expect a game console and computers, but this is Equestria and those large game consoles are already considered quiet advanced when it comes to magidigital entertainment. But That wasn't the problem here...

'Luna is a gamer?!...Well...I'm not going to question it anymore...As much as I'd like to know why something like this turned out to be true, this is now my life... and Luna has her own consoles! Let's play! Haha!' Thought Starfall excitedly while challenging Luna to a Hooftial Kombat tournament...


Well, It's official... Luna is a monster when it comes to console games...

Starfall couldn't help but think like this after his twelfth defeat in a row...

After they had their fun, Starfall finally gifted her her own copy of his Magical Dictionary To which she praised him by giving him a congratulatory kiss.

After passing the initial embarrassment, Luna became very clingy and the thought that he had to return to Ponyville soon, made her very unhappy on the Inside.

Of course Starfall reassured her that as she already decided to become one of his mares, he was going to make sure to visit her as often as it was needed so that she didn't feel lonely.

She became much more cheerful after that and with that attitude the duo finally departed towards the dining room where Celestia already waited for them with supper.

"Sorry Princess, Have you been waiting long?" He asked but Celestia just shook her head and smiled despite waiting for over an hour.

"It's alright Starfall. I'm sure you had a lot to catch up with...Uhh...Luna? What happened to you?" Asked Princess Celestia only now spotting Luna and her unusual look.

"Huh? What do you mean sister? Is something wrong?" She asked but Celestia didn't answer but levitated a mirror to let her see that her hair looked much more normal without the mystical look and her body seemed slightly younger.

Even Starfall only now realized that Luna indeed looked younger than when he spotted her changes an hour ago. seems like the change was faster than he expected.

Luna couldn't help but feel shocked as looked at her reflection.

"Wha-...How did that happen?" She said in surprise.

"Starfall. You are a magic researcher. Do you have any idea?" Asked Celestia and both Royal mares turned towards the Stallion.

"Let me take a look..." He said as he activated his mage sight slowly trying not to blind himself yet again. While he was getting better in looking at strong magical sources thanks to the Elements of Harmony that were currently in his possession, he still needed a bit of getting used to before he could properly observe what was happening.

After a while, he finally had something of a hypothesis.

"It seems like Luna's magic is reacting to something, like a strong desire, trying to make her younger I believe... It seems like there's no malicious intent or anything behind it and the transformation should subside when her subconscious judge her form to be correct for whatever it is she is changing for..." His eyes met with Luna's for a second, as a silent understanding went between them. She send him a small smile, reassuring him that she doesn't blame him for what's happening.

"And does this change pose any danger to her life or those around her?" Asked Celestia worried about her sister.

"I don't believe so." Reaffirmed Starfall.

Celestia sighed in relief and hugged Luna.

"I'm glad then." Celestia said before looking at Luna curiously.

"So, dear sister? Is there any particular reason why your subconscious wants to turn yourself younger?" She asked genuinely curious but Luna just shook her head acting puzzled.

"Sorry sister. Nothing rings the bell..." She said trying to avert her gaze.

Celestia squinted her eyes at her sister and her gaze turned to Starfal who blushed also turning.

She giggled seeing the bad acting of the two and said.

"I see. Well nothing we can do about it for now. I made us some pancakes Luna, Starfal. How about we eat before they get cold?" She said winking at the two and urging them to sit.

Starfal decided not to comment that the food was put under his stasis spell so it wouldn't get cold no matter how long they waited. It was one of the spells that Celestia nagged him for a very long time, apparently loving the idea of always fresh meals created in advance...

Celestia didn't ask them anything obvious but both of them could tell that she suspected something happened between the two of them. She didn't seem to be against the idea though which made them sigh in relief inwardly.

After eating, Starfal wanted to leave towards Ponyville but Celestia and Luna convinced him to stay the night in the castle.

As he was about to doze off, there was a light knock on the doors followed by it opening quietly.

Starfall looked up to see who it was and to his surprise, he recognised Luna getting into the room before silently closing the door behind her.

"Luna? What are you doing here?" He asked and Luna looked at the ground in embarrassment.

"I...Well...We are together now and..." She walked towards the bed shyly before crouching beside him on the mattress.

"I-I might have no personal experience but... living a thousand years... doesn't really leave much space for being ignorant about the world..." She said as her trembling hoof moved closer to Starfal over the covers.

Suddenly her hoof was stopped by Starfall who looked at her in the eyes, clearly seeing how scared she was. She was clearly forcing herself and he was not going to let her continue if she wasn't ready.

"Luna. Please stop..." He said softly causing her eyes to go wide.

"Wha-..but..." She stammered.

"No Luna...This is not how it's supposed to go..." He softly grasped her hoof in his own and caressed the top lightly, making her shiver.

"But I...I heard the maids often talking about it and I read some books..." She tried to explain looking down but Starfall just shook his head.

"Look at me Luna..." He said and she did so, once again submerging herself in those beautiful purple crystals.

"What you need to understand is that you are not expected give yourself away after a single kiss. Luna. You are a beautiful and nice girl that I'll make sure to Love just as much as I love all my other mares, and I would never expected it of you to have sex with me if you wasn't ready for the deed...And you clearly aren't..." He said as he caressed her cheek.

Luna tried to process his words only to feel embarrassed with her behaviour. Over a thousand years and she didn't understand a thing about how to be in a relationship...

"Don't feel bad about it Luna. Everypony has to learn this stuff one day and most of them has the privilege of asking their parents about it. I must say...I'm very surprised that you have no experience seeing your age, but... That's even more of a reason to go slowly..." He said while hugging the Night Princess who started to ease up from his words. She hugged him back and they stayed like this for a while without saying anything.

Finally the silence was broken by Luna who wanted to know how to proceed.

"I...Thank you...I thought you would feel angry that we didn't go all the way... I thought that's what's expected of me being your marefriend...I was always scared of relationship partially because I didn't understand it..." She said and Starfall just smiled.

"The most important thing about relationship is that relationship can't be forced. It's a state where both parties try to make each other happy and comfortable and I won't lay a single hoof on you untill you clearly want me to. Do you understand?' He said making Luna finally relax and smile at him before giving him a short but sweet kiss.

"I understand...Thank you Starfall..." She said while snuggling to his chest.

they laid on the mattress without doing anything lewd, only talking about trivial matters and learning more about eachother.

Before long their eyes closed and the duo fell asleep in eachother's embrace.

After that, they continued their conversation in their dreams while Luna did her patrol over the Dream Realm with Starfall helping here in taking care of some of the more vicious nightmares...

Celestia peered inside Starfall's room and when she saw the duo snuggling together she couldn't help but feel a weird need to say 'Ara Ara'.

Her eyes got warm and she felt happy for her sister but somehow a pang of jealousy appeared in he chest that was instantly suppressed under her love towards Luna...

"Good night you two...I wish you well..." She whispered with a smile and closed the door before going to her own private room...alone...

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