
Morning and Stripes.


I hate writing in rhymes...

But anyway...Like always...ENJOY!!!


Starfall didn't know whether to feel flabbergasted or proud of himself that neither of the girls woke up despite there being a giant tree branch that broke through the window on the second floor...

That neither Spike nor Sweetie Bell came to investigate made him realize that the silencing spell was still active, stopping the sounds from reaching Spike's room even when they weren't actually in the area of the spell.

With a sigh Starfall stood up and kissed his mares on their foreheads, before leaving the room and checking the upper floor where, in the past, the room of Twilight used to be...

He found the giant tree branch taking up half of the room, while a heavy rain was pouring through the gaping hole in the wall, making Starfall sigh again at the inconvenience.

He send a spell at the branch, transfiguring it into a few chairs and a bonsai tree, before using another spell to repair the window in a truly Harry Potter like style, albeit using a time reversal spell to make it back to how it was before the accident. He really liked to play with time magic...

With another flash the room was back to its pristine condition and Starfall could finally return back to his girls.

As he was walking down the dark corridor, he decided to dispel the silencing spell seeing as it wasn't needed anymore, and casted another wider one to block the sounds of the storm from entering the library. While his girls weren't going to wake up anytime soon, There were still 'children' in the house, and he didn't want them to have troubles sleeping. He probably should have done so a few hours ago but it didn't occur to him at that time, and as far as he knew Spike was introducing Sweetie Belle to the wonders of Ogres & Oubliettes tonight and the correct atmosphere was also an important aspect of the game...

He decided to look and see how the Trio was doing as while he trusted Phoebe to keep the Filly-Dragon duo out of trouble, She was still just one little Phoenix whose age surpassed Spike's by only a few dozen minutes...

He carefully opened the door, making sure not to make any sound, and slowly peered inside. He couldn't help but smile when he saw the inside of the room.

There was a large board filled with figurines that he made for spike, placed in the middle of the room, while a bunch of bowls had been stacked atop each other clearly cleaned of any snacks that had once been present inside.

There was a white beautiful bird sitting on her perch with her eyes closed, while a cute little filly was laying on her back sprawled all over a little green dragon and either of them was snoring in earnest on a blanket. How they

ended up in this position, Starfall didn't know but he could bet that they had fun, judging by the smiles that adorned their sleeping faces...

He decided to spare Sweetie Bell from the incoming back pain though, and lightly levitated both of them onto the bed before covering them in a warm quilt.

With that taken care of, Starfall returned to his room and laid in between the warm bodies of his three beloved mares enjoying the experience oh so very much...


When it was finally morning, Rarity woke up feeling a pleasant soreness spreading through her nether regions. Her eyelids slowly opened only to see Starfall's sleeping face very close to her own.

She wanted to scream in fright but the memories of the previous night slowly returned to her making her calm down and feel a pleasant warmness inside of her chest. Her hoof lovingly caressed Starfall's chest and she couldn't help but smile and shudder from all the thoughts that went through her head.

It really happened! They actually made love! Her Prince took her marehood and said that he loved her! She was so happy...

Her thoughts were interrupted by a voice whispering into her ear from behind her.

"Don't forget about us Rarity. We are sisters from now on after all..." Twilight said in a teasing manner while embracing Rarity from behind.

The white unicorn turned towards Twilight unsure of what to do and looked her in the eyes. She wasn't sure what Twilight expected from their new relationship and while she wasn't against some girl play as it was quite common in Equestria, but her heart belonged to Starfall first and foremost, and she wasn't sure whether she would be open to anything lewd with the others when he wasn't present...She was about to explain it to Twilight but the Mare just smiled and placed her hoof on her muzzle.

"I know what you want to say Rarity... But you really need not to worry. I love Starfall, and I know that you love him too. Even I wouldn't feel comfortable if he wasn't a part of the fun, but remember that we're family from now on and you can come to me when you have a problem, alright?" Explained Twilight and Rarity felt warmth spreading through her chest urging her to hug her newest sister.

A similar conversation happened with Applejack a few minutes later while Starfall pretended to be asleep so that he didn't interrupt the adorable bonding time...

The morning ended with the girls coming to the decision of giving Starfall a very pleasant wake up call with the three of them working together, and he was a very happy Stallion for the rest of the day...


A few days later Starfall was walking through the streets of Ponyville, when he observed a weird spectacle.

In no time at all the streets became deserted as everypony disappeared into the houses while every shop got closed...

His memory quickly stirred and he remembered that it was one of the most nonsensical example of social behaviour that he observed in the show. A single mysterious pony appears and suddenly everypony gets scared because she's a little different from everyone else.

His gaze swooped the surroundings and he finally found what he was looking for.

Disregarding Twilight who was currently dragged by Pinkie Pie into hiding despite her protests, there, far in the distance was a single cloaked pony that gave of the vibes of mysteriousness and was clearly the reason of everypony's irrational fear...

He walked towards the being without fear causing the six mares hiding in the Sugarcube Corner to gasp when they spotted him.

They called to him trying to stop him from approaching this person but he just waved at them dismissively and continued on his course.

The girls looked in between eachother with worry but Twilight just huffed at them in irritation and went towards Starfall and the mysterious being like she intended from the beginning.

The others felt like they couldn't leave them alone so they followed behind Twilight...

Starfall approached the hooded pony causing it to be quite surprised.

"Hi there! Are you perhaps the reason why everypony hid in their houses like meerkats?" He asked further surprising the cloaked pony.

"The species you mentioned comes from afar, the land of my ancestors isn't that far." A female voice responded in rhymes sounding quite surprised that Starfall knew of the animals from where she originated.

The author though feels like it is needed to be mentioned that he completely despises writing rhymes in English...

Starfall smiled despite not getting his answer and held out his hoof in greetings.

"My name is Starfall Blueblood, It's a pleasure to meet a member of your lineage." He said waiting for the female to return his greetings.

She was at first unsure but finally relaxed seeing as Starfall wasn't scared of her nor was making fun of her like she was used to after coming to this lands.

Her hoof went to her hoad before pulling it down revealing an equine body, but her coat was different from a normal pony, being covered in white and black stripes allover.

She was a zebra.

Seeing that Starfall's expression didn't change, she returned his handshake and smiled.

"The name that you seek, Zecora would be. Am I to assume that you're not scarred of me?" She said, making Starfall wonder whether she was doing those rhymes on purpose or for some other reason.

"I have not seen a reason to be scared of you my dear lady. Also I'm quite the well-read pony and I know of your race unlike many ponies in Ponyville. It's quite sad when you realize that nothing but the coat colour really differentiates us, yet zebras aren't recognized as the three pony races. But that would be probably mostly because of the Heartswarming Eve only including the Three Races, while Zebras lived far away unbeknownst to the three fighting races." He said getting a smile from the Zebra.

"It's a pleasure for me to finally speak without worry. To find such a well-versed pony makes me cheer in victory..." She said with a hint of amusement and Starfall laughed at her words.

"I wanted to ask but what's with that accent? Are you speaking in rhymes on purpose or is there another reason?" He asked, already knowing that there was some magic in her mind and vocal cords that he wasn't about to mess with without her consent.

Zecora became quite embarrassed surprising Starfall. She finally spoke though, giving him a pretty good explanation of what really happened.

"A potion accident came into play. For speaking all languages it's a small price to pay. While my home speech didn't suffer and I can speak your way, An ingredient played a joke on me forcing me to rhyme all day. I could remove the effect if I wanted to, but I found it enjoyable and it helps me too. Also taking it away, takes my power to speak in any which way " She explained causing Starfall to understand that even if she removed the side effects, the potion would lost its effect and she wouldn't be able to fluently speak in all those languages. He suspected that she would have most likely kept all her training in those languages intact though. He really found it amazing that such a potion existed.

The two of them chatted for a while more until the girls finally reached them and Pinkie tried to scare them away from Zecora, but she was chastised by Starfall.

In the end everyone in Ponyville learned about Zecora being a very nice person and they were quick to come and apologise for their terrible behaviour starting with Pinkie Pie and the other five holders of the Elements of Harmony.

Just like this, Ponyville got its first Potion Mistress...

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