
Hand of Gold

As Antonio and Renaldo were talking, Juan prepared to swallow his pride and come back, Although he is haughty and a bit hot-headed, he knows when he is wrong and is not one to hold grudges, especially to someone that didn't do anything to him, what happened awhile back was just an episode of his, one of his negative quirks.

As Antonio walks and pretends that he came back from a long walk, he tried to act still a bit angry at Renaldo and tried to take a seat.

Antonio, still a child and a bit dense at the atmosphere tried to reconcile the two despite what happened between them a few moments ago and said;

"Brother! Stop your glaring and try to be more amicable with my friend, he told me awhile ago that he's willing to apologize to you!" Antonio turned to Renaldo and winked.

Renaldo, a was taken aback by the development of things but still understood what Antonio wants to happened and chuckled, he looked helpless but this makes it easier for him, as he also wants to befriend Juan but doesn't know how to apologize for something he did because he thinks that it is just a trivial thing.

"Uhh, yes, I would like to apologize for what happened awhile ago, I was a bit into reading this book you see, I was kinda mesmerized by how Machiavelli wrote a lot of philosophical things and fascinating things that gave me an epiphany on how to handle other peoples and my people, as a fellow educated person, I hope you understand my predicament, I didn't mean to be rude, I'm really sorry, Juan"

Juan was also taken aback, he was actually preparing to say an apology but this kid has already apologized to him, he thought that this kid isn't that bad and he understood what happened as he also have times when he has an epiphany when reading books to the point that he doesn't want others to disturb him too.

Juan coughed a bit and said;

"I accept your apology, and I also want to apologize for my former attitude, because I admit that at times, I'm also a bit hard to deal with and I'm not going to hide that from you, I hope that we can start over again, this time as friends and not as barbarians who doesn't communicate with others" Juan chuckled, seemingly satisfied by his joke.

Renaldo also chuckled, as he felt nostalgic because his grandfather in his past life is like Juan, haughty and intelligent but sucks at making jokes!

"Alright let's start over, I'm Renaldo and you are?" Renaldo reached for Juan's hands to shake them

Juan shakes Renaldo's hands and says "I'm Juan, brother of Antonio and a lover of books, painting and politics"

The trio talked about a lot of things in the asotea, they even had some coffee and biscuits to eat merienda and pass the time, they developed a strong bond as the trio have a lot of similarities between them, Renaldo also put in some effort and talked with them a lot about behaviors and military strategies and the likes, he wants to give them the push to realize what they want to do early in their careers to further their progress and he was successful in doing so! The brothers were so immersed in their conversations that they didn't think of the time.

~ a few hours later~

While they were happily conversing with each other, two men approached the entrance to the asotea, they were watching the trio as they are conversing with each other, both men have looks of approval and happiness because of the children's topics aren't about debauchery and other useless stuff, but they are talking about military, arts and science which made both men have looks of doting in their faces.

Of the two men, one was quite old, around the age of his late 60's but is still really lively and full of vigour, the other man on the other hand looks like he is at the prime of his age, both have that merchant and scholarly aura around them as they are standing in the entrance of the asotea.

The old man coughed and said;

"So all of you were here, Renaldo, Antonio and Juan, I see that you've all acquainted yourselves with each other, we were actually planning on introducing you but our plans are now down the drain as you've done it yourselves, well done! Hahahahaha!" Jokes Renaldo's lolo.

Seeing the ugly joke of his lolo, Renaldo hid his face in embarassment and stepped backward to remove the limelight from himself.

The father of Antonio and Juan on the other hand seems to like the joke as he also laughed and even held his stomach, you can see that he is genuinely hooked by the joke and is not faking it.

Seeing both old men laughing, the brothers have no choice but to join in on the fun. And force themselves to laugh despite it not being entertaining for them.

After that episode, 5 people were seen mingling with each other at the asotea, seemingly in talks about a variety of things that are within their own preferences.

Before night fell though, the Luna Family said their goodbyes to the Grandfather duo as they rode their carriages to go back home.

Antonio and Juan said;

"Renaldo! we're going back home for now! We're going to come back here after some time to continue and talk about those things that you showed us!"

Renaldo chuckled and replied;

"You're always welcome here! I can arrange for you to stay here if you'd like! I still have a lot of things to show you!" Renaldo still doesn't know if he can trust them so he refrained himself from talking a lot but he looks a bit reluctant to let them go as he still wants to rope the brothers in.

As the brothers rode their carriage, they had one last glimpse at the big estate before they go back to Binondo.

Now that the grandfather duo are alone, the atmosphere became serious, both kin took off their masks of joy and showed their real selves, Renaldo's lolo then said;

"Come to my study, I know that you have something to talk about, you aren't one to just come here without reason"

"Yes lolo"

Both then went to the study of Renaldo's lolo, a room which is victorian inspired and is chock full of books and antiques, there's a table in the middle and Renaldo's lolo sat on it while Renaldo sat in front of his lolo.

Renaldo's lolo said;

"Now that we're alone, take off that childish mask of yours, grandson, we both know each other for a long time and I don't like it when you act in front of me. It sickens me that my grandson has to act like a child despite his intelligence and maturity just because of his age so take it off, you will one day inherit our industry, and you will do a great job at it, Now tell me, what is the reason that you came here"

Renaldo, seemingly relieved took of his mask, he sat lazily on the chair and raised his feet on it, this is his usual self, a modern person who lacks the etiquette of the old era, and a person who is lazy and is not used to the formalities.

Renaldo thought that his grandfather, is still as sharp as he used to be 8 years ago, he was the first and only person who saw through Renaldo's mask, a master of personalities and business acumen, A descendant of Rajah Sulayman, and one of the people who are secretly pushing for the revolution, he is one shrewd bastard, he acts like he dotes on me in front of others but he is really ruthless deep inside, I know that he truly loves and cares about me but I'm still afraid of him, this guy's bad news to be honest, no wonder mama acts like him, she's also a sly snake that is quite scary as she can hide her true personality from father.

"Lolo, I was actually thinking of borrowing some money and manpower, especially farmers and some blacksmiths, Preferrably young blacksmiths who we can trust. I also want to borrow a plot of private land that I can use to grow some crops. Don't worry though, I know that not everything is free in this world, whatever I make, I'm willing to give you some percentage in what this business of mine is going to earn. I just need to use your connections and methods to earn them."

"Hmm, I can give you those, but what are you going to make? Tell me so that I won't be shocked in the future, because to be honest, that wine production method that you taught me in the past to improve our business in Europe is a really big boom, I'm actually interested and excited about everything that you do as I always smell opportunities whenever you act, because of you, we've expanded our business in secret, we have a branch in every single continent, and those people are quite addicted to your wine, you're really my crowning jewel Renaldo, so please, tell me about your plans so that I can help you in any way possible"

Renaldo can't help but feel like a herbivore in front of a tiger, because his lolo looks at him like he's some kind of venison ready to eat, although he knows that his lolo means no harm, as it is just the usual way he looks at other people, he still can't help but feel startled, but as a person with the mentality of an old man, he calmed down and told his lolo about his plans, because if there's someone that he can trust his secrets to, it's his lolo, this guy is such a beast to the point that Renaldo only gave him some wine-production method from his timeline and this dude transformed it into an endless supply of gold.

We are now slowly but surely seeing Renaldo's plans but what will he make of those plans? What are the exact types of weaponry will he develop to further his agenda? We will know about them soon, probably in the next chapter LOOOOOOL

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