

Jo was so irritated by the events of that evening that she couldn’t sleep. She wondered if Mike and Matt were driven by an urge to discredit Nick or if all the drinking ‘show’ was caused by the stress of the whole situation with Julian.

Was it possible that they were really pissed off by the circumstances? Did they know something that she didn't? It was quite likely that they had hidden some knowledge from her to annoy her unnecessarily.

She had so many questions, but she couldn't find a logical explanation so she decided to talk to them seriously the next day in case she missed some facts.

Turning from side to side of her bed for at least an hour, she finally decided to get up. ‘There is no point in struggling when I can do something!’ She thought.

In the kitchen, despite the fact that her guests were not in a good form right now, it didn’t regain the usual chaos. Everything was already washed and put in cupboards.

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