
Heather and Rudy bid farewell to their parents. The toilet humor has come to an end. much like my reader count. We truly reached the end here

==Months pass, Heather POV==

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To think, I start college in a few weeks from now. Will it be the same as high school? I always ask every time I move up a grade. From elementary, to junior high, to high school, and now college. This time, it's definitely going to be different, though.

I feel a great weight off my shoulders now that I'm a legal adult, but still, what a ride my life has been. I've gotten a job, saved up a bit, and now I'm moving to a new apartment. Nola is still searching for a job but she wants to see Elon off before she moves in with me, so she's postponing moving in with me. I guess I'll be alone for the next few weeks.

I am now in my room, gathering my things, about to move out of my dad's home.

My dad, huh?

I step out of my room and there he is, wearing a fancy suit as always.

"Heather," he says.

"Dad... I'm going."

"Well then, I hope you have a good life."

"Umm... thank you, sir."

I went to give him a hug but he he stops me. "You hug me and you will never leave, Heather."

"I don't think I've ever hugged you."

"For good reason. I told you, don't get too attached. Once you leave, we'll never see each other again. Don't depend on me, Heather."

I do as he request and step away. "In that case, I'll say... I love you, dad."

"I'm sure you know how I feel."

"You can say it if you want."

"No. I shouldn't."

"But... I am your daughter, right?"

"You are."

"Then can you call me that? Before I leave, can you call me your daughter?"

He looks at me his somber eyes. I said that as a request, but I know he's going to decline, but it's okay if he doesn't say it, because I know how he truly feels. I'll have to just accept it.

"Heather, honey, sweetie, and any other affectionate name you want me to call you, that's the only one I can't use. We've both skirted dangerous territory, I don't think it would be appropriate to do so at this point. Take my advice and turn your back on me. I'm nothing but trouble. I won't tell anyone about our relationship, and I suggest you don't either if you don't want to be ostracized by society. Just... live the way you want to live from now on." And he starts walking away.

"Dad..." but he steps out of the door... and that is probably the last time I'll ever see him.

I wait 15 minutes to give him enough time to drive away and disappear, but I won't cry. I'll just accept this as my faith.

I got downstairs and step out of this apartment building for the last time. I head to my car and find an envelope on the windshield wiper. It's from dad!

I open it and find like a thousand bucks. I go inside the car and read the note inside.

To my daughter. Thank you, and I'm sorry. I guess being a father wasn't so bad after all.




Dad, you moron. I didn't want your money to begin with. I told you.

But thank you, for being my dad. I'm happy that I met you.

== Rudy POV ==

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I never got around to cleaning my room. It's still the mess it's always been. But I guess it didn't matter. This whole place is still a mess. This whole neighborhood is a mess. It doesn't matter anymore, I'm moving out now. A new supermarket just opened in uptown and I'm got a job there. I've put in a good word for Nola, so maybe we'll be working together. But I won't be able to move in to an apartment just yet. Good thing Elon's letting me stay over in his dorm room for the time being. Don't know if it's allowed, but hey, sure beats living in my car.

I can't stay here anymore. This place is full of bad memories. It's already rotten. I better get out of here as fast as possible. But what about mom? She's still planning on living here. I guess moving on with her life isn't as easy as mine. But there's nothing I can do. I can only support her financially with what measly pay I get. Our lives are awful, but I'm hoping that I can finally get us out of this some way.

I leave my room where my mom is waiting for me in the living room, wearing the most formal thing she had, which isn't much as it's just a random dress you can find in the thrift store.

"Mom, I'm finally leaving."

"I know, son. Please, take care of yourself, because nobody else will."

"Of course."

"Don't be like me and depend on somebody to care for you. Be independent."

"I will mom."

"And I'm sorry. I can't forgive myself for what I did. I'm sorry to confess that I still feel estranged from you."

"I'm used to it, so don't worry. But I got to know, what are you planning on doing?"

"I guess I'll keep working at the chicken place." My mom got a job at a fried chicken restaurant. It's not much but it's something to get started.

"I'll help you out mom. Don't worry too much."

"I keep telling you, don't send me any money. You need to live your life. Forget about me."

"Knock it off, mom. I got a sports scholarship and I'm going to be a professional athlete. I'm going to buy you a house to retire in, and when I become a super star, I'll send you all the money you could possible need. I'm not going to abandon you."

"You would do that for me? After all I've done?"

"Of course. You're my mom. What kind of son would I be if I just abandoned you? Besides, you never abandoned me to begin with, so why should I? So mom, promise me, you won't give up. Keep fighting until I become a star athlete, I'll make it happen."

She gives me a warm but somber smile, "I guess I'm still depending on others, aren't I?"

I go up to her and give her a hug. "I'll check up on you from time to time. Forget the past. Just concentrate on the future, like I am. Everything is going to be better from here on."

I suck at words of encouragement. That was the best I could think, but she seems satisfied with it. With that said, I let go of her and walk out the door, get in my car, and drive off to Elon's place.

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