
Chap. 9: Nola offers her body to Elon!? But Elon could of had her anytime, though! Elon proves what a good friend is. I swear he is not gay.

My mind went blank. What just happened? Oh that's right. Nola just offered me a chance to see her naked. Yes, of course. This is just a normal thing. It's how you say hello in this part of the world. Nothing strange about it. Everything is still normal.




"Nola... what are you doing?"


"Don't 'uhh' me, Nola."

"Well... uhh... I figured... since...uhh..."

"Nola, what is going on? Why did you suddenly say that?"

"I figured... that..." her face is getting red. She's highly embarrassed by this. I don't know what to make of this.

"Elon, I give you permission!"


"You can now look. I give you permission to look."

"What? Nola, I'm confused. What are you saying?"

"Well... you've been so nice to me, and I'm such a burden to you. I figured that.. you know... you want a girlfriend, right?"

Okay, I'm starting to get it.

Here's thing about Nola. She has a crush on me... except she actually doesn't. I'm not a psychologist, but I have a feeling this is the case.

She has no friends, she's too shy talk to anyone, her parents never got her the help she needed, thus she is now 16 in High School and still inept socially. And this is all before the bathroom thing as well.

Ever since I've known her, she's been hanging around me, and only me. Sure, she was my only friend in elementary when I became a pariah due to the bathroom thing, but I eventually learned how to be social and got some friends in middle school. She, did not and just kept hanging on to me.

As for her crush on me, that may be artificial. It may come as a byproduct of her anti-social behavior, the fact that she is attached to me mentally and emotionally, and she may now be developing intimate feelings that can't go anywhere except towards me. She may even be...


...sexually attracted to me. I'll spare you the details, I'm sure you can figure it out on your own.

In either case, she has affection for me and she wants it reciprocated. Well, she might as well forget it. After all these years of having to put up going into the bathroom with her has turned me off from her completely. You don't spend a decade hearing the trickle of urine and splashing of poop and suddenly fall in love with that person. Well, any normal person wouldn't. Don't tell me otherwise, I don't want to hear it!

I am not going to entertain this. I'm convinced this crush she has on me is a side-effect of her anti-social conditioning. She has to learn how the real world works.

"Nola, I don't need your permission. You NEED me to go into the bathroom with you. I've could looked at you at any time because of your need to have me there. I don't have to turn around, I can demand to look at you if I wanted to."

Nola's face turns red again. This is embarrassing for me as well, so knock it off.

"Elon... you've been holding those feeling for all these years?"

"No. You're not listening to me. I don't want to. I am not attracted to you. I now associate your body with bowel movements. I'm sorry but I'm never going to be your boyfriend."

Oh boy, here it comes. She's starting to tear up. I'm sorry, Nola, but this is for your own good. I go over to her, hug her, and pat her head. This must be terrible for her, but it has to be done.

"Nola, if you really want to do me a favor, get some help. I've been telling you this for years, but it's time you finally get some help. I'm sorry but I see you more as a sister than a girlfriend. Get some help and then you can get the courage to make some friends and maybe even a boyfriend. You've been clinging on to me for too long now. It's time you finally start living your life the way you want to." Just for an added touch, I put my hand on her heart. I don't know why, I figured she'd get the message that way.

She takes a deep breath and says, "okay, Elon. But I don't know where to start."

"What about the school psychiatrist?'

"He says he's not qualified to deal with this matter, but he did say that... you know... I need... the support of my friends!"

"Nola, you didn't told him about my involvement in your bathroom trips, did you?"

" I did. I told him that... whenever I need to go to the bathroom that... you are there for me...."

"Nola, tell him everything. Tell him you need someone with you INSIDE while you relieve yourself."

"No, I'm too embarrassed! Please, please. Let's just go back to the way things are!"

"Nola, I know you don't like this, but you got to do this. I won't be around forever. It's time you finally face this. Tell him tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? But it's summer vacation."

"Go to him tomorrow regardless. I'll come with you if you want."

Seeing as she can't argue with me further, Nola nods.

I guess that does it. She's finally getting the help she needs. It's about time.

Let's finally end this.

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