
Chapter Thirty

It smells new and only has a few bits of dirt here and there, most of which comes from the leftover food wrappers and containers.

He drives through the dimly lit roads with his headlight on as the sun has yet to fully come up. I sit there, in the passenger's seat wondering.

Exactly when did he get a car?

I'm sure I shouldn't be surprised but I am. Captains of crews and their lieutenants, like Rey and Austin have long been able to afford the higher luxuries of life, even life in Xoxia.

And sometimes even some of their subordinates share in this wealth, being able to afford a comfortable life as well. Albeit, a life where looking over your shoulder for a stray, totally unplanned and coincidental meta attack on the street you live in and sometimes right in front of your house and other times in your living room.

In this respect, I suppose it makes vastly more sense why most crews require a base with living quarters.

If you're gonna get jumped might as well some back up with you I guess.

My branching thoughts on the car distract me, but not efficiently enough that I miss out on the fact that Austin's been silent since he told me to get in.

My question has hung in the air unanswered and my anxiety rises.

Could it be that Rey actually expects me to do something about the Droid and the store?

God I have no freaking clue what I'd do if that were the case.

Well, I suppose I could clerk there. Or actually, it could be something to keep Paige busy.

Yes, something to keep Paige busy. Her look last night still haunts me. Empty and far off, like my voice couldn't or wouldn't reach her if she delved any further into… whatever that was.

Yeah, I think she could use the work.

With the thought in mind I turn to Austin, a single hand on the wheel and a stern, rigid look on his face.

Not minding the look as I've figured that hesitation will get me nowhere in this line of work, I ask for the second time, "What does Rey want with me, Austin?"

He sniffs, wiping his nose with a thumb and stays silent. The sound of the cars engine is the only thing that hums through.

I give it a few more moments but once we get to a stop light counting down a minute in wait, I figure this would be the best time to confront him.

At least before I'm standing in front of Rey and have no idea what I'm there for.

"Spill it, Austin, why are you picking me up? Why does Rey want to see me? Is this about the store? I told you I couldn't help any of that." my voice lines with desperation with each pleading question.

My hand inches toward the handle, the stop lights will be the only time I can safely make a break for it.

But let's not be too paranoid…

He growls, his hand grips around the wheel tightly, so much so that his knuckles begin to white and I expect a bit of blood.

Just when I'm about to pause time and make a break for it he speaks.

"I don't know…" he sounds a lot more pained by his ignorance rather than my pestering, "I reported everything that happened as he asked but… well, I'm not sure."

But what?

"What did he say? What happened?"

The light turns green and we're moving up again.


He shrugs, eyes on the road, "Nothing really, he seemed… pleased? I'm not sure, his emotions can be very difficult to read. I never know what's going on in his mind even though I'm his lieutenant." there's that angry grip again.

I don't mind any of it, rather I ask, "Well, did you ask?"

At this his head whips to mine like I'd said the most offensive thing ever, his face blows up with rage and the car nearly swerves onto the walkway.

"Are you serious? I just said I don't know what he wants to see you for, he gave a deadline and all of a sudden he's asking to see you even when you haven't finished the job. I fucking asked him alright?"

He scoffs, setting his eyes back on the road after I've sufficiently shrinked back into my seat with hands raised.

"He didn't answer me, just…kept silent, not saying a thing even after I left."

I'm a bit tempted to ask him if he asked twice but I decided I've been daring enough with Austin today.

We spend the rest of the ride in relative silence. All while I try to fathom what exactly I'm being driven into.

I'm pretty sure it's nothing, I tell myself as Austin drives up to the bar that sits atop their underground base.

Walking in is the same as last time. I'm just as anxious, my heart beating and my palms sweating.

Coming through the first room with all the equipment I find that there's hardly anyone in. Just a single person really.

Rex. He's lying over on one side of the room with a melted ice pack next to him, fast asleep.

I don't have the luxury to study him any further or know how he's doing since Ramon blew him out of the Pizzeria.

Rey is up next. Austin walks in first, pushing the door open for me and rather than walk in on the man mid coitus like I did last time, I find him shirtless with dumbbells in hand doing reps.

It's easy to appreciate the muscles on him, but far more thrilling and curious than that are the scars on his back and shoulders.

"Ahh. Thanks for bringing him Austin." he huffs, doing a few more reps before setting the heavy looking weights down and reaching for a shirt to wipe his body off with.

"Here I am. What do you need?" I ask a bit too eagerly.

He merely chuckles, gripping the shirt over his body.

"I have a job for you."

At this I frown. "Other than the one I'm already doing for you?" I look at Austin, he's just standing there, arms folding and absolutely no help. "I haven't finished the first though…"

He chuckles again and gets behind his desk, "You don't need to finish that one. What I've got here for you is… far more important and valuable than a few outliers that don't know when to get back in line, we'll handle them later."

I don't like that look on his face.

He looks far too happy.

"If you accept this and complete it, I'll acknowledge you instantly as someone to be taken seriously," he leans forward, "I'll set up that meeting."

The one with Invincibills lieutenant…

"What about Rex?" I find myself asking. "You'll let him leave right?"

I can't help but be a man of my word it seems.

Rey breathes, looks around the room a bit and then finally back at me, "Ah well, why not. He's useless anyway, couldn't even help you one bit against old man Ramon." he scoffs, "Only as strong as the weakest link right? Haha, now what do you say?"

I narrow my eyes at his eagerness, "What do I say? You haven't told me what the job is."

He laughs outright now, "Oh that? It's just a simple pick up."

If it were simple he wouldn't be so freaking giddy.

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