
Gang Warfare (3)

Damian felt the recoil of his Glock 17 pistol knock his hand back. He opened his eyes, expecting to see a dead or at least even more injured Eddie. Instead Eddie was nowhere to be seen. Blinking with confusion, Damian desperately looked around for his enemy. [Fuck where is he?], he thought. Suddenly Eddie rematerialised in his former position, driving his yari forward into the distraught king. Stumbling backwards and falling down, Damian barely managed to dodge the attack. The old man prepared for another devastating blow - one sure to hit its mark. However before Eddie could complete his attack, Damian muttered a single word: "Hekili". Immediately electricity surged across the Student King's skin, his eyes burning a luminescent blue. With a crackling sword forged from lightning in one hand and Glock in the other, Damian blocked Eddie's blow. The collision of the two weapons sent electric shocks through Eddie's body - causing him to spasm and drop his yari. Now Damian stood looking down at an unarmed Eddie with a twisted smile.

Brandon hauled himself to his feet, shaking cold water out of his hair. The salt burned his eyes and nostrils as he drew a shaky breath. His opponent, the colossal African-British student, spat the remaining seawater out of his mouth. "Why did you betray us Brandon?" he asked, sliding blood splattered knuckle dusters onto his fists.

"Anton? Is that you? You're tall." coughed Brandon, gasping for air.

"I became an Angel, made me grow stronger and also literally grow." replied the African-British student, "Why did you betray us?"

"They would have killed me if I didn't, Anton." coughed Brandon. With saltwater blurring his vision, he wildly swung with his baseball bat.

"Then you should have died!" spat Anton while striking Brandon squarely into the chest. Blood splattered from the blow as Brandon's chest crunched audibly. Almost immediately Brandon felt a sharp stabbing pain on the right side of his chest, near where Anton struck him. Gasping for breath, he faltered backwards. Anton advanced forwards, pounding Brandon with blow after blow. Hook, jab, uppercut and finally repeat. Blood gushed from Brandon's nose and bruises began to rapidly form across his body. Slowly he was pushed back against the wall, until Brandon was leaning against it for support. Smiling, Anton stepped forward into an overhand hook.

However his mighty fist never connected with Brandon's already broken nose. Instead his eyes snapped wide in as he slowly stepped backwards. With one hand he reached down to his stomach where blood gushed from a bullet hole. Brandon wasted no time and rapidly pulled the trigger of his M1911 pistol until it clicked empty. Seven circles of blood grew into dripping streams - two of which on the left side of his powerful chest. The giant fell to his knees, staring up at his superior.

Brandon rushed forward and hugged Anton tightly. "God, fuck," he sobbed "I'm sorry."

Anton shook his head. "Neither of us had a choice. Our hands are tied by those stronger than us; I forgive you."

"Don't say that," cried Brandon as hot tears ran down his face "DON'T DIE ON ME!"

Anton smiled weakly before collapsing on his back. "It's okay. If you're strong enough to kill me, you can survive this hell."

Brandon pushed his hands against his friend's bleeding wounds. "Stop talking like that! We can survive it together! This whole fight is meaningless! Just wait a bit longer and Eddie will-"

Anton grabbed Brandon by the collar and pulled him close.

"No. Listen to me." Anton said sternly between wet coughs of blood, "It's too late for me but not for you... Stick with those old bastards and become strong for me, please. So no one can force your hand to kill another friend."

"I promise." sobbed Brandon as Anton's hand fell limp and the students eyes glazed over. Brandon embraced his dead friend - Anton's blood soaking into Brandon's clothes and mind.

The knight attacked Vincent first. He attacked with both his shield and sword, aiming to overwhelm Vin by attacking in two different directions at once. Shaking his head, Vin stepped forward into a lunge and drove his left sword into the knight's left shoulder. With a nauseating crack the knight's arm fell limp. The golden light in his eyes flickered red. Through gritted teeth the knight muttered "Heaven's Armour". Instantly light bent around the knight, forging itself into gilded white-gold heavy armour. His new helmet was topped with a golden crown covered in sapphires, emeralds, topaz and rubies. His arm, however, remained limp.

"It's not fair. Everyone has these broken powers and I still have nothing." began Vincent, reclaiming his two hammers from earlier "I guess I'll have to get serious."

"Shut up old man." grunted the knight, cracking his neck and raising his sword.

"Now, now. No need to be rude. My name is Vincent," corrected Vin as he swung his hammers at the knight's remaining good arm "and you should address me as such."

The knight parried the blows with his sword, stepping to one side. "I don't care what your name is. I am Arthur and I will fucking bury you." yelled the knight before leaping forward and scything down at Vin's head with his sword. Vincent ducked out of the way and countered with a hammer into Arthur's side. Grunting in response, Arthur lashed out vertically with his sword which collided with Vin's raised hammers. 

Arthur pushed against his sword with all his might, slowly forcing Vin's hammers back and the blade closer to his throat. Just as the blade drew within centimetres of Vin's throat he threw back his head and smashed it into Arthur's own. The force of the headbutt drove the knight back, forcing him to falter briefly. Vincent then raised one leg and snap-kicked his opponent in the solar plexus - smashing him into the ground. Sword missing, Arthur looked up at Vin and croaked through gasps "Imperia: 100 percent".

Damian raised his Glock 17 handgun, levelling it at Eddie's head for the second time. However just as he began to press the trigger he was thrown back unexpectedly by an overwhelming force. Staggering back to his feet, he stared in disbelief at the D2 shotgun still partially materialising from the shadows of Eddie's hands. Regardless, Damian remained unharmed. The electricity crackling and surging across his skin was not just decorative but a form of armour. Despite this, even his electric shield could not stop the sheer force of the shotgun shell from driving him back. Jumping up to his feet, Eddie fired his D2 shotgun a second time before summoning an M16 in its place.

"Oh fuck." cursed Damian as he darted down the stairs and ducked behind a car milliseconds before the M16 rifle rounds clipped his hair. He briefly glanced over the hood of the car to see a man breathing hard from exertion, gushing blood and seething with rage. Cuts and bruises lined his already scarred skin. Shadows coiled around Eddie's sleeves and collar. [Fuck is this guy even human?] thought Damian.

A continuous stream of bullets smashed into the car - forcing the King to duck behind the car once more. [Fuck! FUCK! What do I do?] thought Damian, [this old bastard is relentless. I need to go all in if I want to survive]. Taking a deep breath in, the self-proclaimed King placed his hands against the car. Eddie's M16 clicked empty, forcing the old man to reload. Damian closed his eyes and focused. Uttering a single word - "Pulse" - he flipped the tables once again. The car he had been hiding behind was instantly projected towards Eddie. However he did not try to dodge the flying car. Instead he ran towards it, one arm outstretched. As it approached he uttered his ability command phrase "Shadow Pocket Dimension" and stored the car. He then spun, and flickered out his wrist - throwing the car back at Damian.

Damian, eyes burning and teeth grinding, barely managed to dodge the flying vehicle. Pressing both hands together, he started to gather all his energy into a concentrated bolt of lightning.

Arthur's already enlarged muscles doubled in size, turning him into an ultra-heavyweight. He now stood almost seven feet tall and had ripped through his shirt and almost through his pants. Bending the metal of his sword and shield, Arthur created rudimentary knuckle dusters to complement his hulking form.

"You look like a mediaeval gloom guy." said Vin with a grin - pointing at Anton's collapsed form over by the nearby wall.

"Shut up." replied Arthur, stepping forward and driving one fist into Vin's stomach. The old man was thrown backwards several metres - smashing into the Museum wall. Cracks spiderwebbed around Vin on the wall which cracked even more when he pushed himself off. Wasting no time, Arthur charged forward at Vin with alarming speed. Vincent dived forward, sliding and through Arthur's legs on the snow and behind him. The behemoth angel collided into the wall, smashing through it completely and landing inside the Museum itself.

Shaking off stone dust and rubble, Arthur hauled himself to his feet and turned to face Vincent. He then reached down with one colossal hand and threw a chunk of cobblestone at Vin. Vin dodged easily, however was soon struggling as Arthur began throwing pieces of rubble faster and faster as he approached. Finally Arthur and Vincent stood toe to toe, the gigantic Angel staring down at the human. 

Arthur threw one colossal fist at Vin. Vin caught it with one hand, withstanding the Titan's impossible strength. Grunting with effort, Arthur started pushing with the entire weight of his massive body. However Vincent did not move - he withstood all the force behind the fist triple the size of his own.

"How… how is a human this strong?" asked Arthur, glowing eyes slowly widening.

"I've just had heavier burdens than you." replied Vincent as he drove his other fist into the stomach of the towering goliath. Arthur immediately gasped, all air escaping his lungs. Vincent then grabbed the giant's fist with two hands and pulled hard. Stumbling forward Arthur lost his balance and fell into a powerful uppercut by Vin followed by a jab to the face. Eyes tearing up and mouth gasping for air, the titan fell to one knee. Without a second to lose, Vincent spun on one leg and let loose a powerful hook into Arthur's head. The force of the blow knocked the giant completely - leaving him collapsed on one side, still. His mighty form slowly shrank down to its regular skinny size as he fell unconscious. 

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