
Not so subtle heart changes & New Skiill!

The city wall was not that high when compared to the walls that human factions scattered all over the Earth built for the sole purpose of protecting themselves from other enemies be they humans or mutant beasts. 

Stretching for what seemed to be over 120 kilometers and with a height of approximately 200-250 meters at most, the all-white wall not only looked elegant but even exuded a sort of transcendental aura with its presence.

"Hero City's protective veil will be held open for 2 minutes. Everyone who is already ready should move and those who aren't had better finish whatever it is they have to do as soon as possible." Angel Sonnata said in a deep voice as he watched the huge city with shining eyes, "To emphasize, Hero City is the core of Sky City so its shape is round. Remember that everyone has only forty-eight hours before being expelled so every second there counts; don't waste time!"


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