
Unforgettable night surrounded by beauties (Part 1)

Before going home, Bai Zemin made a stop at the villa of the Wu family and for the first time met Wu Jianhong, the former Premier of China.

Honestly, Bai Zemin's impression of Wu Jianhong was far from good after learning that he did nothing to prevent Xuanyuan Wentian from launching nuclear missiles against the faction of which his granddaughter and son were a part, and this was probably noticeable on his face as the old man smiled bitterly as he sat on the couch in front of him without saying a word.

Bai Zemin was waiting for Wu Yijun who was taking a shower according to what Sun Ling had informed him.

Sun Ling had been paying attention to Lilith in her Lili form and had done nothing to hide her analytical eyes. Strangely, Sun Ling couldn't help but feel puzzled as she looked at the woman in front of her.... Although this woman had a normal appearance at best, her body was certainly that of a demon. 


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