
The Small Council

[Aegon POV]

I went to the Small Council Hall followed by kingsguard carrying the book packages.

Everyone was there already.

Jon Arryn - Hand of the King (Prime Minister)

Pycelle - Grand Maester ( HRD & Health Minister)

Varys - Master of Whisperers ( NSA)

Ser Barristan Selmy - Lord Commander of the Kingsguard (Army General)

Stannis Baratheon - Master of Ships ( Navy General)

Renly Baratheon - Master of Laws (Home Minister)

Jon Arryn - Acting Master of Coins ( Finance Minister)

Yeah, Little Finger had not become the Master of Coins. Maybe he was out there in the Kings Landing running a brothel.

Jon Arryn was a busy man and wasted a lots of brain cells worrying about his godson. I lamented his future. My presence here might save him from being a cuckold.

I had seen Lady Lysa. Young Lysa was indeed a beauty. She looked similar to Sansa Stark unlike the old bitch from the tv series.

They all stood up and saluted when I came in. I let the kingsguard place the packages on the table and let everyone sat down. They curiously looked at packages. Like the everyone else, they were also doubtful and curious about the abnormal actions of the young king.

"So, what's on today's agenda?"

Jon Arryn talked about his recent visit to Dorne and dorne's fealty to the Iron Throne.

Stannis raised the necessity of rebuilding the royal navy.

Varys informed him about the status of the hunting down Viserys and Reynes.

"Any news from Pyke? Is Balon Gregjoy still unwilling kneel to me?"

"Yes, your grace. There has been no news yet." Varys hesitated a little and reply.

"Iron islands is an unstable factor. All they know are piracy, killing and raping. We can't let them as it is." I declared. If I let them alone, gregjoy rebellion would happen sooner or later.

"But your majesty, our army has not been recovered from the recent wars." Jon Arryn was cautious. Robert had just become king. He had just started consolidating throne by marrying Cersei Lannister.

"More the reason to rebuild the royal navy." I shouted in Robert Mode.

"Stannis, start the navy reconstruction."

"Your grace, it will empty the royal treasury." Jon Arryn was unwilling.

Fighting war was expensive. They had overspent gold and lives.

"No worries about gold and ships. I have already prepared. "

They were doubtful. They knew everything about king Robert. Robert was not a man of high conspiracies. They had not heard of any of his private coffers.

"You will know later. Just know that your king has been blessed by Gods." I suppressed their curiosity.

"Stannis, recruit and train more navies. No need to worry about gold or ships. I will handover them in two or three days."

"Yes, your grace" Stannis was doubtful but excited.

"Speaking of blessing, please check this out, Maester Pycelle." I unpacked the books and gave one to the grand maester.

I also pushed the package forward and let everyone take it. They were marvel by the white, smooth and glossy papers printed finely with uniform fonts.

"Your grace, where did you get this? Who made this books? Where did they get such fine papers? Is it from Essos? No, even Essos does not have such fine papers."

The grand master was so excited that he asked lots of questions without waiting for his answers.

"Slow down, grand maester. Don't get excited. Let me answer your questions one by one." I stopped the overexcited grand maester.

They were waiting for his reply.

"Well, it's part of God's blessing. Like those golds and ship, I can also get such papers and books. Do you think it will be helpful for our seven kingdoms?"

"Of course, your majesty. Such fine papers will be the boon for scholars and maesters in the seven kingdoms."

"Okay, read the book when you go back and tell me what you think about it. " I adjourned the small meeting.

They were all confused and suspicious. They even doubted if the king was an imposter. They went away with lots of question in their mind.

I left behind Jon Arryn to assign some task.

"What do you need your grace?"

"Just call me Robert, godfather."

"So be it. Robert, anything you want to talk about?"

"Godfather, send one of this book to each noble houses. And open a shop in each fort towns and cities. "

"Okay, I will arrange it. But what are you going to sell?"

"Foods, clothes, paper, books, agricultural tools, weapons, etc. we can sell many things."

"Are you going to get all these from your mysterious source as well?"

"Yes, godfather. You won't have to worry about royal treasury ever gain."

"Tell me, Robert. Where did get all these?"

"Forgive me, godfather. I will tell you one day, but not today."

He looked little disappointed but anyway the prospect of a rich royal treasury excited him. He went way to arrange it properly.

I let the king's guards carry the books.


Being a imposter king was not an easy thing. But stealing was an thrilling and exciting experience, isn't it?

No wonder, many men and women looked for extra marital affairs. 😋😋

I came back to the king's chamber and told the guards not disturb him if there was no important things. I had to make sure that anyone did no come in while I was away.

I had to go back to my hidden leaf village. I did not inform them before coming here. They might very worried.

Besides, I need to prepared lots of golds, ships and goods to sell.

In a flash, I ran back from the eastern end of westeros to the western end.

They were worried indeed. My mother was crying. She hugged me tightly and sobbed. I had to console her by promising that I won't ever sneak away like that again.

After that, I called everyone and explain what I had done. They were too shocked to say anything. Their jaws fell on the ground.

My mother was worried. The knights thought that it was my rightful place. And the maids were excited.

Well, Lady Ashara looked at me with gleams. If I was not wrong, I would get to know more in depth with one of the top beauties of Westeros soon.

It's indeed rush for him to be the king. But with all these super powers, it's rather boring for him stay in the westeros.

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