
Chapter 12: The Decision

3rd Pov

Genesis: Well I say that went well!

In a cafe near the Harbor Genesis and Blake were sitting down at a table both drinking water and Jasmine tea respectively. Many were staring at the floating cup in the air but Blake had just told them that it was an accident with Dust that forced him to stay like this, clearing away any doubts the people may have.

Blake: You were able to create a wave that big...

Genesis: Yes that is what I did.

Blake: Is that all you can do?

Genesis calmly sipped his tea while looking towards Blake thinking on why she maybe asking this, Of course he knew why she may be asking this so he has to play his cards safely in order for her to not do anything that may endanger her life.

Genesis: ...Yes, I am able to control water but that is just it.

Blake: I see.

Blake just sipped her water while thinking over what Genesis had told her. She was quite glad they were able to stop Roman and the white fang from getting away with the dust but her mind is telling her that their is something big at play here, she knew for a fact the white fang would never team up with a human even if they are told by the higher ups to or they were persuaded.

Genesis: What is bothering you?

Blake: Its just, I know for a fact no one would ever allow anyone to be caught working with a human since they believe all humans are the same but for them to do this..... I feel as if something bigger is at play here.

Genesis: Hmm, that is a good assumption but you shouldn't dwell on it.

Blake: But what it-!

Genesis: Blake I understand that you wish to figure out what is happening but you are still young, you shouldn't worry about what is happening in society too mu-

Blake: And why not!

Genesis sighed softly seeing that Blake was getting annoyed at what he is saying, which is reasonable since she knows something is happening but Genesis didn't WANT her to go back into the dark to truly see what lurks there.

Genesis: Because unlike you I am dead and I will always will be. You still have a life to live on how you wish to be, a chance to make new friends and potentially settle down with someone you love in order to-

Blake: What if I wish to figure out what is happening!

Genesis looked towards Blake before looking towards the people around him, he had subtly set up a small water barrier by making the water particles in the air heavier making it harder for sound to travel out of but he could see some people were wondering why there was muffled yelling coming from them.

Genesis: ... Alright then lets say I do allow you to travel down that path and you do manage to succeed, what path will you go down?

Blake: what?

Genesis: You can't just stay in one place since people would search for you, and it wouldn't be surprising if someone has a tracking semblance so faking your death is Neigh impossible.

Blake continued to think of ways of what she could do if she goes down this path, but every time she does come up with one Genesis shoots it down with a cold look on his face. He came here to make sure they succeed from their originals path, to make sure they don't fall from the pressure that is to come even if he himself doesn't know all of it.

Genesis: Ultimately when you do go down this path you are left with two choices Blake, will you go left where nothing is right... or will you go right where nothing is left?

Blake: ...

Blake just stared at Genesis cold face before thinking over what he said, and while she thought of it one little thought kept popping into her mind no matter what she thinks of. It kept bugging her and bugging her until she finally realized why it kept on coming up.

Blake: I'm scared...

Genesis: If that is the case, then you must figure out on what you must do in order to not be. For you were given a second chance, some many would kill to have, and it is up to you on what you are willing to do with that second chance! For you are not Blake Belladonna, Ex-white fang member and daughter of the first leader of the white fang..... you are just Blake Belladonna a student at beacon academy that is apart of team RWBY.

Blake: ... Thank you.

Genesis smiled before putting down his cup of tea, standing up genesis floated through the table before he brought her into a comforting hug. It seemed that is what she was needing for she latched onto him with small tears going down her face again, but she is not crying because she is sad no..... for once she is crying because she knows what she must do.

Genesis: Now then Blake.... I think it is best you go rekindle your bond with your friends.

Blake: I know.... but what if-

Genesis: I have a feeling that they won't, in fact why don't you look out the window right now.

Blake nodded her head before she looked out her window in order for her to see her team- no friends looking around while asking people questions. Though what is surprising her is not that, it is the fact the look of sadness that appears on each face when they didn't get the answer they wish for.

Genesis: Remember Blake, you have a second chance in life to live the life you wished for..... it is up to you if you are willing to take it.

Blake looked over to where she heard Genesis voice only to see he had disappeared, but she didn't care about that. Looking out the window one last time, she decided to stand up.... and walk out the door towards them.

Blake: Hey guys.....

Hearing the voice of their missing teammates they turned around to see Blake standing there with with a small nervous smile on her face. They just stood like that for awhile before a red bullet had crashed into Blake making her stumble a bit before she was able to steady herself in order to see Ruby hugging her tightly.

Ruby: Blake!

Yang: Well, Well, Well look what the cat dragged in eh?

Weiss: Not the time Yang.... but it is nice to see you are doing well.

Blake just stared at them before that nervous smile turned into a genuine one, they were already showing that they were worried about her but she can't be too hasty if they are just faking it.

Blake: Sorry that I.... ran away like that.

Yang: Eh, don't blame you since you did kinda drop a big bomb-

Ruby: But we don't care!

Blake just smiled while looking towards Yang and Ruby for them accepting her, but while she is glad they do accept her she was wanting to see what Weiss has to say about all that has happened.

Weiss: While I am a bit mad that you did run away after telling us that..... I don't blame you for doing it knowing on how I may act, so for that I am sorry and I hope we can get along in the future.

Seeing Weiss stick her hand out towards her was a bit nerve wracking but after awhile while staring at it, she had decided to take that hand and take her new life into full throttle.

Blake: I as well.

Ruby: So Blake where have you been!?

Weiss: Also do you know where Genesis went, he hasn't shown up for awhile and I was getting nervous and-

Blake: He is fine Weiss, in fact he was with me awhile ago to check up on me and talk to me..... he was the reason why I came here in the first place.

Weiss: Ah.... guessing he gave you a bit of wisdom?

Blake looked towards the cafe one last time before turning back towards Weiss to nod her head. While Yang and Ruby were confused, Weiss knew what that meant since she herself went through the same process.

Weiss: You know it is a bit weird to gain advice form someone who is the same age as you.

Blake: It is isn't it?

Both of them laughing softly, they started to walk around the preparing festival while talking about things they have done in their life both good and bad with Yang and Ruby trying to catch up with them. Though while this was happening Genesis was sitting down on one of the Rooftops watching this scene unfold.

Genesis: .....

Looking towards the setting sun, Genesis stood up before he started to walk towards the middle of the roof, once he was there he reached his hand out before opening the "Door" to the spirit realm.

Genesis: Lobo!

Hearing Genesis call out to him made him put his head up before he started to stretch, walking over to him Lobo was confused on the blank look on his friends face but had decided to wait and see if he is willing to say anything.

Genesis: .....

Sitting down next to Lobo Genesis had decided to ponder on a question that had appeared in his mind, he didn't realize it but soon many spirits were coming around him in curiosity of the new being that came here. While they knew he was the new avatar it still shocked them to hear that he is a spirit just like them, so they are honestly quite intrigued by him.

???: What seems to be the problem?

Genesis: Nothing..... I am just thinking over something.

???: Hmm, do you think another mind will help you out?

Genesis: I mean I guess.... I am confused, not to long ago I had just helped out someone in order for them to realize and take advantage of the second chance they were given and I know I am suppose to feel happy but.... in all honesty I felt empty, as if even though I did a good thing it doesn't matter to me!

???: Hmm I see that does sound like quite an interesting problem..... though tell me Genesis, what do you believe your destiny should be?

Genesis: To help out those I can no matter what, whether they may be a "Villain" or a "Hero" everyone deserves a second chance..... even if some of them may be irredeemable.

???: Oh? Well my boy you have quite the goal don't you but I see why you seem to feel nothing from what you have done because you have seen others do it already!

Genesis: Huh?

???: Though you may not remember your soul knows the truth young one and because of that it is wishing to bloom! It wishes to become the "Saving Grace" or the "Olive Branch" to those who YOU truly believe needs it!

Genesis: ..... to those that Truly need it huh?

Looking up to the sky Genesis pondered on that question before it had suddenly hit him, Quickly standing up he started to pet Lobo in order for them to get ready to travel. While this was happening the Voice just watched with a small smile on his face knowing why he is acting like this way.

???: Have you found what you are looking for?

Genesis: Yes I have and because of it I have decided to do one thing and one thing only..... and that is to help out those that call out to me.

???: Oh and how will you do that?

Genesis Earlier when I first met Toph I was called by Blake confusing me but I had decided to help out anyways since she was the one to call me out their in the first place. but now I realized on how she was able to bring me to her, its because I am truly here to help out those that need me not to stick with one group or person!

???: Oh and how will you find the ones that need you?

Genesis: Well Voice the answer is quite simple.... I let them call out to me!

???: And what if they don't?

Genesis: Then I will just train, train or explore the world around me until they call for me after all Life has unexpected turns whether I like it or not but it is up to me to decide what I wish to do with them.

???: Well then young one I think it is time for you to go and find those that need you.

Confused on what the voice meant Genesis turned around to see a portal leading to a Large white room filled with all sorts of luxury yet even with all of these things he felt sadness and Grief come through the portal.

Genesis: So it seems.... Come lobo!

Lobo: Bark!

Hopping onto Lobo Genesis walked through the portal until it had fully closed behind him, leaving the voice be by himself.

???: Hmm, so It seems that he found his path again.... good though I wish we could've talked over a cup of Jasmine tea as two fellow Tea lovers!

Chuckling softly the voice had decided to walk around in the forest while ignoring the spirits hanging around him. For why he is walking, who knows? he is just letting life to guide him through.

*With ????*

???: Stupid ***** Father, Stupid Drunk *** Mother, Stupid Family....

Walking down the hallways with a frown on his face the boy was annoyed and angry at what is happening. All the time he hears is "Look its the future heir of Schnee's" or " Look its the boy who will take the mantle of his father"! He is getting more and more annoyed at all the ******* Pricks are saying around him, oh and lets not get started on the rest of his family!

???: Don't understand why they are complaining, at least they got their olive Branch!

Now call him petty but he is annoyed and angered at what he is seeing as of right now, every time he hears something about his sisters its always about their achievements form his father as if he is trying to act like a good parent for once in his ******* Life! Lets not even forget the fact every time they write they don't ask on "Hey how is mother doing" or even "Hey Is Whitley doing okay!?"

???: Ha~ calm down Whitley or else your going to have to go back to your "Father" to get a "talking".

Shaking his head Whitley calmed himself before walking towards his room where he could release all his anger and rage calmly without anyone hearing him, at least that was one of the good things his father gave him.

Whitely: And who the fuck is this Genesis person!?

That was another thing that was annoying him, Ever since Weiss went to that huntsman school she talked about this Genesis person and how he helps people out when they need him the most.

Whitley: Helps people out my ass, if he was truly helping people he could appear in my room for all I-

Opening the door to his Room Whitley was greeted wit hthe sight of a young man with white hair and bright red eyes drinking a cup of tea while calmly sitting next to what seems to be a mixture between a wolf and a Beowolf that was sleeping calmly near his bed.

Whitley: .....

Genesis: Oh, hello there!

Whitley looked around before closing the door behind him, walking towards his bed Genesis just watched on in confusion but his question was answered soon when Whitley had decided to tell him what he thinks.

Whitley: I am too angry and Tired to deal with this *******! So let me sleep and then I will deal with it!

Drinking his cup of tea Genesis watched as Whitley lay down in his bed while covering himself up in his blanket, it also seemed that Whitley had decided to use Lobo's tail as a pillow since he had just grabbed it and put it underneath his head. While he watched all this unfold Genesis thought one thign and one thing only.

Genesis: .... Well I think he reacted better then his sister!

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