

Chapter two:

When Davina Osborne opened her eyes, the amount of sunshine that hit her face was unbearable. She started her day wandering around the house because she was tired of all the things she did last night. Her Captain's birthday was last night and she must have gotten drunk. If it was already bad, she was supposed to go on a field test for one of the newest models in her section.

She quickly entered the bathroom and started to freshen up. She made sure her face was clean and brushed her teeth. The water was hot but she took a bath anyways. It wouldn't seem like much sense to take a hot bath in the summer but she was in a hurry. Once she was done, she got dressed and went inside of her house.

The morning sun was making everyone's day miserable. The temperature was making Davina nervous because she might have a hard time flying. After some waiting, a cab arrived at her doorstep and she went inside.

Where shall I take you on this hot day, Ms? The cab driver asked.

The airfield near here. Davina smiled and started to breathe a little.

Must be a hot day. Everyone's drinking a lot of water the past few mornings. The taxi driver chuckled.

That's how it is in California. You got to appreciate the beauty of it even though your body is sweating like your in a oven. Davina said.

She looked outside and did what she said. She appreciated the view of the place. The people outside were having fun. Taking their dogs out for a walk. Playing some volleyball on the beach. It was a fun time to appreciate California.

But Davina was going to be in a pilot uniform getting ready to test a new model of a old plane. She heard a few nights ago that maybe Howard Stark helped out with this creation.

Fifteen minutes later, she arrived at the falicity which was looking new as ever. Two week's ago they requested to clean and fix the falicity. As soon as she entered, she was greeted by many people in the lobby. Most of her co-workers were at the front door waiting for her. They said that she had something special from the Captain.

At first, Davina seemed nervous but she picked up her confidence and walked towards the Captains office. The walk towards his office always made her seem calm. There were portraits hanged up on the walls which really helped her boost her self esteem.

Good morning, Captain. You look great today. Davina smiled as she entered the office.

Davina. Please take a seat. He insisted and she took a seat. First of all, how did you like the party?

It was great sir. I enjoyed it as much as you did. Davina replied.

Good. Good. I like it when my best pilot is enjoying herself. He smiled and fixed his seat. So you know that today is the big day. They'll be testing a new plane and they were hoping that you would name it. It's fast, agile, and easy to control. Davina's Captain told her.

I've heard that. It's such a honor to be naming that plane. Davina replied.

Yes, but I have one condition. You have to fly with Neville. Said her Captain.

No problem. No problem at all. Davina chuckled. It's going to be easy, Captain.

I know you have your problems with each other but- Replied her Captain.

Captain. It's going to be alright. You don't have to worry about me. It's going to be easy. Davina told him.

Alright then, take it to the skies. Replied her Captain.

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