
I don't know yet... I've never been in love before...

Inayah moved her body to the song Sandra was playing as she washed the dishes. After eating, they didn't wash the dishes so Inayah was now washing them.

Inayah turned to look at Sandra the moment she changed the song to a different one. they smiled and stood up and started dancing together as they sang along.

Who's gonna walk you

Through the dark side of the morning?

Who's gonna rock you

When the sun won't let you sleep?

Who's waking up to drive you home…

When you're drunk and all alone?

Who's gonna walk you

Through the dark side of the morning?

'It ain't me…''

'The Bowery, whiskey neat, grateful, I'm so grateful'

''You two are making noise'' Bertha yelled from inside the bedroom. Sandra and Inayah stopped singing and started laughing.

''Let me go back to my bowls''

''Let me rinse that first'' Sandra joined her by the sink.

''Okay. Are they still sleeping?''

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