
Palace Panthers Vs Cloudy Crocs

We arrive at the skate park a half hour early. I spread out a picnic blanket on artificial grass in a spot which won't bother anyone too popular or leave us too far away to be noticed. Sunshine's stretching his legs, skipping round, taking in newish surroundings. Chunk's decided to hang round too which is a wonder. He's sat a few feet away from us, keeping to himself, picking at his talons.

“Have you decided to start up practising at long last?” I ask on seeing Geordie's brought Toothpick along with him.

“Everyone needs a hobby.” He picks up his guitar and plucks the strings one after the other.

“Want me to try help you tune that?”

Smirking Geordie gives a heavy strum then breaks into a fast paced version of Teenage Dirtbag which sounds much grittier than mine ever did. I head bop to the music.

“When did you start up with the guitar?” asks Charlie.

“Shortly after being palmed off with the flaming thing. Once you know how the chords work you're rollin'.”

Chunk bangs his head around to the guitar playing while I re-teach Charlie and Danny the words to Teenage Dirtbag.

“Here's one for you, Charlie boy.” When bored of Teenage Dirtbag Geordie breaks into American Idiot; even sings this time. I have a giggle fit as Charlie listens on incredulously to this new form of taunting.

Kensington Palace students start making their way over to the skate park. Cameron and his jocks position themselves on and around a bench. They watch the cheerleading squad practise for the final game of the school year. It'll be an emotional time for Lucy I expect as it'll be her last ever cheerlead. At least she'll have prom to look forward to. At your last ever prom there's always fireworks. I'll never get to go to prom. That's alright because I get to dance lots at the pub. Here comes Casey walking in-between his two best friends looking as though he's never been away from them. All eyes are on him as he approaches where I'm sat. School must have been buzzing with how Casey's seeing field agent Corey West.

“You made it then?” Casey gives the wide brimmed hat that shields my face from inquisitive eyes a twang. “Fancy hat, Cores. Are you going to be alright sat here?” He gives the jocks a warning glance.

“I'll be fine. Team captain protects us.” I pat the most muscular part of Geordie's arm, only Casey's no longer paying our conversation any attention. A huge break in the clouds has caught his attention and he's not the only one captivated.

“Skies above, did you have to land right here? Look what you did to the barrier,” hisses Casey. “Unwanted attention is drawn to the skate park.”

“I didn't think. Holes only appear occasionally. I'm sure no one important will notice.”

“That is a lax attitude to take.” Casey drifts off on his board, through the gate, onto the slopes.

Eyes switch from the hole, to Sunshine, to Chunk not knowing where to rest. Hating the attention Sunshine runs around the back of me. I slouch into him, glad to have a willing pillow. After much debate Chunk is the most interesting subject to view. Not that anyone dare get close to the headbanging, talon flexing, griffon.

Geordie's still singing only this time he sounds more serious as he sings Breaking the Habit by Linkin Park. Sounds like this song means a lot to him. I could never get the hang of playing it. The cheerleading squad edge over to listen; not that he notices. Once done he lashes out Teenage Dirtbag in a heavy way. Keeps going. I'm surprised his fingers aren't bleeding. Danny sings along. I tap at my knees as though they're drums while watching Casey gliding down slopes. My heart catches as he chooses to do a three hundred and sixty flip thing in mid-air. He'll break his neck. Doesn't, lands halfway down the slope with ease, and keeps going. Flicks his fringe every now and again, showing off. Laughs as Frankie wobbles off a rail then takes to the rail himself. Grinds down with ease.

Geordie may not have noticed the cheerleading squad, but Danny keeps shooting Lucy these glances. She's gotten under his skin. I lean over to him and whisper. “The best thing you can do is ignore her. She'll hate that.”

“No need she's a freak.”

“Then why do you keep glancing over at her?”

Geordie puts down his guitar. “What are you two muttering about?”

“Lucy and Danny are glancing daggers at each other while Cameron looms amongst his clique watching.”

“This still?” groans Geordie. “She's a game player who likes money. You don't have money so won't get her for keeps. She'll use you, throw you to trash, and use you again when she's bored of him.” Geordie gesticulates at Cameron with his thumb.

Danny un-sheaths a katana, spins it round, concentrates his gaze on the shiny blade as though hypnotising himself. “I don't wanna play basketball. Was your idea.”

“We'd humiliate them.”

With a sneer Frankie swans over to the basketball team, takes the ball from one of the players while it's in mid-bounce. Cameron spins on Frankie ready to snatch their ball back but suddenly changes his mind on realising Casey's watching from on top of a slope. The skateboarders must rule the school. Used to be the jocks.

“Basketball is easy.” Frankie throws the ball to Geordie. “Any fool can play. All you do is bounce the ball from one end of the court to the other. Get it through a hoop. Cover opposing players.”

“Blah blah blah. Talk's boring; let's get some practise in. Where's this court?”

“Oooh can't we just chill here?” I settle further into Sunshine.

Geordie grips my arm, yanks me up, his attention fixed on team captain Cameron. “Your guys against mine in one hour at the b-ball court. Be there.”

I'm up which is unfortunate as I'd prefer to lounge about watching Casey performing death defying stunts. We're ready for the off when Snowshoe glides through the hole in the Cloud Barrier. Lands with a mini Chunk-esque thud. Ashley jumps from Snowshoe and marches right over to Geordie.

“Your team is being unprofessional.”

Geordie swerves his eyes round the skate park as though searching for a problem. “How?”

“Hanging out with students is inviting trouble to Kensington.”

“Team Geordie can do whatever it wants with their free time. It’s none of Cloud Association's business. Certainly ain't yours. Fly away and tell Courtney she pays our commission but she don't own us. We can survive without her. Corey's a talented artist. Danny could train whoever he liked in combat to earn his way through life. Charlie can do whatever he sets his mind too. Bet Ant would snap him up as an apprentice. Me I can busk.” Geordie shakes Toothpick. Chunk ambles over to Geordie's side head banging. “We don't need Cloud Association they need us. My lads are awesome. Now if you'll excuse us we gotta b-ball game to win to defend Danny's honour.”

“More like you wanna humiliate some jocks,” says Danny. “Cheerleaders are freaks.”

Ashley fiddles about with a button on her blue blazer. Stands quiet for a long few seconds as though having an inner debate with herself. “I wish I could play basketball too but it's not practical. Someone is bound to get hurt. I suggest you re-read the Cloudy Handbook to remind yourselves of your positions." She gets on Snowshoe. "I won't report you but if any of these students get hurt on your heads be it." And off she flies.

We ignore her warning and carry onto the basketball court. Casey and Milo jog to catch up with us. Frankie drops back to walk with them. They chatter about skateboarding business I have no understanding of. Danny and Geordie bounce the ball to each other as they walk, getting a rhythm going between them already. Milo breaks away from his friends, jumps up behind Charlie, holding his shoulders as he shouts, “pisshead!”

“I am not a pisshead,” retorts Charlie.

“Are! Thought Muscle was going to have to carry you out the other night.”

“Those two spiked your drink,” says Geordie.

“It was mainly Mi.” Danny bounces the ball to Charlie.

“With what exactly?”

“An extra kick of voddy.” Milo hops over to me. Snatches my hat which he places on his own head. “Everyone's going to start recognising you soon.”

“I know.” If I live long enough, I'll visit my mum tomorrow evening to let her know I'm alive. Would be cruel to reveal myself today only to be killed at dawn.

Basketball court!

Geordie and Danny run over to the hoop. Zwoom, Geordie hoops the ball first time. Danny takes a shot. His ball spins round the hoop and slides too far to the right, not quite making its way through.

“Unlucky.” Geordie shoots a second time. Another ball successfully through the hoop. Such a natural sporty sport, and Danny's never too far behind. His second attempt is a winner.

“Go Al!”

“Eek!” The dirty ball bounces over to me. I jump out the way. Phew, bounces right by. Casey catches it.

“We won't win if you run away from the ball you priss.” Casey throws the ball from where he's stood. Makes the long shot. Milo takes possession of the ball. Makes his shot easy. Charlie slam dunks his.

I edge away from everyone else's game. I'm useless at sports. Will only get in the way. Lose them the game. I sit in the stalls. Someone ought to sit on the sidelines. Cheer the team on. Wish I had my sketchpad. Flashbacks of forever being picked last for teams circle my field of vision.

“What are you doing sitting here on your own?” Geordie bumps down next to me. “You feeling alright? You're usually centre of attention at social gatherings.”

“If I play we lose. I'm shocking at sports.”

“In my experience losing is the same as winning.”


“If we win it'll be as a team. One player can't win by himself. Same for losing. One player can't lose the whole game by himself. We'd lose as a team.”

“Even if say I made a billion errors and no one else does?”

“If you make a billion errors the team won't have supported you properly. Winning is about team spirit; thought I taught you that ages ago.” Geordie hooks his arm round my shoulders. “Safety in numbers. Have I ever let anyone bully ya?”


“Meaning I ain't gonna let Kensington Palace jocks taunt you while we play basketball. Always be your usual quirky self, especially round a bunch of lads whose biggest personality trait is their biceps and even they're weak. If you put some effort in, you could ace Hillcrest at basketball.”

I burst into laughter as Casey bombards Danny to get the ball off him. Pushes him over. “Really?”

Geordie laughs too. “Maybe not.”

I take my flying hairband out of my pocket and tie my hair back. Game on. If I can survive Master Hugo's lessons, then this game of basketball ought to be easy. No more being picked last for teams 'cause I'm already on the coolest team ever.

Underestimating me Frankie is lazy with the ball. I bounce it off him easy. Bounce, bounce, bounce. Using my speedy speed that was once used, to flee from teasing meanies, I take the ball down the court and throw for the hoop. Make it. “Yay! Pretty boys are awesome.” I flash Frankie a peace sign then throw the ball to him.

“You're a shooting guard Al,” says Geordie.

“You learnt the positions already? What does a shooting guard do?” I tilt my head to the side having no clue.

“Get the ball from a distance and pass it to whoever.”

“'Kay.” I give a mock salute. “What's Case doing, and will you be shoving through each other?”

“He's a point guard. I'm centre. Danny's power forward and Charlie small forward. You all got that?” Geordie slings off his jacket as students start milling into the stalls. He's totes in his element playing a game of basketball against an opposing team. Even loses his sabre for the occasion. Wow we have spectators. Our griffons have positioned themselves at the top of the stalls. Sweet. Here come the home basketball team surrounded by the cheerleading squad. “We got this, right?”

“Definitely.” Casey's eyes smoulder on Cameron. “Let's crush them.”

“Crush?” says Charlie.

“Yeah crush. Hillcrest's got the right idea for once.”

“Roar roar Palace Panthers. Roar roar Palace Panthers,” chant the cheerleaders as they perform a mini routine while the basketball team show off to the spectators, flexing muscles and doing fancy basketball tricks.

“Crush 'em, crush ‘em, Cloudy Crocs. Crush 'em, crush 'em, Cloudy Crocs,” Geordie yells at them with a crocodile smirk going on. I clap along to his chant and start shouting it too which means Danny soon joins in. Casey even gets into our team spirit.

“That's not very patriotic towards your school,” muses Charlie.

“So? Those Panthers suck. Crush them, crush them, Cloudy Crocs!” whoops Casey.

Charlie sighs then gives the air a lame fist bump but is soon in full tempo once he gets going. Especially when he sees Cameron shooting Danny dirty looks.

Most of the school have turned out for this game. Word gets around fast. Ot-oh my hat isn't on my head. No one seems to be staring at me, they're more interested in the whole team. I probably will stay known as Corey West for a while longer and if not oh well. What's in a name?

Time to play seen as the cheerleaders have taken seats and Cameron and his team are moving into their positions on the court. We take ours too. I think I am stood in the right spot. Usually team captains shake hands before a game. We're skipping this formality today. Wow I am totes playing a game on the court with people watching. This just doesn't happen to me. I used to have to sit on the subs bench a lot. I wonder if my old sports lecturer has heard about our game. He's not here if he has. This is war no matter what Geordie says. Winning is the only option. Our reputation is on the line. Right what is my role again? Be fast with the ball, pass it to other players from the enemy end of the court. There goes the game on whistle. And we're off. Eek.

Such a hard game. We're running around. Dribbling balls. In some cases, slamming into other players; naughty Case. He plays dirty. I thought Geordie would be the one who almost gets sent off for knocking over the opposition. Geordie’s opposition falls over of their own accord when he expertly takes the balls from them with full on battle interception tackles. Are basketball steals called tackles? Focus me. A jock is dribbling the ball right by me. I run alongside him. Steal the ball. Dribble for a sec then throw to Danny. It's a bit off course but phew he manages to catch hold of it. Throws as Cameron comes at him. Woo first point to us yay! Go team.

When the Panthers hoop a ball, we do not let that phase us. Our spirit heightens; we keep going. They start getting more points than us. I suppose they know the game better. We have loads of energy to make up for it. Geordie doesn't understand why there's a half time. Would rather charge through it. We're three points behind.

“We can catch up easy. If they need a half time water break, we'll smash the second half,” says Geordie. “Faster harder more aggressive. No mercy to Panthers.”

“Crush 'em, crush 'em, crush 'em,” says Danny in his most chilled tone.

“Go Crocs,” smiles Charlie. I think he must have started enjoying the game.

Me and Geordie high five. “Go team!”

Casey's not part of our go team experience. He's too busy spending his half time bragging to all who will listen to him, while Milo admires his athletic capability, and Frankie humorously mimics his bragging.

When the whistle blows ending the game, we're two points up. We win! Geordie and Danny haven't even broken into a sweat. I'm short of breath from running up and down like a crazy.

Scree, scree. Prince glides out the Cloud Barrier and does a swoop of victory round the basketball court. Instead of cheering, students scream as their frightened eyes watch a nightmare creature flying round as though after his next meal.

“There's nothing to fear,” says Casey as Prince lands next to him tossing his head. “Skeletals are harmless and strong. Thunders have made the world scared of them. Come over here and greet him.” Casey's eyes fix on the most popular girl in Kensington Palace. “Get over here then.”

“I am not coming close to that beast. It'll peck out my eyes,” says Lucy.

“Fear is a powerful tool. Thunders use skeletals as weapons to control and taunt. I say Prince here stands for freedom.” Casey places a hand against the side of Prince's neck and stares up at the Cloud Barrier. “He takes me to see the night sky."

Lucy edges onto the basketball court. “Do you need a doctor? Maybe you're developing the affliction. The grey did take your cousin.”

“Souls with skeletals do not go grey.”


Casey offers Lucy his hand, inviting her to come closer. “Yes souls. The barrier sucks them from our bodies but skeletals protect them.” As Lucy takes his hand, he draws her closer, places her palm against Prince's beak. “See he won't hurt you.”

Am I the crazy stalker? Unable to break my gaze, in adoration, I stand watching Casey convince a whole stadium skeletals are good. He's such a people person. Students flock over to him wanting to pet Prince's beak for themselves.

“He's running with his plans,” comments Charlie. I'm not the only one fixated on Case. “Everyone in Kensington Palace is going to want a skeletal at this rate. Do you know how irresponsible that is?”

“Shouldn't they?”

“Not openly. There will be consequences.”

“He's getting rid of their fear.”

“Exactly which is all well and good until Midnight sends a squadron to Kensington Palace to reignite their fears. They're children and teenagers, with no military training. He's being irresponsible. Can't you have a word?”

I shake my head. “What Casey wants he does. There's no stopping him.”

“If you won't I'll have to”

Looks like Charlie's going to find out the hard way there's no swaying Casey when he's started on a task. He'll keep on pouring out his ideas even if he changes his mind about them to prove a point.

Uncomfortable leaving my waistcoat and long yellow jacket draped over a bench I retrieve them. Crap, Mi has my hat. Oh no he doesn't. Sunshine swiftly snatches my hat from Mi's head and skips over to me, daintily carrying my hat in his beak.

“Thank you.” As I put on my hat and flick my hair into place a chorus of laughter comes from a group of first years who seem more interested in Sunshine than Prince. I smile invitingly over at them. Doesn't take much they're on us in a shot. Still nervy about attention Sunshine tries to hide behind me.

“What's wrong with Sunshine?”

“He's shy because up until recently he used to be grey.”

“Did he have the affliction?”

“I don't know. Yellowy orange or grey he's always been super cute.” I run my fingers through a layer of Sunshine's feathers.

“If he's always been grey up till now why's he called Sunshine?”

Ooo clever question. “Because he has a warm heart of course.”

As Sunshine gets brave giving his visitors a curious blink the clash clashes.

“You think Kensington should live in fear?” says Casey.

“Not at all but I also think they shouldn't be vocal about liking skeletals or they will have a lot to be afraid of.”

Casey taps his temple. “Fear is in the mind.”

“Fear is the raid on our house. We should be cautious. There's no need to flaunt that you're not afraid.”

“Well I'm not and my peers shouldn't be either.”

“You have no idea what General Midnight can do to Kensington if you suddenly start speaking out. Cloud Association is playing the long game for a reason; to keep people in places like Kensington, Bloomsbury, Canterbury, Trafalgar Square, amongst other residential areas as secure as possible.”

“Henley's right about you. You're a real stick in the mud. Logistics bound boy.”

“Fine. Find out for yourself what life is like when you parade round with Prince.” Charlie swerves from Casey and is met with Hotaru. Gets on him. “Cameron's right about you. You're an egotistical maniac. Frat boy.”

Ooo Charlie sure does have some snap when getting into a serious debate. Geordie snickers at Charlie's outburst as he collects his sabre. Sunshine bumps into me, away from the first years, as Charlie takes off. Something's wrong. Sunshine crouches on his belly, back arched. I get on, following his sensitive instincts. He runs across the basketball court then bounces into the sky. I take a glance behind my shoulder. Geordie's holding his sabre ready for trouble, as Danny scans the sky.

“Do a quick check up there then report back to me,” calls Geordie.

Quick check. We've not even touched the barrier and blurs of skeletal streak either side of us. Sunshine pulls back for descent. We almost crash land. Manage to keep balanced.

“Evacuate. Scatter,” yells Geordie. No one moves as a whole squadron circle the basketball stadium. “Get to your homes then!”

“Lucky. Lucky. Lucky,” calls General Midnight in a sing song voice. “I've seen what you're doing to my barrier.”

Geordie hasn't taken in a word. He's too busy listening to Hotaru shrieking. A single moment later Hotaru's bombing to the ground, riderless. “Chunk, fetch Charlie.”

Chunk leaps to the sky taking half a bleacher with him, as Hotaru crashes onto the basketball court, bleeding. Thunders land spreading themselves evenly round the outside of the stadium, blocking students from fleeing. We've hit a worst-case possible scenario.

“Lucky. Lucky. Lucky.”

How do you deal with a worst-case possible scenario? I want to run. My feet are urging to dive under the stalls with the first years who were petting Sunshine. Geordie gives a slight motion with his head at Danny. Katanas out Danny herds students over to the stalls where the first years are. I don't know what I'm supposed to do if anything. Being a Cloudy is about protecting regular citizens from Thunder raids. Geordie isn't signalling for me to do anything. There's a whole lot of screaming as a dismembered Thunder bounces onto the topmost of the bleachers with a bench falling after him. I crane my neck back in time to see Charlie falling out the barrier. Hotaru tries to get up to catch him but doesn't manage it. He's going to get splattered. My heart judders just as Prince darts, grips Charlie's arm with a claw. Manages to deposit him semi safely beside Hotaru then clatters over to Casey. My feet do run, right over to Charlie. I shake Charlie's shoulder. He groans. Phew alive.

“What's this?” General Midnight rides over to Casey. “I did wonder where Grim had flown to.” She slinks off Dusk.

“He goes by Prince now.”

I try to catch Casey's eye. Wanting to scream at him to keep quiet for this one time in his life. She'll maim him terribly for speaking out.

“Too many,” rasps Charlie.

“What do you mean too many?” musters Geordie who's come up behind me while Midnight's attention is fixed on Casey.

“Sky is full of skeletals.”

“Right. Do you have a save the day plan?”

“Think this is it.”

Geordie pats Charlie's forearm as though accepting death.

I watch horrified as that cowbag threatens Casey with a moonblade. His ego wavers but doesn't completely disappear. Everyone here is going to get killed. She'll probably drag Geordie off for experimentation.

“Let me infiltrate,” I say hurriedly. Look at Geordie dead serious.

“What are you getting at?”

“If you trust me I can infiltrate.”

“Yeah but...”

“I think I can talk us out of death even though I’ll have to leave you. Be separated for a while. You'd have to look after Sunshine for me, and Casey too.” I un-strap my switchblades, hold them out to Geordie. “I can protect everyone.”

“You are the best friend I ever had.” Geordie gives me the go ahead as he takes my blades.

I'm not sure I will see him again. Want to give him the longest goodbye hug ever only there's no time. I get up putting on my bravest face. Mock General Midnight's sing song voice. “Lucky. Lucky. Lucky.”

“Lucky is putting holes in my barrier.”

“The Cloud Barrier does not belong to you. Neither is Geordie putting holes in it. Know how I know? Because I'm the one making those holes.”

“Don't be absurd. I'm not falling for your lies a second time.”

“You ought to. Would save yourself a whole lot of time. Look at Sunshine; he's changed colour because of me. When I touch grey in the air it disappears. I wish I knew what was wrong with me. Maybe you could help me find out. I swear Geordie's hair is just blue. I have proof.”

“Try me,” says Midnight sounding bored.

“Captain Yuki. You know how she exploded in a blast of light. I was the one chasing her. Stuck my blades in, made her glow. Exploded her. I warned you before you were interested in the wrong hair colours. Look to the light.”

“Shut up,” Casey mouths at me.

I pretend not to notice him. This is for his own good. He's better off without me if it means he lives.

“Take me for real to help me find out what's wrong with me. Only there are conditions.”

“Name them.” Midnight watches Sunshine observing his new colour.

“You leave our house alone. Especially when they are inside. You don't go near our house. That goes for all Thunders. If you want to find out what within me makes holes in the barrier you stay away from Team Geordie when they're not on a job. Let them have some normality. Oh and no meddling with Casey and Prince. That skeletal chose Casey so it's only decent manners you leave them be.”

“And in return?”

“I'm your science project.” I hold out my arms. Roll up my sleeves, showing off bare arms void of switchblades.

“I won't let you do this,” says Casey.

“Done.” Midnight grabs my wrists pulls me over to Dusk. “If you're lying about your abnormalities there will be consequences for Kensington. If I see a single pin prick of fresh hole in my barrier, Kensington burns. If Team Geordie attempts a rescue, Kensington burns.”

Willingly I seat myself on Dusk. Want to block out Sunshine's whimpering. He hates being separated from me. I know Geordie will look after him. My family will be safe for a while. I've bought them time. As Midnight's squadrons take off from Kensington, I am unable to look back knowing I'll go into melt down over-drive if I do. No one's died yet which is what matters most.

Time stops as we fly through the barrier to The Plaza. Did I just offer myself up as a science project? What bad terminology to use. Maybe I ought to have said prisoner instead. Shock for what I've committed myself to bubbles through my brain. I can't even see Anthony without getting silly. I shake my head. Take deep breaths. Must not let these Thunders see how worked up I am. Keep my brave face plastered on as long as possible.

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