
Transition World

The burst of light swallowed up countless shadows. In some heartbeats, the definition of time began to be questioned. A tinge of lavender, as well as a subtle magenta. Then faint darkness, sucking in the existence that was starting to vanish.

Eyes narrowed, death clawed to the ends. The oral cavity was choked, the esophagus was finally empty. In every part of the body that was destroyed, a soul had come out, which rose and was hidden behind a white glow.

Strange path. He continued through it until he found a gate: tall, white, meaningful, but undefined.

A wave. "You came finally? I'm happy too. But…" The voice stopped. Layers of light seemed to form blades, which shot in various directions and would chop Daniel's soul.

He gasped, backing away reflexively. His mouth was open, almost letting out a shriek. But a second later the gentle breeze of the wind supported his already incomplete back.

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