
BSWS CH-43 The Chunin Exams XI - A Clan is Reborn

Naruto was feeling a bit lost after the revelation he was awarded. On the one hand, he felt excited to finally know his parentage. On the other hand, he felt angry at his parents for leaving him like this. Most of all, he felt confused at the fact that a son of a Hokage was treated with such blatant abuse by the village he had served.

"Gramps …. if I am the son of the Fourth Hokage … and my mom was an Uzumaki …. why does the village hate me so much? …. why did they throw stones at me every day at my birthday, throughout my childhood? … why was I thrown out of shops and looked at with disgust by each and every villager when I used to go buy food to eat?" Naruto asked in a depressed tone.

"Because people are foolish and people let their fear get in the way of their common sense." Hokage said "You already know of the secret hiding within you Naruto. Even if I had forbidden people from spreading your secrets, some rumors of it still got out."

"The fear those rumors generated already created a difficult life for you. I didn't want you to face assassinations and politics on top of it by declaring the identities of your parents too." Hokage said with a sad expression.

"Minato was the greatest Hokage of all. He worked hardest among his peers and earned every bit of the respect he was awarded. Kushina too worked really hard to support Minato on every step of his career. Together they were two of the strongest pillars of the Leaf."

"With their fall, Leaf had to go through a lot of tough times. I did the best I could in that situation, but honestly, I am old Naruto. Sometimes I feel that I don't deserve the title of 'God of Shinobi', simply because the list of my sins are so long."

"So, please forgive me Naruto. Even if you have anger you want to unleash, take it out on this old man. don't hate the village for being unkind, as those were motivated by fear and ignorance rather than the truth." Hiruzen said.

Naruto mulled over Hiruzen's explanation for a while. After thinking it through, he gave a sigh of acceptance.

"Gramps, I understand, ya know. In no way am I happy about this, nor do I truly approve of it. But I do understand. And even if I may not be happy at how this village had treated me when I was little, I can't deny that I have gained my own friends and family here, for whom I would do anything." Naruto said.

"Thank you, Naruto. I really do think you have qualities of becoming Hokage in the future since you were able to reach this conclusion." Hiruzen said with a wrinkly smile

"And as for family, I am pretty sure you will gain a clan member soon enough, if Miss Karin's blood and paperwork go through successfully," Hiruzen said with a gesture towards Karin.

Naruto smiled as he realized this and grinned at Karin. Karin too gave a smile in response as she was too excited to have a new family.

Medical Personnel that Hokage had called for appeared soon after and checked Karin's blood. Since he had brought records of Mito and Kushina Uzumaki's blood, the verification process was pretty smooth. Karin was of a purer bloodline than Naruto, therefore her bloodline resonance was stronger.

"The test is positive Lord Hokage. She is indeed one of the Legendary Uzumaki." the Medical Personnel said as he looked at Karin in wonder. Hokage dismissed him and addressed the trio once the others had gone.

"Alright then. Looks like we can make it official. As of today, Uzumaki clan will be reborn in Leaf." Hiruzen said with another wrinkly smile "Miss Karin, due to Naruto's lineage being of direct Uzumaki's Uzukage line, I will be placing him as Head of your Revived Clan and you will be its Vice-head. Is this acceptable?"

"Yes, I have no problem with that," Karin said with a happy nod.

"Also, since Miss Sakura Haruno acted as the witness to Miss Karin's Sanctuary, your Guarantor to Leaf immigration and Your rescuer, I will be appointing her as Your clan's Direct Allied Partner, based on Clan Debts and Repayment." Hokage said.

"Huh? What does that mean Gramps?" Naruto asked.

"It means that Miss Sakura will basically be of the same importance to your clan as a member of Uzumaki clan for all intents and purposes, except for matters of Succession and Clan Decisions. She will however not need to adopt the Uzumaki name for this."

"This identity will protect her from any political fall-outs and threats, as that will be construed as a direct threat to your clan as a whole. This will then enable Leaf to help you out as Uzumaki Clan is our ally." Hokage said with a smile.

"Gramps .. you are really sneaky. I like it !!" Naruto said with a smile.

"Well, just consider it compensation for all those years I was not able to protect you Naruto." Hokage said with a laugh.

"Oh, and speaking of compensation, as you are officially being revived into a clan, there is a lot of inheritance which Leaf is safeguarding on the behalf of Mito and Kushina Uzumaki. I am sure you will like it a lot. Especially the substantial amount of money and your parent's home, which they left in your name Naruto."

Naruto's eyes got misty again when he heard that "My parents home? Why did you not tell me of that sooner Gramps??"

"If I had told you of that then I would no longer have been able to keep you safe from harmful gazes of other jealous parties. Your mother, Kushina, was one of the greatest Fuinjutsu experts I had seen. She kept a Blood-bound Fuinjutsu in her house."

"After her death, only her progeny would be able to enter a certain radius of it. And once you go into the house and claim it as yours, only those you allow will be able to enter or even perceive it. It is a weird and powerful method of Fuinjutsu, difficult to make and almost impossible to break."

"The amount of Raw Power it would take to break that level of Fuinjutsu could very well be equal to someone leveling the entire Konoha Village at once. So I was waiting for you to become a Chunin and become more responsible so that I can safely hand it over to you. But well, fate had other plans."

"Apart from me, only your Godfather knows of this. Once you claim your ancestry and your home, I will inform your Godfather of it. He should come and meet you then." Hiruzen said.

"Who is my Godfather, Gramps?" Naruto asked curiously.

"Your Father's Mentor, My student and One of our Village's Sannin. Toad Sage Jiraiya!" Hiruzen said proudly.

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