

|Sirzechs Lucifer POV|

"That is an interesting fight."

"Oh? Interesting? I know that you didn't even use one percent of your power."

"Not really. I did not want to sound arrogant, but I used five percent of my power to block that attack."

"Really? Surely you're joking, Lord Lucifer."

"Sadly, I'm not. That attack can kill a high-ranking devil with ease."

And I'm not joking about it. That attack can even destroy this room or even this mansion if Riser decides to spread it instead of condensing it in a single point to be used as a drill.

"I see."

I can see Hadrius Phenex smiled in pride at what I said, and I know the reason why. While it was sound little, five percent of my power can kill an ultimate class devil if I used it right. That is a rare thing.

Many so-called high-class devils in the present era did not even reach the power of the middle-class devil in the past. Too many of them become lazy and only too dependent on their bloodline power.

On the other hand, Riser can use magic, and his control over his bloodline is fantastic. I envy Lord Phenex for it. All of his children are rising stars of the underworld. While I want a prodigy as my son, I'm content to have a child of my own.

Four children, three of them are prodigies and have the biggest fortune in the underworld. Lord Phenex is an enviable person, indeed.

"That is so cool!"

I snap from my thoughts when I hear my little sister's voice. I look to the side and see Rias running toward me with Sona following behind her.

"Ria-tan! I'm really cool, right?!?"

"No! Ri-chan is really cool! He was like, WOOSH! And then Boom! Then… Then 'I will destroy it' then he was like 'FWOOSH' and the Boom! It was so cool!"

"W-What about me? I'm cool, right? Your onii-chan is cool, right?"

"Hmmm. No. Nii-chan just stood there. Not cool. I'm right, right so-chan?"

"En! En!"

I can feel an invisible arrow stab my heart as I fall to the ground.

"Ah… Ria-tan thinks I'm not cool. Ah…. I wanna die."

While I am crying on the ground, I can see my wife and queen walk toward me with her usual cold face. Heh, sometimes I wish for her to melt that expression because I know that she is a massive M in the bed and likes to be treated as a real maid.

If a human sees her 'hidden' room, they will either scream in horror or have a nose bleed because of how much BDSM play equipment Grayfia has inside her 'hidden' room.

"Waaaah! Grayfia! Ria-tan hate me!"


Before I could say more, Grayfia took out a Harisen from out of nowhere and slapped me in the head.


|Valerie Phenex nee Vassago POV|

I look at my son and his only peerage unconscious on the bed with a proud smile on my face. While I cannot say it out loud, Riser is my favorite child. He has been a quiet child since his birth. Riser only cries when needed, like when he pooped or needed some food.

I love to have many kids. I want a massive family. That is why I like seeing my husband impregnate his harem member. However, having kids is hard. You continue to be woken up by the cry of your child at night when they need some food or need to change their diaper.

I could have let the maid in Phenex manor do it, but I did not want to. I want to be a mother that takes care of her child. I want to be the one changing the diaper of my child, and I want my child to drink the milk from my breast.

I shake my head and snap from my thoughts before looking at my son with a smile on my face. I gently put my hand on Riser's face and give him a quick kiss on his forehead. After kissing him on the forehead, I walk toward Hermione Granger, the bishop of my son, and smile gently at her.

In the span of a month, she grew tremendously. Not only grew in the term of Demonic Power but her skill and control over magic are also fantastic. When I first meet her, Hermione cannot even cast any magic without her wand.

At first, my husband did not approve of Riser's choice of recruit. Hadrian thought that Hermione seduced Riser, so he reincarnated her into the devil, but after I talked to him, Hadrian agreed to see the growth of Hermione before he made his judgment.

And I'm proud to call her a member of the Phenex clan.

She works her body to the brink of breaking to meet the expectation of Riser and both Hadrian and me. In a few months, she exceeded my expectations. It is rather sad that Hermione's elemental nature is ice. If she had Earth as elemental nature, I could teach her two tricks or three.

After joining Riser's peerage, she also gets a Fire element, making her a dual elemental magician.

After watching today's fight, I know that Hermione listened to the advice of my second son, Rogul. Rogul is an oddball in our family. He has fantastic control over his fire, and his fire is also good enough to melt a thick iron gate in a few seconds.

However, for some unknown reason, Rogul decided to master illusion magic. I proudly say that he is good at it. When Hermione is browsing our family library, Rogul talks with Hermione and gives her advice to master an illusion spell.

Seeing how good Hermione is at illusion magic, I know that Hermione's affinity to magic is very high.

Hmmm… Maybe I can talk to Mephisto Pheles to teach Hermione a few tricks. He owes me a favor for not destroying his balls after all.


When I open up my eyes, I'm in a rather familiar room. I get up and look around the room. Yup, I'm in the company hub.

"You are awake, master."

I look to my right, and I see Hermione sitting down on the ground near me.

"Ah, Hermione. Why are we here?"

"I'm sorry, but I did not know, master."

I sigh a little and get up from the ground before walking toward Yuni's desk. When we arrive in front of the desk, I say.

"Hello, Yuni."

"Ah! Welcome back Riser, it is nice to see you."

"Yeah, it is nice to see you too. Anyway, I have a question if you did not mind."

"Sure. Ask away."

"Can I ask the reason why I'm here? I did not choose to come here after all."

"Have you deactivated the auto function in your company phone?"

"Wait. There is an auto function?"

"Yes. Every time you go unconscious, your soul will be teleported here."

"I see. No, I have not deactivated that function."

"Do you want me to deactivate it?"

Hmmm. Nahhhh. Not now, at least. When I have enough points in my pocket, I will deactivate them.

"Nah. I will be the one to deactivate it."

"Very well. Is there anything else? Or do you want to wake up in the waking world?"

"Hmmm. Is there any mission you recommend for me?"

"Hmmm… There is something, yes. Here, this is the mission."

I take the flyer from Yuni and begin to read it.

|The Company need an Engine of Ascension|

|The Company needed material to create an Engine of Ascension. The current location of the material is in Nasuverse. Specifically in Fuyuki city, Japan, Earth-2889723ACO|

|Target: Fuyuki Holy Grail Core|

{Reward: 6000 points and any waifu you bind from that universe.}

"What is the Engine of Ascension?"

"It is an advance upgrade you can buy when you reach the Gold Membership. By buying this perk, you officially become a god of your universe. It cost you two hundred and fifty thousand points. You also need another one hundred thousand points to buy your domain."

"That is… Rather cheap."

"That is right. However, what makes it hard to obtain is because you need to reach a Gold Membership."

"How can someone reach Gold Membership?"

"I cannot say all of the requirements because you are not a silver member, but one thing I can tell you is that you need to beat twelve challenges created by your patron. If you fail that challenge, you can either die, or your patron will take some of your power and perk."

"I see."

That is harsh. Either I died or started from the start with zero perks and power. I guess I can see why it is a hard task to reach the gold membership.

"Anyway, let us back to the mission. How many people come to this universe?"

"There will be four, including you and your waifu. The other agent will bring his waifu as well."

"Hmmm. Can I reincarnate people from this universe without binding them?"

"Using your Evil Piece, yes? The answer is yes. The company will protect you from the attention of Gaia and Alaya. There is only one person that will know your existence in that universe."

"Oh? Who?"

"Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg of that universe. He is one of our agents, after all. He is a silver member of the company, and he has a few hundred waifu."

"A few hundreds?!?"

"He has a fetish for clones."


I thought Zelretch has a fetish for a magical girl? I guess each version of Zelretch has a different fetish.

"So, will you take the mission?"

"Yes. Hermione and I will take the mission."

"Good. Your teammate will arrive in a minute for the mission briefing."

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Fangrovecreators' thoughts
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