

Just In




The Wolf prowling across dimensions by Pandora's Reader

 Highschool of the Dead & My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア Xover Rated: M, English, Family & Adventure, [OC, Rika M., Shizuka M., Saeko B.], Words: 820k+, Favs: 1k+, Follows: 1k+, Published: Nov 17, 2021 Updated: Nov 9 779Chapter 91: Calling the Cavalry

We're close to the 1,100 favs milestone, so I'm going to post this now.

Finally, we're back here. I've been sitting on this chapter for a while, and I'm happy that I can get it back out. Even when I had to rewrite most of it due to what I did in omake's, it's finally time. So here we go!

Wently - Escalation huh? Well, Taylor isn't the queen of escalation here, so SOMEONE has to be it.

A55kicker - Not something I wanted to know, but now that I do, I feel better.

Brooks - Ah yes, the 'poor' Endbringers.

Spearow - I might just do a bunch of speedruns, since people ask for a bunch of worlds I don't want to do at this stage. Though, not sure WHEN I'd fit that in.

Ordnan - Avery/Yin will be the only person from the bus that he meets.

Shadowlord - Well, the time is now!

Jellatinous - I'm amused at that reaction.

Dakota - Well, lets see how good this arc will be.

{Yin's POV a few hours earlier}

Groaning, I opened my eyes, and took in my surroundings. Waking up in my base, I had to hold back a sigh "Gods system, do we REALLY have to have it blend into the surroundings?" I knew I was repeating myself, but I was kind of serious. My base was nice, clean, and honestly, a great home... But this was Brockton Bay. If it was TOO nice, I'd stand out. So unfortunately, I had to let system turn it into the equivalent of a shitty two story home. I hated it, but no one's come busting through my door hoping to strike it rich. (If only it was nice again... Hah...)

[Keep pestering me about it, and I'll turn off the anti vermin affect.]

I paused mid stretch, and gulped. "Nevermind." The feeling of smug satisfaction radiated from my system, and I had to do my best not to think anything negative. And the best way to do that would be to start my day.

So I did.

Getting off my bed, I yawned, and made my way to the bathroom. Though, as I did, I thought about what I managed so far. (I dismantled the Merchants, Taylor's not in the Undersiders. She didn't get blackmailed by the Armsonmacock. The Undersiders are free from Coil, and Lisa pretty much lives with me... I saved Dinah by dealing with Coil preemptively. But I couldn't stop Bakuda, damn Tinker base... We got her at least, so that worked out. Kaiser's days are numbered. Lung's in the cage. Coil is thankfully, six feet under, man, that was satisfying when we killed the fuck. Still working on the whole thing with Saint and those fucks, the Nine are ready to be put down when they try to stick their noses where they don't belong, and I'm ready for Leviathan... Hmm... Cauldron's made good on their deal, so that's great. And that's it... Still wished I read Worm before getting truck-kun'd.) But again, I never thought I'd end up in this world. (Thankfully, the guides from Macky, Athena, and Saya are helping.) The tiny, and somehow still normal part of my mind, felt incredulous about the fact I had a Werewolf best friend in the world of My Hero Academia that helped send me information about the book world I was currently in.

[It's cheating, but good cheating.]

I snorted at that, and had to cough out the toothbrush that almost went down my throat. (You did that on purpose. I just KNOW you did.) System didn't say anything, but I felt the smirk. I did my best to ignore the bastard, and went back to thinking about Worm. I wasn't scared shit less anymore, but I was still worried. The Simurgh wasn't a problem, thank fuck I was a blind spot, but Scion... (Level 2,000 asshole... Still don't know how the fuck I'm supposed to beat that without using that one ward from Boston.) System didn't say anything, or even give me a hint, so I was still in the dark with that.

I went through the motions of starting my day, and eventually made it to the kitchen. Looking in, I saw Lisa, who was munching on some cereal, and turned to me as I came in. She gave me a wave, and smiled as she finished chewing. "Morning Yin. You sleep fine?" A nod, and yawn were my answers to that. For some reason, that amused her, and I didn't know why. "Cool. Anyway, I'm finishing up the rest of the Fruit Loops, so we're out of cereal at the moment."

I had to sigh as she said that, and made my way to the fridge to get ingredients. "Have I said I hate you recently?" I wanted those... And now they were gone. (Le sigh.)

Lisa snorted, and dug back into her cereal. "No. But you don't mean it anyway." Grumbling at that, I closed the fridge, made my way to the counter, and started cooking and brewing a pot of coffee.

My Cooking skill was level 22, so I could make something passable, but mom's cooking was something I was starting to miss. (I should've stored more food. Damn me and my sympathetic heart.) I knew I had enough for a few months, but Taylor needed to actually eat good things once in a while, and the others didn't really have anywhere to go. Sure, Lisa was living with me, and the Laborn siblings were staying until Brian could find a good place to rent when they left the Bay, and Alec... I paused, then took a moment to sigh. (When the hell did I practically shelter the Undersiders in my base?) I didn't know, but it was too late to do anything about it. (At least Rachel stays at her place. I don't have enough credits to add in a dog area. And thankfully, Taylor has a place with her dad.)

That got me to think about Taylor, and who she could've been... Skitter... Khepri... I set down the coffee that finished brewing, stopped cooking, and sighed. (She's doing better then she was in cannon. Mentally and physically... But still...) I thought about her trigger event, and felt my appetite say 'nah, I'm good.' How she managed not to flood those bitches houses with bugs, I'd never know. (She's too nice for her own good... Almost like Ruby...) That comparison made me clench my teeth. Just the thought of Ruby going through that almost made me lose my shit, but Gamer's Mind came through, and I breathed out. "Thanks." System didn't respond, but I felt the equivalent of a shrug.

"Talking to the mysterious entity in your mind again?" I snorted at that, since she was maxed, system allowed me to share the secret. She had an identity crisis for like, a half hour, then decided to devour the guides sent to me by Macky. Lisa gained a VERY fine appreciation of the goddess, Saya, and my bestfriend.

"Yup. System's being nice for once." I got an eye roll from said system, while Lisa just hummed, and went back to eating her(read my) cereal.

Anyway, that conversation and my biggest reason to punt the three bitches into low orbit aside, things were going fine. I helped Taylor with her power, built up rep with her, Vicky, Amelia, the wards, and Taylor's dad. I've got a few of them maxed, and Miss Militia is close. So that's nice. I also obviously had rep going with the Undersiders. Lisa and Rachel were maxed, New Wave, aside from Brandish, were halfway there, and Dragon, but not that much for the latter.

Other then that, I'm level 130 now, so I'm pretty much the strongest in Brockton. Not that anyone knows. The PRT would lose their shit if they knew I was, even more then the fact I could use a 'shaker' affect on the whole city, but it was whatever. (Anyway... Leviathan is coming soon, right? So shouldn't I get a quest to prepare or something?) I knew he was coming soon, Noelle was still here after all, but I wanted confirmation. After a moment, and a surprisingly short chuckle from system, I got a 'ding', and I checked the quest... And then I swore.

[The end is nigh.

Due to advanced knowledge, you 'know' something was supposed to happen today(Not supposed to be today, but he's early for some reason.) Well surprise, 'Leviathan' is coming to wash Brockton Bay away.

Objective - Survive the fight against Leviathan.

Ensure the survival of Taylor Herbert. []

Bonus Objectives

Repel Leviathan yourself. []

Kill Leviathan. []

Rewards - 100M EXP, $10M USD, 1 Legendary Gacha ticket, 1 roll of Leviathan's powers.

Failure - The deaths of all your friends(In Worm.)

Deadline - 5 hours.]

Automatically accepted.

"FUUUUUUUUCK!" I thanked every god I knew that my base was soundproof, so even if I had neighbors, they wouldn't have heard it. Anyway, back to me freaking the fuck out.

At that point, Lisa had decided that just watching me freak out and talk to myself was enough, and clapped her hands, bringing my attention to her. And as I turned to her, I noticed Aisha was here, chugging Lisa's juice like I wasn't freaking out, while Alec was poking his head into the livingroom from the hallway. "What? That time of the month or something?" As one, Lisa, Aisha and I threw the nearest things we had at him, and ignoring Lisa's shout of 'my spoon!' Getting a yelp as Alec ducked back into the hallway. He waited for a few seconds, then peeked back in, seeing Lisa glaring at Aisha, who didn't seem to care, while I wasn't freaking out anymore. "So... As much as hearing a hot girl scream 'fuck' is, wanna spill on what you were screaming about?"

Aisha and Lisa turned to me at that, both equally curious about that, and I sighed. This was going to suck. "... Try not to freak out."

"Anyone else going to freak out now that she said that?" I ignored Aisha, even as she went back to drinking the rest of Lisa's juice.

"Leviathan is coming in a few hours." Aisha spat out said juice, Alec leaned too far in, and fell, and Lisa froze.

There was silence in the house for a bit, before Brian blearily walked in, took in everyone's states, and looked at me. "What'd I miss?"

I sighed, and repeated myself. "Leviathan's coming."

Brian blinked once, and at that blink, everyone reacted. """"FUCK!"""" Exactly.

I was going to say something else, then I paused, and remembered something important. SomeONE important. "Taylor!"

The Undersiders' eyes widened, and Lisa gave me a look. "Get her!" She didn't need to say anything else. I swapped into my Dragoon set, a set I'd gotten from the dragon dungeon I unlocked for reaching 100, and Badb's new default, and quickly jumped out of the window. I had to get Taylor, and I had to get her now.

So, as I was running, I pulled out my untraceable/work phone, and called Vicky. It rung a few times, but eventually, she picked up. ~Heeey wh...-"

Putting on my Badb voice, I cut her off. "Leviathan will be attacking the bay after 1PM. Inform the PRT." There was the sound of someone other than Vicky, choke, but I didn't mind that.

~AW FUCK! DEAN! WE GOTTA GO! THANKS MORG!~ And like that, she hung up. Thank gods she was at 70 rep, so she didn't spend time questioning me. It helped that I was one of the more trusted capes in the Bay, considering all I've done, and having Alexandria back me up when I had the Kill Order removed, so my words were bought easier. With that done, I put my phone back in my inventory, and kept going.

As a Gamer, one with my maxed Brawler and level 30 Mage class, wouldn't really see why I was so worried about these guys. So here's some context.

Endbringers were bad fucking news. Like, REAL bad. Leviathan was level 500. 500! Behemoth was level 650, while the Simurgh was level 550. And as an Endbringer, his stats translated differently then mine. So even if I went wild, used Werewolf form, Wrath, Brawler skills that boosted my stats, threw all the magic I had at him, I wouldn't REALLY be as strong as him, even though those boosts SHOULD put me above him. So, context given, hopefully you can see why I was kinda losing it here.

And I wasn't even bringing up the whole 'layers and core' bullshit Endbringers had. "Ugh. Fuck it, rant later, get to Taylor now." That set, I kept running, and did my best to get to my pseudo sister.

{5 minutes later}

Making it to her house, I took a moment to listen through the roof, then groaned when I didn't hear anything. (Fuck! It's a Friday you dumb bitch!) Taylor wasn't skipping school either, the process to get her set up for online school was still going on for some reason so she still went to Winslow, so she was bound to be at that shit hole. I wanted to bash my head into a wall, but stopped. (Ok, breath Yin. We can work with 's just head over to Wi...-) The air raid sirens started going off, and I groaned. "FUUUCK!" I decided to say 'fuck it,' shifted, and it the streets as I ran towards Winslow.

I knew people would recognize me as The Morrigan, but it didn't matter. The sirens meant the Endbringer truce would be in play, and that I could get away with it... Well, I was sure that I could. But it was whatever, what mattered was making sure Taylor was prepared. So, I ignored the shouts of random people, the random curse from the addicts and others, and kept running.

{Another 5 minutes later}

I made it to Winslow, as the evacuation was on going, and kept my eyes peeled. Taylor was so...- A beetle approached me, and I blinked. (Nice.) The beetle scurried away, and I followed after it.

As I did, more beetles joined us, and even some more creepy crawlies.

After a whole minute of running, I was led to a dead end, where my pseudo sister was. When we met, Taylor gave me a shaky smile, and I shifted back. "H-hey Yin... So... Leviathan?" She tried to hold it back, but I saw her shake when she said his name.

I frowned, unequipped my armor, and hugged her. Taylor still wasn't used to physical shows of affection, which pissed me off something fierce, but kept my anger inside. Now wasn't the time to blow up. Not at her. "Trust me Taylor, we'll be fine. We're going to get through this, you hear me?" She shook a bit more, but hugged me back, and I held her.

She took a minute or two to calm down, but when she did, she looked at me, and nodded. "I trust you. Yeah. I'm with you." I smiled at that, and returned her nod.

"Alright. Let's go get ready." Another nod, and Taylor got on. I jumped, made some platforms to land on, and took to the roofs. There was an Endbringer to prep for.

{10 minutes later}

After getting Taylor into our base, she and the rest of the Undersiders had gotten geared up, and were all gathered in the livingroom. I left them there while I went to the armory.

The armory was where I kept the low tier items, stuff that I didn't want cluttering my inventory, and things that I could pass off as Tinkertech, such as Mechashift weapons like my copy of Crescent Rose, courtesy of Saya and Ruby. Now, if someone took them apart, then they'd see it WASN'T Tinkertech, but THAT wasn't happening, so too bad for them.

Anyway, I rummaged around my armory, and looked for something I could give Taylor, the Undersiders, Vicky, Amelia, Wards, a whole fuckton of people I knew. They needed something to help keep them alive, something that wouldn't get Cauldron on my ass if one of the knock off Justice League noticed them. (Where did I put that... Aha!) Finding the charms, I grinned as I Observed them.

[Ghoul's fang necklace - Rank -Uncommon

HP Regeneration increased by 5%.

Damage resistance increased by 3%.

2% Life-steal bonus.

Level requirement - 20.

The fang of a common ghoul.

Durability 100/100]

They were low leveled, but would work. Now, they might question me about why the fuck I'm giving them a super sharp tooth on a necklace, but I could play it off as power bullshit. Anyway, next one.

[Werewolf fang - Rank - Unique

HP Regeneration increased by 15%

Stamina use reduced by 10%

Stamina Regeneration increased by 10%

The fang of a powerful Werewolf/Gamer.

Durability 250/250]

Yup. When I went into Werewolf form, and actively pulled out a fang, I got that. Now, it hurt like a bitch, but it was good gear, so I sucked it up, and yanked some out. Again, they might question my sanity for giving them a necklace with teeth on them, but oh well. Anyway, last but not least.

[Dragon fang -Rank - Unique

Damage increased by 15%

Damage resistance increased by 20%

Elemental resistance increased by 10%

Damage to dragon's increased by 5%

Damage dealt by dragons decreased by 5%

The fang of a juvenile dragon.

Durability 500/500]

I got a dragon dungeon when I hit 100, and that was a drop from the boss. I didn't keep it in my inventory since the necklace I got was double those buffs. It was also where I got my Dragoon armor. Though, that didn't matter.

I worked on putting the teeth in the Ghoul necklace's, which was a weird thing to be doing, and after a minute, had eight necklaces. Thankfully, the buffs stacked, so that was good. But I frowned either way. (Not enough though... This is going to suck.) I didn't have time, so, I did something I hated. So, going into Werewolf form and reaching up to my mouth, I put my claws on one of my fangs, and PULLED.

I bit back the annoyed grunt that would've come from me, and kept going as new teeth healed in their place. Normally, Gamer's Body would prevent a loophole like this, but since it was ME doing this, and teeth counted as a ingredient item, I was free to pull em out.

Anyway, after I got twenty fangs worth, I brought out some string, and made some more necklaces with them. They weren't going to be enough, but they'd have to do. So with that done, I left my armory, and went into the livingroom.

When I got there, I saw Taylor with the others, in her suit. I didn't mind how creepy it looked, since the thing was really practical for a teenager.

Taylor and the rest of the gang noticed me come in, and looked at my hands... Specifically the necklaces I was carrying. "Yin... Why are you holding a bunch of teeth?" Granted, that was a GOOD question. The rest of the gang looked interested about why too, but before anyone could say anything, Rachel stood by my side, reached out to one of the necklaces, and sniffed it.

After a few sniffs, she blinked, and pulled back. "Some of those teeth are yours. Why?" Aaand, that got me a bunch of looks. I sighed, and decided to do this the quick way.

So, I reached out to the table, set them down, and motioned to the necklaces. "My teeth carry traces of my healing factor. Having them on you will give a boost to your natural healing. It won't be anything like mine, but it should be enough to keep you from dying." They all looked at me, almost like I was crazy, but my ever faithful friend Rachel, just nodded, and reached out for one of the complete necklaces.

When she put it on, she blinked for a moment, probably feeling it help her, then nodded. But then she did something crazy. She brought her arm up to her lips, and BIT down. There were shouts of concern as she did, but Rachel didn't care, and went as far to rip a bit of skin off. "Rachel, what the fu...- Holy shit." Brian was rightfully worried, but we all saw Rachel's skin visibly heal right before our eyes. A 20% increase in regen wasn't a joke after all.

After a few minutes, the small bit of skin she ripped out was healed. Though, there were still some blemishes against her skin, mostly the indents of her teeth where she bit. "... Ok... How the hell..." Lisa reached out for another complete necklace, and started staring at it. She was using her power, trying to figure out just what it was they were. Though, while she did that, the others stopped staring at Rachel and I, and went over to pick out a complete necklace of their own. When they were all equipped, my friendly Thinker gave me a look. "Yin... Why am I getting 'Fang of a juvenile dragon, Werewolf, and Ghoul' from my power? And how the hell do these things increase stamina regeneration, healing, and damage reduction? This shit doesn't make any sense!?" Those were all very good questions.

And I had a very good answer. "Power bullshit." Lisa stood there for a moment, and after cocking her head to the side, she STARED at me. While SHE was maxed, the others weren't. And now wasn't exactly the best time to get into that.

Lisa understood that, and went with it. "Ok... As much as that ISN'T an explanation, it's kind of bullshit that it is." She had a point. I could literally use my Werewolf form and play it off as a changer power. That's what I did with my Wolf form as Nemain.

But again, it wasn't the time to think about stuff like that. I looked at the Undersiders, and took a breath before I asked them an important question. "Guys. I know you trust me, but I need you to keep what I'm going to do next a secret. Can you do that?" They all shared a look, then nodded without missing a beat.

"You know, we wouldn't be living with you and screwing around if we didn't. So that's kind of a stupid question." Alec had a point, but I wouldn't say that. He would be insufferable about it for a while if I did.

But, with that said, I smiled, and gave them all a nod. "Alright. Take off your masks real quick, and save your questions for after I'm done." They understood I was being very serious, and one by one, started taking off their masks. But I shelved that thought for now, and breathed out. It was time. So, walking up to Taylor, I started a process I was worried about, but was going to go for because it might just help them survive.

"For it is in passing that we achieve immortality.

Through this we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all, infinite in distance, and unbound by death.

I release your soul and by my shoulder protect thee."

When I was done, a brown coating of aura flashed over Taylor, and she gasped. I made sure to watch how it happened. I had time to awaken her aura, but a warning from system stopped me. But despite the warning, I had to do this. Taylor had to survive, not because she was the protagonist, but because I wanted her too. So, as Taylor took in her aura, I, and system, watched.

[You're in luck, worst case scenario didn't happen.]

I relaxed, and let myself sigh. (Thank gods.) The 'worst case scenario' was me somehow awakening her shard, and alerting the entities. I was worried about doing that for the same reason as giving the crew the bite. If the shards awoke, or they suddenly turned into different species, which the transformation would end up devouring the shards and making those powers truly theirs, system said Scion would be on my ass faster then an Alabama man and his sister.

Thankfully. that didn't happen. (Now, I just have to do that another five-eight times... Please luck, don't fail me now.) I mentally crossed my fingers, and moved onto Lisa, who was STARING at Taylor in a way I knew signified her power was firing on all cylinders. Her eyes snapped to me when I raised my hand to her head, but I just shook mine. "AFTER, Lisa." She huffed, but did what I asked.

After I unlocked Lisa's aura, she was gold like Yang's, I moved onto the rest of the crew. Brian and Aisha had black and brown, Alec was surprisingly green, while Rachel had a red aura. It was when I was done with Rachel, that I whistled to Angelica, Brutus, and Judas. The three responded without missing a beat, and were by my feet in moments. So, I bent down, and awakened their auras. And that led to something new happening. When I awoke all of their auras, a faint, but visible tether extended from their auras towards Rachel. I, and the others, watched as these tethers connected to Rachel, and she gasped.

I had no idea what the fuck was going on, but when Angelica barked, I blinked. "Oooh..." She called Rachel 'pack-sister.' This was big because firstly, while being buffed, the trio still couldn't convey words with their barks, mostly general things like hunger or thirst. But now, Angelica had just spoke, and if those tethers were what I thought... Turning to Rachel, I asked her. "Telepathy?" My friend mutely nodded, more focused on the fact that Angelica, and I was going to assume Judas and Brutus, were talking to her in her mind... Actually... "So... You've found your semblance not even a few minutes after having your aura unlocked... That's both so bullshit, but awesome." It really was, since I had do level up my Remnant aura to 25 before I got my semblance, and that took MONTHS! (So unfair... At least nothing went wrong, so that makes me feel better.)

The Undersiders, and Taylor, looked at me at that, confusion and disbelief in their gazes. I held back a sigh, and waved my hand. "Go ahead and ask, we have time." While Leviathan was coming, we still had time, so I could answer any questions they had.

Lisa blinked a bit, then after sitting onto the closest seat, nodded at me. "Ok. My power is giving me some answers, but the speculation is annoying, so I'm just going to ask. What is 'aura', a 'semblance', and what did you do to us, and how?" She had some good questions, and ones I could easily answer.

The rest of the crew looked curious, so after gesturing to the dinner table and the chairs nearby, they settled down, and I made a seat of my own. With all of their attention on me, I clasped my hands, crossed my legs, and nodded at them. "So, the first and last one are connected, so I'll answer them first. What I just was awaken your aura. The way I did it, and you can too, is by repeating those words as you're in physical contact with whoever you want to awaken. Following so far?" They nodded, and while it looked like Lisa, Taylor, and Brian had questions, they were waiting till the end. Seeing that, I nodded, and kept going. "Now, 'what is aura?' That's both a simple one, and a strange one. Aura... it's basically your soul acting as armor." I could some looks for that, but kept going. "You've got a force field, kind of like Glory Girl's, but better. You've got enhanced strength, speed, reaction speed, a healing factor while it's up, and after some time, you'll end up with a semblance."

If I was getting weird looks before, I was being outright STARED at now. "... Alright, for scientific purposes!" And so, Aisha punched her brother in the jaw. Both of their aura's flashed, and while Brian ended up crashing onto the ground, he wasn't hurt. Though, he diiid stare at Aisha in the deadest deadpan I'd ever seen. His sister just gave him a willy grin though. "Hey, it worked!" Lisa and Alec snorted at that, while Taylor gave me a look of disappointment, and mild interest.

Brian started getting back up, and sighed as he looked at his sister. "Aisha... Why are you the way that you are?"

Said sister just snorted. "Bitch, I am fabulous just the way I am."

Another pair of laughs from Lisa and Alec later, and Brian was back in his seat, gently caressing his jaw. "Whatever you say Aisha. Whatever you say... By the way, no pizza for you later."

Aisha gaped at him, and looked like she was going to say something, when Lisa chimed in. "This is permanent. Kind of like our powers are, right?" Everyone's attention was back onto me now, undoubtedly curious about that.

I hummed at that, and gave her a nod. "Alright. So. Aura ISN'T a power, you all get that, right?" There were looks of confusion at that, and I sighed. (Time to go right down the rabbit hole.) With that thought, I took a breath in, and spoke. "Aura is magic. A more rudimentary version of magic, but magic all the same." Again, I was being looked at like I was crazy, so I sighed, again. "Yes, magic is a thing, Myrridin is full of shit though. Still, move on." They still stared at me, which made me groan. "Any questions so far?"

Lisa blinked, and I watched her think. She still seemed to be hanging onto the magic thing, but after a few moments, found something else to latch onto. "Semblance. You said Rachel found hers, and you didn't answer that part of my question. So, what is it exactly?" Thank god, a good question, and one I inadvertently forgot!

This even got Rachel and the doggy trio's attention. Everyone looked at me for the answer, and I grinned. "A semblance is the manifestation of your soul, as an ability." Confused looks ensued, so I waved a hand over to Rachel. "Let's take Rachel for example. She knows who she is. Angelica, Judas and Brutus are part of her pack. As pack, there's a bond between them that extends past her power. Her semblance, if what my guessing is right, is both a telepathic connection to her pack, as well as an aura battery." Lisa and Rachel looked confused at that, so I elaborated. "By the way their auras connected to each other, I'm assuming Rachel can share or take some aura from her dogs by thinking about it." I waved at Rachel again, who blinked some more, before turning to Angelica, who was the closest to her, and started focusing.

We watched as her aura flickered to life, and a portion of it went from her, towards Angelica. As it did, Angelica's aura got just a tad bit brighter, and more solid. Seeing that, Rachel smiled, and turned to me. "She's safer now, right? Harder to be hurt?" I smiled at that, and gave her a nod. I knew her power messed her up and predisposed her to care more about her pack, but it still felt nice to see her worry about her dog's safety. Getting my nod, she turned back to Angelica, and happily pet her. "That's good... Great."

That said, Lisa cleared her throat, bringing our attention back onto her, and I knew she had another question. "So, what's yours?" I grinned at that. None of them knew, I was pretty sure Lisa had an inkling to what it was, since she'd met Qrow, in his crow form, and Yang.

"Taylor, Lisa." The two of them blinked at me, but I went on. "Remember that other reason I brought up about why I called myself 'The Morrigan?'" While I had my three 'aspects' publicly known, my semblance was unknown. Sure, it could be tied back to me if someone was smart, but after a month of using the same sets for the same days, it would be hard to tie it to me.

They both gave me a curious nod, since I'd alluded to that to them before, and I activated my semblance. My aura flashed to life, and behind me, splintered off. As it did, the two shards started flying around the room, and became two familiar birds. A Raven, and a Crow. When they dully formed, the two of them landed on my shoulder, and the Crow cawed... Then was immediately smacked upside the head by the Raven. I snorted at that. "Qrow, what did you say?" The Crow looked at me, betrayed, and I rolled my eyes. "I wasn't born yesterday uncle Qrow, now out with it." (Honestly, why does he think he can get away with things like that? I'm not stupid.)

He huffed flew off my shoulder, and landed onto the couch, where he shifted into his human form. Lisa and a few others gasped, but I focused on my uncle. "Nothin. Rae's just being a hard ass, as usual." I highly doubted that.

I raised my brow at him, and turned to the Raven. She rolled her eyes, flew off of my shoulder, and onto the closest couch, where she shifted. There were some gasps from the Undersiders not in the know about who Coil was, but knew her as the one who 'killed' Calvert and his 'wife.' My mother was in her tribal armor, and after taking the mask off, looked just as I did. "The first thing he said was 'Fuck yeah!' The immature man thing." I laughed at that, and Qrow sighed.

"Whatever." He looked away from us, and turned to the Undersiders, who were all stunned at the new additions.. "Anyway, sup kiddies." Lisa was just staring at him, and Raven, then looked at me.

"Yin. Explain!" My uncle and mother snorted at that, and sent me an amused look.

I cleared my throat, and got ready to do so. "Guys, meet my uncle Qrow, and my mother, Raven. And yes, those are both their names, and the birds they turn into. Don't ask me why, I didn't write that up... Oh, and Qrow's name is spelt with a Q, because he had to be special even before he could pronounce words."

"Oi!" Ignored.

Him aside, my mother looked at the Undersiders, and Rachel's dogs, then nodded to herself. "You awakened their aura I see. They'll be stronger now, good. It'll be easier for them to survive what is to come." Raising my brow at her, she scoffed at me. "Unlike someone...-"

"Oi!" Ignoring the drunk old crow times 2.

"I know how to assess the situation. It doesn't help that there are literal sirens going off. Now, what IS the situation?" A good question from my 'mother.'

But first. I looked to Undersiders, since they were still confused as fuck, since I hadn't explained my semblance, and filled them in. "My semblance is called The Morrigan. I can make two facsimiles of people I've bonded with. As long as I REALLY know them, they'll pretty much be that person. Though, their real versions don't get their memories, so it kinda sucks. These facsimiles will have a quarter of their original's abilities/strength. Though, they're also easier to kill and don't get things like racial bonuses or their semblances/magic, so again, that sucks. But they carry memories across iterations, so that's nice. But I can't make anyone stronger then me, so that sucks big time." I wished I could make Macky, but I couldn't. But at the same time, the thought of two Macky's existing in the same area was a scary thought. They were still staring at us, but I saw Lisa and Taylor's minds going a mile a minute, and left them to it. So, I turned to my 'mother' and answered her next. "We have an Endbringer coming. Leviathan."

Raven raised a brow at me, while 'uncle Qrow' choked on his drink, which unfortunately ALWAYS came with him. And since he doesn't have to deal with hangovers or a failing liver, he drank for the fuck of it. "Interesting. We've read up on these creatures, but seeing one in person... It'll be interesting to see how we fare against it."

Uncle Qrow scoffed at that. "Doubt we'll be THAT much of a help though. But we'll do our best Mark ll." Mother and I shared a snort, and shook our heads.

That aside, I looked out the window, and frowned as storm clouds gathered over the horizon. I sighed and turned back to them. "Anyway. Let's go. We've got to meet up with the others." The air around us changed, and I saw/felt the rest of the crew break out of their stupor, and get serious.

They gave me a nod, and after reequipping my armor, we stood up. "We ARE going to talk about this later Yin... Well, if we survive." I gave Taylor a smile as Raven and Qrow shifted back, and landed on my shoulder.

"We WILL Taylor. Trust me, we got this." Raven and Qrow cawed in agreement, and Taylor gave me a brief nod, before we, and the rest of the Undersiders, left my base. This was going to be a long day.

{An hour and a half later}

Taylor, the Undersiders and I stood in in the meeting center, and looked around. There were a bunch of heroes, villains, a whole bunch of other capes around, and we were waiting for the Big three to show up. (Seriously, where the hell are they? Shouldn't they be here by now?) I was more annoyed then worried, since now that I had time to think, and Gamer's Mind kept kicking in, I realized a few things.

Firstly, it would be impossible, if not very VERY hard for Leviathan to kill me. As long as I wasn't one shot, I would be fine. My base healing as a Werewolf(Noblesse) was kinda broken.

[Regeneration(Noblesse Werewolf Version) Level 37 - Active/Passive

Passively increases vitality effectiveness and stamina regeneration by 5x. Stamina cost for wounds 8sps

Active - By spending 250sps, the Gamer can increase VIT and heal 7x faster then usual. Stacks with passive and Werewolf form.]

So yeah, as long as I wasn't one shot, it was all good. Though, I NEEDED to be careful. Just because I could eat a nuke, didn't mean I should. I also had to make sure Taylor, and the others came out of this ok. (Though, if I need too, I can try fighting Leviathan head on. Head Hunter should help me put pressure on Leviathan, and if I DID go mental by using my skills and magic, then I can maybe push him back... I'm making a bunch of assumptions here though... When I see him, I'll need to Observe him, and get his stats. I'll find out how plausible that is when I do.)

I ignored the soft humming of my system, and focused in on the now. "Morgy! Nene! Other assholes, hey!" Turning to the source, I hummed, and we all recognized who it was.

"Hello, Glory Girl." Yup. Vicky was coming on over, and she wasn't alone. Panacea/Amelia was trailing after her, and Gallant/Dean was too. Though, he was more being dragged by her towards me and Arachne/Taylor. "Gallant. Panacea. It's good to see you." And it was. I hadn't seen them yet, I even met up with some of the Wards before I met up with them.

Despite my relationship with the Undersiders, my relationship with these three, and some most of the local heroes was good. Even after the whole bombing and getting a Kill Order put on me, which I got Alexandria to rescind, they were still friendly. Sure, I had to rely on some rep crystals to help, but they were worth it. Hell, me, Vicky, Yang, and Lisa even hung out in our civvies before. Vicky liked to think of my civilian identity as her antithesis, since she was practically the poster child for the E88, while I was a copy and paste version of Raven. Only with a slightly bigger bust... Because of Shizuka. Gods bless that woman and her weird trait.

Anyway, we were all friends, but she, nor the rest of New Wave/Brockton Cape scene knew who I was since I hadn't unmasked to them... Yet... "Well, I guess today is either the day we die, or the city dies. Guess it'll be fun to see which one goes first."

Taylor subtly winced at that, and Lisa looked ready to dig into that, but I stopped her. "Now is not the time, Tattletale."

Lisa looked at me, then blew a raspberry. "Whatever ya say Morgy Mor." Under my helmet, I rolled my eyes. While she was still nervous, I could tell she was a tad bit more confident in her survival. Most likely because she had her own force field to keep her safe now, instead of being a 'squishy Thinker', as she put it.

Our byplay aside, the trio of heroes seemed a bit more relaxed. "That's the spirit! We're getting through this. Hell, we might even win this time, who knows?" Vicky smiled brightly at that, and I wanted to say something like, ' I do', but didn't.

[Mental manipulation negated by Gamer's Mind]

I held back a sigh at that, and spared a glance to Taylor and the other Undersiders. Their aura flashed a tiny bit, and they seemed surprised by it. I was too, but I hid it. (So aura protects against Master effects huh? That... That could be useful.) I'd still been worried about Amy, but I didn't know how to help her. Sure, I'd been working my way up to telling her about Vicky's aura, but it was kind of hard to say 'your sister brainwashed you into loving her.' So yeah, I didn't tell her yet, and made sure Lisa didn't say the wrong thing.

A caw alerted me to the arrival of the VIP'S. Looking over, I saw Alexandria, and despite already knowing her stats, I reflexively hit her with an Observe.

[Rebecca Costa Brown/Alexandria - Level 290

Age - 40

Race - Para-human(Artificial) - Power - Personal Stasis

Hp - 250,000

Mp - 0

Ap - 0

Strength - 4,200

Dexterity - 6,000

Vitality - 150

Intelligence - 2,200

Wisdom - 4,000

Charisma - 5,500

Luck - 800

'Alexandria' one of the most admired hero's of Earth Bet, and member of the Triumvirate. Acclaimed as the strongest female hero, and even respected enough to have a power set named after her, Alexandria is one of the world's best. But Alexandria wasn't always 'Alexandria.' Her story begins years ago, before she had powers. Before she was one of the world's best. Years ago, Rebecca Costa Brown, was dying. Before she became the world renown 'hero' she is today, she was simply Rebecca. The woman dying of cancer in a hospital bed. She was destined to lie bedridden until the day she died. But fate had other plans for her. Cauldron, had other plans for her. After agreeing to drink the vial, Rebecca's life changed. She gained super powers, and became a soldier of Cauldron. She worked with and protected Doctor Mother for years, and eventually, worked her way up the ladder.

As she did, she eventually became one of the top members of Cauldron. And she changed because of it. Gone was the woman that despised liars. Gone was the somewhat kind woman. In it's place was Alexandria. A 'hero' that believes 'the ends justify the means.' She may be seen as one, but she is no 'hero.' She has become the head of the Protectorate, breaking the rules of having a cape lead that organization, and she doesn't care at all. Cauldron needs power, and so power they'll get.]

(Huh... Did she level up?) She was 288 last time I checked, which was when I beat her and the others into the ground. Hmm... Moving on. Legend was next to her, and I hit him with Observe.

[Keith Harley/Legend - Level 310

Age - 42

Race - Para-human(Artificial) - Power - Light and Wavelength manipulation

Hp - 150,000

Mp - 0

Ap - 0

Strength - 1,000

Dexterity - 9,500

Vitality - 350

Intelligence - 1,500

Wisdom - 800

Charisma - 7,000

Luck - 850

The man, the myth, the Legend. Legend is possibly the closest thing Earth Bet has to a real hero. The man believes in seeing the good in people. In doing the right thing. Too bad he's another top member of Cauldron, so he's as good as a Villain. Even if he's being lied too, manipulated, and used... Eh, guess he's still a good guy. Though, before he was Legend, he was Keith Harley, just your average gay man.

That was until he took part in Cauldron's recruitment program. After he did, he gained his powers, and became a soldier of Cauldron. Hearing their goal, Keith worked his hardest to grow his powers, to be someone capable and worthy of them. And he did. Keith grew to become Legend, and eventually, became a founding member of the Triumvirate. He became a symbol to heroes everywhere, and still continues to fight the good fight.]

(Same level... Is his DEX higher?) It might've been, but I wasn't sure. Anyway, onto the last of the three musketeers.

[David Collins/Eidolon - Level 300

Age - 43

Race - Para-human(Artificial) - Power - Reservoir.

Hp - 175,000

Mp - 0

Ap - 0

Strength - 800

Dexterity - 500

Vitality - 700

Intelligence - 850

Wisdom - 1,000

Charisma - 2,000

Luck - 1,000

David Collins, the man who would eventually become Eidolon. Before he had, he was diagnosed with an illness that left him confined to a wheelchair. He was a pathetic thing that dealt with seizures left and right. If things went on like that, he would most likely die in a few years. But things changed. One day, Doctor Mother found him, and offered him a choice. His decision led to the birth of Eidolon, one of the strongest capes on Earth Bet.

The power was amazing. He grew more and more enthralled with his power, and exercised it to the best of his ability(which isn't much when you realize he's squandering most of it) and eventually earned his position as one of the top members of Cauldron.]

(One, ain't those a bit low? Two, what's with the short summary?) Because they were. His stats were so low, it was weird.

[It's because he hasn't slotted in something with a Brute, Changer or Mover rating.

Those are his base stats.

As for the summary...

I just don't like him. He's an idiot. All that power, and he doesn't fully understand it.


I took in System's words, and mentally shrugged. (Ok.) That just made it easier on me. If I needed to take him down, I could just Observe him, wait for when he was weak, then bop him. Hmm... ~I blame you for making me able to plan around murdering people.~ From somewhere, the Raven cawed out a laugh, while in my mind, the Crow snorted.

~They're enemies Yin. The ability to plan around their abilities, to formulate a path that leads to their defeat, one where you come out the strongest. There's nothing wrong with that Yin. Especially now.~ She had a point, and I knew it. Hell, she's showed off how good that is when she went through with the plan to take down Coil.

~As much as I hate sayin it, Rae's right Mark ll. Information is key an all that.~ Raven's smug 'of course I'm right' resounded in our minds, and we scoffed.

"Hmm? Somthin up Morgy?" I blinked at that, and realized they heard me.

I looked at Vicky, and the others, and shrugged. "Nothing serious. Just a 'joke' my mother said once." Vicky, and a few of the Undersiders raised a brow, but shrugged a moment later. Though, now that I had their attention, I reached into my 'pocket,' and grabbed the necklaces. One full one for Amy, and two of my fangs for Vicky and Dean. Surprisingly, Brutus didn't want a full one, and settled for a fang of mine. The softie. "These are for you. They'll help keep you alive." That got me some looks, since as The Morrigan, I didn't show any abilities related to Tinkering. Sure, I had things like the amulet I used to make my deal with Lisa, but those never came out in public.

Though, Amy gave me a LOOK, that I didn't get. "Did you turn into a Teeth groupie or something?" I paused, and took in the fact that yes, if there was NO context behind it, this would look like I was a member of the Teeth, extending an invitation to known heroes... Huh...

(Hindsight is 20/20.) Shaking that off, I looked at Amy, and lightly shook my head. "No. These will ensure you all have a higher chance at survival. These teeth carry healing properties so long as they are on your person. There is no need to put them around your neck, just have them on your person, and you will heal faster." Amy, and the other two, looked skeptical, for good reason. So, I handed a full necklace to Amy, and let her look at it. "Trust us, and check. You'll see we speak the truth." She still looked skeptical, but that was fine, since she, and the others took the necklaces. "Give them to your family, and the wards. We WILL see you through this."

The three of them shared a look, and after taking some time to think it true, nodded. With their nods, they left us, and went off to their families, and the Wards. I wasn't sure if the teeth would be enough, but I hoped they were enough.

A loud clap resounded through the area, we focused on the source. "All right, everyone, listen up!" Alexandria took point, and all eyes went to her. Seeing that, she gave a nod to Legend, who stood beside her, looking ready to follow up after her. "In T-minus 20 minutes, Leviathan will reach Brockton Bay. For your bravery, I commend and thank you all. Our goal is to repel Leviathan, and..."

~Hey, kiddo. I don't want to rain on your parade...-~

~Dismiss him for that.~ I bit back a laugh at that, and uncle Qrow huffed.

~As I was saying. Didn't want to rain on your parade.~

~Why in the fuck would you repeat that?! Are you braindead, Qrow?~ Jesus Christ mother!

~AS I WAS SAYING! There's a big wave coming in. And I'm pretty sure there's a big looking fish monster fucker riding on top of the wave.~

There was silence for a few moments, sirens and the Dragon Armbands blared their warnings, then Raven and I erupted. She cawed out her surprise, while I moved. ~~WHY DIDN'T YOU LEAD WITH THAT?!~~

~Well SOMEBODY, kept interrupting me!~ Raven scoffed, while I tuned them out.

I gripped my partner tighter, and burst through the centers doors, ready to face an Endbringer, while everyone else erupted into action. "EVERYONE, GET TO YOUR GROUPS! HE'S HERE!" No explanation about why he was coming early, but we didn't need it. Leviathan was here, and we had to MOVE!

Leaving the center, everyone got into their groups. Me though? There was a monster coming, and I wasn't going to hold back when it meant people might die. So, I kept Head Hunter in Scythe configuration, activated my Werewolf form, and flared my aura. I cracked the ground beneath me, and ran forward, spinning Head Hunter, and forming my constructs behind me as I did.

The Endbringer came through with the first wave, and her target appearing before her made Alexandria move in to intercept. The two of them clashed, and Alexandria flew back... And through a few buildings... (Oh... Anyway.) I hit Leviathan with an Observe, and frowned.

[Leviathan - Level 500

Age - ?

Race - Endbringer

Hp - 1,000,000,000

Mp - 0

Ap - 0

Strength - 1,500(4x)

Dexterity - 4,500(4x)

Vitality - 3,000(4x)

Intelligence - 500(2x)

Wisdom - 1,000(2x)

Charisma - 0

Luck - 0

The herald of a watery death.]

(A billion huh... Well, guess I'll have to wail on this fucker until I get it right.) That thought, I rushed towards him, Head Hunter shimmering like the night sky itself, while a legion of Grimm manifested behind me, roaring out in challenge as we rushed it.

I reached the Endbringer first, and lashed out with Head Hunter, aiming for the bastards tail. The idea was if I could sever, or at the least, DAMAGE his tail enough to keep him from using it, it would reduce his lethality. Though, as Head Hunter cut into his 'flesh', I grimaced when it felt like she was stuck. (Fucking dimensional folding bullshit. We can cut through a dragon's scales like a knife through butter, but THIS asshole stops us.) Growling at that, I inventoried my partner, and disengaged as the first Sea Feilong crashed into the Endbringer.

I'd made 15 titan class Grimm for this, and cut my aura down to half for doing it. There were 5 Feilong, 3 Manticores, 3 Nevermore, 2 Teryx, and 2 Grimm Dragons. I was constantly feeding them aura to strengthen them, restore them, and just keep them in the fight. I knew I'd need to take some time to down some pots, it'd be impossible to keep them up in the fight without restoring my aura, but I had a fuckton of aura and mana pots in my inventory, so I was set.

That in mind, I brought Head Hunter back out, and held her in one hand, while I brought out my Druid staff out and gripped it with the other. I channeled my mana, and alongside the roots spell, I activated Summon Swords, Lightning/Firebolt, Earth/Wind spike, and aimed hundreds of them at Leviathan's chest as he pummeled the Feilong into the ground. My construct wasn't down yet, and managed to coil around Leviathan like a massive Boa Constrictor. And for a moment, just a moment, Leviathan struggled. I saw it, and shouted. "FIRE!" As one, my spells launched, my Feilong, all of them, roared lightning, my Manticores followed their example and blasted the fuck out of him, while my Nevermore launched their massive feathers towards the fucker. The Teryx breathed fire, which wasn't as effective given the rain, but it was whatever. (Now's the time.) That thought, I put away my staff, brought out and downed a quick Mana pot, and threw it away as I charged towards the Endbringer.

But as I did, it seemed like Leviathan decided that no, it was time to stop sandbagging. The rain fell harder, turning into mini spears that bore into people like bullets, the water in the streets rushed at anyone in their way, while Leviathan's tail skewered the dying Feilong coiled around his body, destroying it.

From there, the Endbringer turned into a blur as he rushed forwards, the waves following him as he came towards me. Leviathan was fast, I knew that, but knowing it and SEEING it are two different things.

I only had a few seconds to recognize the monster was in front of me, before he lashed out. I managed to block with Head Hunter, my partner could take it, but the amount of FORCE he hit me with sent me flying through building after building, and even though I blocked, taking a fuckton of walls to the back hurt like a motherfucker!

The pain was nothing though, and I managed to get up. A quick look at my surroundings showed me that I was in some kind of hardware store, but that didn't really matter. Checking my mana and aura, I clicked my tongue seeing my mana was at half, and my aura was at a fourth of its max. "Gotta fix that." Reaching into my inventory, I downed two different regen potions, they'd only last for 10 minutes, but it'd up my regen by 20%. Hopefully, it'd be en...-

"Glory Girl - Down."

I snapped up at the sound, and widened my eyes. Vicky wasn't the only one that was downed/deceased. Something happened that ended up killing off one of my Nevermore, a pair of Feilong, and a Teryx. I didn't know what, but I didn't have time to just heal in a random shop. So, I put Head Hunter away, shifted, and ran out of the shop.

The moment I made it out, I saw just how flooded the streets were, and saw a few things that might've caused the downs/deaths. Firstly, there were a metric FUCKTON of water spears hovering in the sky. Thin enough to look like tooth picks, but long enough to be actual spears. Secondly, there were people impaled on multiple water spikes... Which looked like a bad way to go, but they could be mourned later. Shaking that off, my eyes scanned for the Endbringer, and when I didn't find him, I looked to my Grimm.

The last Teryx ended up getting a Jojo barrage of fists from Leviathan, killing it, while a pair of Feilong were attacking him from the back and front, as the rest charged up another blast. My last Nevermore was raining feathers down on Leviathan, and doing its best to avoid the water spears being shot at it. I'd seen enough when Legend, Eidolon, and the Blaster squad unleashed hell, electric boogaloo on the Endbringer.

The combined assault, and damage that he was being peppered with eventually staggered him, and as he did, that gave the Triumvirate an opening to hit him with the big moves.

Legend charged up a massive beam of 'fuck you' light.

Eidolon had a massive orb of something gathered in his hands.

And Alexandria was flying at him from behind, fist cocked and aiming for his head.

They released their attacks, and I, as well as whoever else was in the immediate area, watched them fly.

Their hits landed, somehow, making Leviathan stagger to the ground, and gave me enough time to rush forwards, paws impacting the wet ground, as I ran towards him.

When I got in range, I jumped, and shifted mid air. The second I did, I went back into my Werewolf form, tapped into Wrath, and stretched my hand out. The moment I was right in front of him, I brought back Head Hunter, and slashed the Endbringer across the chest, digging down into his flesh. I was close to his core, I could FEEL it...

I could also feel the shotgun blast of water that impacted my chest, and sent me careening down the street. I dug Head Hunter into the ground, and made myself come to a stop. Without me there, Leviathan focused on my Grimm, and managed to take out a pair of Manticore, along with another Feilong. (Fuck. Alright, if this fucker is going to keep blasting me away every time I get close, then we're swapping tactics.) Tapping Head Hunter's side, I changed her into her spear form, and activated two skills. Dragoon Rush, and Breakdown. The first came with the set, it raised my crit chance by 5%, and boosted my speed by 25% while I used a spear/pole arm, for 30 seconds. The other was a build up affect. The higher I could combo, the more my multiplier grew. It started at 1, but a single hit would bring it to 1.15, then to 1.30 at the next. Mix that with my natural speed as a speed type, my Werewolf form boosting me higher, Macky's Wrath feeding into it, and the stats I got from my own armor set?

Leviathan was going to HURT. It didn't matter if it only lasted for a minute, I was going to make this kaiju reject eat shit.

Taking a page out of Weiss' book, I shot off the ground, making aura platforms in the air that I bounced off of as I tore into Leviathan. Left leg, (One.) Right leg, (Two.) a platform beneath me, and I jumped up, letting Head Hunter dig into his back as I moved. (Three.) After quickly taking her out of him, I spin her, and cut him across his nape like he was a Titan. It was after that, that he responded.

His tail shot up, and wrapped around my ankle. I growled, inventoried my partner, and shifted. The change in structure gave me a moment to free myself from the Endbringer's grasp, and I needed to use that moment to jump so I could avoid being slammed into the ground by the water echoes he made to attack the space I WAS at. A quick shift back, and grabbing Head Hunter later, and I was tearing back into the Endbringer.

For a bit, that was our song and dance. I speed around like a blur, Leviathan tried to grab me with his tail, hands, water, ANYTHING, really, and was failing. I was fast, not faster then him, but smaller. My size made it harder for him to catch me, and easier for me to zip around and tear into him like a tornado full glass and paper. Cuts started small, but with every chain in my combo, a cut turned into a gash, into a chunk, then when I reached the 32nd combo, I did it.

My Rush had just about worn off, but I'd used that burst of speed to land on my last Nevermore's talon, then shoot off of it like I was shot out of a cannon. Mid flight, I activated one of the other skills I got with the set, it had a bunch of them but I had to unlock them. Head Hunter glowed blue, my mana dropped, we were both coated in black light, and I called it out. "DOOM SPIKE!" I crashed into the street, and onto Leviathan's tail like a meteor, cracking, if not destroying said street in an explosion of force and mana.

Losing his tail, Leviathan SCREECHED, I had no fucking idea how, especially since he'd taken worse over the course of me cutting into him like he was paper in a shredder, but it was music to my ears. Especially when he staggered, fell to the ground, and started leaking blood all over the ar...- I blinked. (Blood? They do...- Oh, fuck.)


With Eidolon's rallying cry, a beam of what was probably sun bullshit, flew at the 'downed' Endbringer... Only for Leviathan to somehow blur away, being replaced by a water echo, which was torn apart by the blast, while the rest of the attack bombarded the spot he was at, and sending me being blown through another couple of buildings...

This time, I was in a... Taking a look around... Retail store? I was pretty sure I crashed into and through a bed... "Huh... Anyway." I got up, and after shaking myself off, started making my way back out...

"Wave incoming." Oh goddammit!

I didn't even bother leaving the normal way, and just jumped through the ceiling. I wasn't dealing with a goddamn wave while I was in some random building!

Getting out, I took stock of the situation. My Nevermore was dead, (Probably because I used it like a spring), My Teryx was dead, The last Manticore was dead, Leviathan was running circles around the dragon trying to engage him, while the other dragon and Feilongs were trying to blast him into next year. They didn't react to the call of 'wave', and simplemindedly focused on him... That wouldn't do... (All Grimm), The lightning and fire stopped raining down on the Endbringer. (Stop that wave!) And like that, they stopped harassing him, and flew out towards the bay.

Them gone, I rushed Leviathan again. I NEEDED to keep him preoccupied. If he was focused on me, then he would NEED to devote his attention to me, instead of the other squishy people.

He seemed to know that too, since the moment he saw me coming closer, he turned, and started running away... "What?" I was stunned at the sheer size of this motherfuckers pussy! He fucking RAN AWAY the moment he was free?! Oh hell no! Growling, I stomped against the ground, and shot after Leviathan. "GET BACK HERE YOU INBRED MOTHERFUCKING COCKSUCKER!" This bastard was responsible for sending me flying MULTIPLE TIMES, he wasn't leaving the fucking bay alive!

Like that, the chase was on. It didn't matter if I had to follow the big fucker through a building, weave around a battlefield, crash headfirst through a wall of water trying to halt my path. I was going to shove my spear through Leviathan's chest and kill the fu...- "Grue - Down." Again, my head whipped around at the message, and I dug my heels into the ground, and looked for him.

I didn't know where Br...- ~The rest of the kids got em Mark ll, keep chasing big mean and not so green.~ I held back a snort at that, but took it. If Brian was fine, then I was good to keep chasing Leviathan. Which was exactly what I did.

Leviathan ran down the streets, through buildings, just running as he sent out echoes to pick off other heroes or villains. I kept chasing him down, forcing him to focus onto me.

It was maybe a few minutes of that going on, that I felt my Grimm die. ALL of them. Feeling that, I froze, and looked towards the pay. Hundreds of thousands of water spears thick as my arm were impaling my Grimm, digging into them and destroying them. I growled as the last one dissipated, and was going to try and make at least one more, but a Jojo rush from Leviathan interrupted me, and sent me careening through buildings, AGAIN! (I'M GOING TO BEAT THE FUCK OUT OF THAT SHITSTAIN!)

I didn't even bother seeing where I was, and rocketed out of the building...

And froze. He was moving back to the bay, while making it look like he was retreating. I knew he wasn't retreating, since I hit him with an Observe.

[Leviathan - Level 500

Hp - 5,200,000,000]

Despite all the damage we'd done, he still had just a bit above half, but he was also obviously feigning his 'retreat.' I say 'Obviously', but it was obvious to me, because my Mother and Uncle were experts when it came to espionage. Speaking of them. ~Checking in. Report.~

~The valley girl and her boy toy are alive.~ Raven's voice and news were comforting to hear. ~Though, her family seems to be in critical condition. They may well survive due to your fangs, if they don't, then it will be whatever.~ That. That wasn't as comforting. The way she put it, my fang necklaces were keeping them alive, and hopefully, Amy could patch them up before they die. The stamina regen factor of my necklace should keep her from burning out, but there've been a fuckton of downs, so she might end up close soon.

~The kids are good.~ That was great. I'd unlocked their aura, and outfitted them with healing necklaces, but I still worried. I worried enough that Macky's Wrath flicked off, and I realized how focused and pissed I'd been at the Endbringer. I hadn't been clear headed, and it showed. Damn... That thought made me drop my Werewolf form and other buffs too, and sigh.

~Good... Now... You two seeing what I'm seeing?~ Uncle Qrow's question brought me out of my annoyance, and I tuned into the conversation.

~If you mean the giant murder monster leading the sheep to slaughter, then yes.~

~... Not putting it how Rae did, but yeah... What are we... Aww shit.~ For once, Mother and I didn't say anything about that.

Leviathan had reached the bay, and as we saw him retreat, the waters fell back, and waves gathered. Leviathan swam back into the sea, and as he took the tide with him, we could all see what was coming from it. Instead of leaving, Leviathan was going for a 'Fuck you and everything in this direction.' I paled, because I knew what would happen if that hit Brockton Bay.

Nothing would survive... "Death... Death is coming, isn't it?" I hadn't noticed when Bitch reached me, with a limping but buffed up Judas behind her, but it was whatever. She still had her aura, she seemed to have the second highest reserves after Taylor, and was feeding it to Judas.

Her words though, weren't whatever. "Eh... Could be worse." Imp wasn't helping. Though the way Bitch and Judas flinched when she said that, told me she made everyone forget about her, either on accident, or purpose. In response to her words, the rain stopped, and hundreds, if not thousands of water needles/spears begun forming in the sky.

Imp paled, and Tattletale, who I could tell had her aura broken, smacked her upside the head. "Why do you open you mouth? I get saying things you probably shouldn't, but seriously? Even I'm not that bad."

Grue appeared next, missing his aura, and some bits of his costume, but otherwise fine. "You are, but we've gotten used to it."

Tattletale shot him a look at that, but he ignored it in favor of standing next to Imp, and holding her hand. I had a feeling if we weren't staring at Leviathan preparing to kill everything, we would've teased them about it. "Aww, that's cute as shit." No fucking idea where Regent came from, but apparently, he was fine with everything.

Finally, riding in on a carpet of bugs was Arachne. She landed next to us, and stared out towards the bay. I couldn't see her face, her aura and costume were intact, but I could tell she was scared. "It's all going to be washed away..." If I didn't think she was scared before, then I would've known by the way her voice shook.

I reached out with one of my gauntlet clad hands, and set it on her shoulder. Arachne... Taylor, turned to me, and even through the lenses of her mask, I could feel her fear. I bit my lip at that, and tried to think up a way to get out of this situation with everyone I cared for alive. (If I chugged a fuckton of mana potions, I could swap to my Macha set, and try to use my druid skills to make a shelter. But I'd need to keep feeding mana to it to keep us safe... And if/when I run out of pots, we'll drown under the waves. I don't have enough aura to make enough Titan class Grimm constructs, and even if I chugged aura pots, I won't be able to do that. I still haven't found a good familiar or an S class cash item to burn... Fuck... I can't do anything... Can I?) I didn't know. There was nothing I could think of in my inventory that would he...- System sighed, and I focused all my attention onto it. (System?! What do you know?!) System sighed again, then spoke.

[Just for reference.

I can't convince you to just run away, can I?]

I almost snarled at that. (Of course not! I'm not leaving them, System.) Silence was the only thing I heard for a bit, then system nodded.

[There IS a way to prevent Brockton Bay, and those friends of yours from drowning beneath the waves.]

My eyes widened, and I whipped my head forwards. "HOW?!" I knew I said that outloud, but I didn't care at the moment.

"Badb? Who ar...-" I tuned Arachne out, and kept my focus on system.

[Remember the blank summoning gem you got a few weeks ago?]

If it was possible, my eyes widened again, and I opened my inventory, searching through it at speeds I'd never done before. I found the gem system spoke about, and brought it out of my inventory, into my free hand. "Now what? It's BLANK!" A quick Observe confirmed that it was. So what was I su...-

[Break it.]

I might've questioned system a bit, but hearing that, I followed through immediately. If there was a chance for this to work, I'd do whatever strange thing system wanted.

The moment I crushed the gem, a familiar sound and sight graced my ears and eyes. The sound of someone ripping cloth, and five claw marks bled through the air in front of me and the Undersiders. Despite the others tensing, Judas, Brutus, and Angelica looking ready to defend us, I laughed. I recognized those marks after all.

And when the marks started widening, and felt the presence of someone I knew, I laughed even harder. It didn't help that sound was coming through, and a theme song I knew was blasting at max volume. (Gods, I could kiss this petty fucker!)

The portal was opened completely, and the familiar pressure, and 'clack' of a sandal on concrete snapped me out of my hysterical laughter. I heard the gasps and whimpers of my friends and Bitch's dogs, but my focus was solely on the familiar figure that walked out. My eyes took in the silver cloak slung over my bestfriend's shoulder, the 'bandages' wrapped around his arms, and eventually, his face. The face set into a smug smirk, with slit silver and black eyes dancing with amusement. If it weren't for the adorable wolf ears and tail, I would've thought the entrance was cool.

When the portal closed, he started walking towards us, I noticed him briefly look at Lisa for some reason, but he just looked back to and kept walking towards me. And eventually, when he was in front of me, Macky's smirk just grew, and as Ichigo's theme hit the first set of lyrics, he spoke. "Yo." THIS MOTHERFUCKER!

I couldn't stop the laugh that tore its way out of my throat, and I didn't want too anyway. "Gods, you're such a fucking fanboy Macky!"

He just laughed with me at that. "I'm the biggest fanboy, thank you very much." That said, he looked ready to give me a hug, one I would've happily returned, if the hundreds of thousands of fucking water spears/needles hadn't been sent flying after him. The Undersiders were in the middle of reacting, before Macky frowned, turned around, and stomped. From his feet, a wave of silver shot across the street, and formed a massive barrier that stopped everything sent its way. "Stupid dickless rude fuck."

I snorted at that, gave Macky a look. "You wouldn't mind getting rid of said 'dickless fuck', now would you?"

My bestfriend/nuclear option grinned at me, with all of his teeth, and I watched his tail wag all over the place. "See, you give me the best presents." That got another snort out of me, and I watched as Macky dispelled the cloak, 'bandages', and ripped off his shirt for SOME reason, and grinned as he turned to the Bay. It looked like Leviathan was actually escaping now, I WONDERED WHY, and ditched trying to drown us in a Tsunami. "NO RUNNING FROM ME BOY!" Rearing his head back, Macky HOWLED, and I felt goosebumps break out on my everything as I heard the message. "THE HUNT IS ON!" That said, Macky stomped again, not only dispelling the barrier he made, but going from 0-100 in the blink of an eye. And as he ran, he fucking sang the theme to his favorite series, like a nerrrd!





Thanks to my Werewolf enhanced eyes, I could kinda track him as he ran. Though, it ended up unnecessary when he turned into a giant fucking silver dragon... I stared at the dragon bigger then Leviathan, coated in silver scales, with massive wings, and couldn't stop my jealousy from showing. "That's sooo BULLSHIT! I heard a roar of laughter come from my draconic friend, and noticed that not only were the clouds following him, probably because of Nine's quirk, but not only was his tail another goddamn dragon head, he had another head up front, like some kind of Hydra. "Bullshit of the highest caliber I say!" Macky just kept laughing, even as he dived into the sea like he was shot out of a cannon, and I sighed. "Whatever. I'm too tired at this point." That said, I just dropped to the ground, and waited for Macky to kill Leviathan. I knew him, the busted asshole that I couldn't fight yet. He had this handled. Like, sure, Leviathan was level 500. But Macky was level 817, and could boost just as much, if not higher then I could, so he was going to win.

"Morrigan... What the actual fuck?" I looked up to Grue, who was looking between me, and the spot Macky dove into the bay, and realized that while I knew Macky, the others didn't. All they knew was I was friends with someone that either could create portals from someplace on this earth, or someone that just came from a completely different dimension.

And it looked A LOT like the latter, which it was... I looked at the Undersiders, and the growing amount of capes gathering around, mostly to watch Macky fly out of the water with Leviathan in two of his jaws, while the third head blasted his body with emerald flames, and nervously chuckled. "I'll explain later." I wasn't exactlyyy looking forward to that, but I could just dump it on Macky, since he could tell them about system, and my whole thing... (You know what... That sounds like a wonderful plan... Later though... After Leviathan bites the dust... Yeah. That works.) With that thought, I went back to watching the literal fucking Kaiju fight going on above the bay...

"How is the water on fire?" And I pointedly ignored Arachne's very good question as I did.

[Non cannon Omake - Alternative summoning. Yin's POV]

Leviathan was beating me into the fucking ground. There was no other way to see it. My health was healing enough to negate any damage he was doing to me, but it wasn't enough.

During his assault, I heard a crack, and felt my armor break.

With my armor gone, Leviathan was dealing more damage then my regen could handle, and my aura was weakened now that it was only my Werewolf version. Any walls I could make were smashed apart instantly. I had no idea how I was going to get out of this, I wa...-

[Yin. I need you to take the summoning gem from your inventory, and break it.

It doesn't matter how, just take it out, and break the damn thing if you want to live.]

I heard System, and after somehow doing that, I raised the gem in front of my body, right in the path of Leviathan's fist.

The two connected, and I felt the gem crack, then break.

The moment it did, a pressure fell onto me, and a howl resounded through the air. One I recognized from Remnant. One from my bestfriend. 'The hunt is on!' Then a massive fucking Zinogre crashed into Leviathan. (Huh?) I managed to get up, and stared at the sight in front of me. Leviathan, the Endbringer that was beating the shit out of me was wrestling with a Zinogre with steel like silver scales, silver fur that was standing on end as lightning coursed around his body, and spikes along his arms, legs, and even tail.

He was also as big as Leviathan, and that was fucking weird. But hey, I had a kaiju fight in front of me, and my monkey brain said 'Oou.' I was already back at full so I wasn't in danger of dying.

That meant I could watch a massive Zinogre, which Observe told me was Macky, tear into Leviathan like he was a chew toy. A chew toy that was also being electrocuted and filled with more volts the longer Macky's jaws were around his throat. I could tell Leviathan was trying to choke Macky by flooding his throat, but Macky just started breathing fucking fire, so there went that plan.

Then Leviathan tried to turn Macky into Swiss cheese, but the water spears couldn't get through his aura, and just harmlessly dispersed. From there, Leviathan tried to gang up on him with clones, drown him in water, pummel him, or spear him with his tail.

Nothing Leviathan did worked, and Macky even dropped his aura to let Leviathan get some hits in.

Though, when he did the Zinogre flip, sending lightning and aura slashes as he did, Leviathan decided it was time to get the fuck out. Too bad Macky flicked on the gravity, and Leviathan crashed into the ground.

With Leviathan trapped in the ground, Macky stalked towards him with all the grace a 30 foot tall Zinogre could, and ended up slamming one of his paws on Leviathan's head. Then, he brought it up, claws impaled in Leviathan's head, and brought it to his face. The two of them stared at the other for a moment, before Macky opened his maw, and started charging up lightning.

Then, he released it, and some fire as he blasted Leviathan.

Watching as Leviathan went limp in Macky's grasp, and he slammed the body down into the ground, then howled to the sky. It was a pretty fucking epic image given the fact the clouds parted, and the sun shone down on Macky like he was the second coming of Christ.

Welp, that done, I needed to prepare for the fact Macky was now in Worm with me, so... Yeah.

[Non cannon omake - Original summon. Yin's POV]

Leviathan had reached the bay, and as we saw him retreat, the waters fell back, and waves gathered. Leviathan swam back into the sea, and as he took the tide with him, we could all see what was coming from it. Instead of leaving, Leviathan was going for a 'Fuck you and everything in this direction.' I paled, because I knew what would happen if that hit Brockton Bay.

Nothing would survive.

(Fuck! What do I do? I can try to rush him again, maybe try to break his concentration. But he's too far! He's in the water too, so even if I DID get there, he'd drown me in clones and waves. I don't have enough mana or stamina for an Alpha Strike. I don't have a consumable super weapon. I don't... What the fuck do I do?) I knew I would survive it, my healing factor was broken.

But Taylor wouldn't survive it.

Vicky wouldn't survive it.

Dean wouldn't.

Bitch was as good as dead.

And I didn't need to say anything about Amelia.

I didn't know how to stop that, or save them.

[... Well... There IS a way...]

I tuned everything else out, and focused on my system. "HOW?!" System was silent for a bit, then spoke up.

[It was meant to be a last resort.

A measure that would ensure your survival in case you came too close to dying...

But if you REALLY want to know...]

System stopped there, and I grit my teeth as I saw the waves grow. "Just tell me already! We're running out of time!" There was a sigh in my mind, and System relented.

[Do you remember the blank summoning gem you got a few weeks ago?]

My eyes widened, and I opened my inventory. The gem was on the first page, and I grabbed it. It still looked like a gray and empty diamond, so I had no idea what the hell it was supposed to do.

[Break it.]

I didn't understand why, but I wasn't in a situation to question System, so I did. The gem broke under my grip, and the moment it did, I felt a wave of pressure settle onto me. And I wasn't the only one. All around me, the sounds of gasps filled the air, probably because of the pressure, but I ignored them. For some reason, it felt familiar.

That's when an arm draped itself around my shoulder, something soft pressed against my armor, and a chin placed itself on my other shoulder. "Hmm... Hey, ain't that bad?" I didn't recognize the voice, no. It felt familiar, I knew that. It was the presence I felt that I immediately knew who it belonged too.

Looking to the side, my eyes met silver and black slits filled with mischief and smug amusement. The face was different, womanly. But the eyes, those eyes weren't something I'd ever mistake. Even if they were slit for some reason. "MACKY?!" My bestfriend gave me an amused grin, and let me free. That's how I saw his...- Her, entire figure. Macky had wolf ears and a tail, though I knew about that because he told me when it happened in Danmachi. Though, there was a strange earring or something like that on h-her, other ear. When I looked down, I saw her massive fucking tits straining the fabric of the black shirt covering them, and I had to keep myself from ogling them. (Good fucking gods why is she hot?!) I blinked, and shook that thought away.

Macky put hi...- HER hands on her hips, and nodded. "In the flesh, hun." She followed that up with a wink, and I felt my mind start to shut down.

(What in the actual fu...-) Macky deflected a water needle aimed at me, and that made me remember why I summoned hi- HER, in the first place. "Macky, can you stop Leviathan?!"

She gave me a look, between offended and amused, and scoffed. "Honey, I'll do you better. I'll kill em." Huh?

After Macky said that, she kicked off the ground, and took to the sky. She glowed silver as she did, and after a point, it came out. I felt her sword of Damocles emerge, and the pressure I felt before returned full force. Then Macky raised her hand, the temperature SPIKED, and she started singing like it was a fucking concert. And for some reason, there was music going along with it.

"~We're going out tonight!

To kick out every light!

Take anything we want, take everything in sight!

We're going till the world stops turning while we burn it to the ground tonight!~"

Above her hand, a goddamn sun formed, bigger and stronger then anything Sundancer had managed, and I recognized what was going on. Macky was pulling an Escanor, and I was starting to worry about Brockton Bay. Thanks to my Werewolf eyesight being perfect, I saw her grin too. "Cruel sun!" Oh god... "But wait, there's more!" Oh fuck!

As the sun started to condense, and I saw Macky load it with aura, I got even MORE worried. (System... Was this a good idea?)

[Of course it was. It was mine after all.]

I decided to drop it at that. ~Hey kiddo... Is that who I think it is?~

I was about to answer, but Raven beat me to it. ~If you think it's Maccillian, but as a woman, then yes. That's EXACTLY who it is.~

~... Yeah... That's uhh... Yep.~ I felt the two of them send over confusion and acceptance over our bond, and went back to watching Macky.

Her grin turned feral at this point, and I felt like I was in a sauna. The silver star in her hands was making the rain, and water by extension, evaporate in an instant. Danger Sense had basically given up when it came to Macky, so it was silent despite the sun and massive fucking sword above Brockton Bay. Though, I heard a few dings from Fire resistance so that was worth Macky almost roasting me. Speaking of her, she winked at me again, which made me confused as fuck about how to feel, then turned back to Leviathan, who started to actually retreat this time, and growled. "Who allowed you to run away?! Not I! EAT SHIT FUCKER! 50% Mac tíre rí's nua!" The sun was like a real shooting star, and streaked across the sky.

"~We got no fear no doubt, all in balls out!

We're going out tonight!

To kick out every light!

Take anything we want, take everything in sight!

We're going till the world stops turning while we burn it to the ground tonight!~" And then the star exploded.

The blast shook the earth, the heat felt like a dragon's breath, and the sound was absolutely deafening. I had to plant my feet into the ground just to stop myself from being blown back.

But when it passed, I was able to take in the aftermath... And, "Holy shit..." The 'boat graveyard' and all the water, was just GONE! It looked like the ocean was lagging in it's response to fill up the void that blast had left. The sky was clear, because the clouds were gone too, so we were all able to see the destruction across the horizon. We also saw the silver dome encasing a part of the... Wasteland... Which confused me for a moment, but then I remembered that Endbringer's fucking explode when they die, so it made sense.

Anyway, I heard Macky whistle, and looking like she was taking in her work. She even nodded, before dropping back down, and landing in front of me.

With Macky in front of me, she flashed me a smug grin, then wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "Out of 10, whaddya give it Yin?"

"... A part of me doesn't want to answer that, but I know you, so I will. Full 10 Macky... Just wish you didn't evaporate the fucking ocean."

She snorted at that, and waved away my complaint. "I'll fix it later." Excuse me? "Anywaaay.~" She took my free hand, and brought it to one of her breasts, then made me squeeze. "Thoughts?"

(Holy shit, that's sof...-) I blinked, and started blushing like mad. "Macky, what the fuck!?" She just started laughing her ass off, and took her hand off of mine. I took my hand off her tit, and looked away. I couldn't meet her eyes after that! Who even does something like that!?

Macky cooed, and brought my head to the crook of her neck. "Aww, you're adorable." Gods, I hated this motherfucker! Especially because this was nice as hell, but I wasn't going to say that out loud. "Anyway." Her voice changed, from the usual laid back tone I was used too, to one of amused interest. I looked around, and saw why. The Triumvirate, and remaining capes were gathered around us, looking both scared and awed. "Fuck you wastes of space want?" Aaand fuck.

I dropped my head into my hands, and groaned. "Five goddamn minutes Macky!" That was all I needed, but nooo! (I blame you for this System.) System sent me the most amused and smug feelings I've ever gotten from it, and I groaned again.

My bestfriend just laughed at my agony, and spoke again. "Anyway, fuck off yeah? I've got some catching up to do!" I sighed, and just accepted the fact Macky was going to give me a stroke by the end of the day. Not even the 'dings' and feeling of leveling up made me feel better.

Last names and ages weren't on the Wiki, so I made my own.

Which summoning do you guys prefer by the way? Just curious.

Again, these numbers are me just throwing out whatever I think feels right. For anyone that wants to correct this, Yin gained 43 levels, which means 430 points to her physical stats due to her racial bonus as a Werewolf. She mostly puts points into luck, but does like even numbers, so she'll dump some points into those stats to round them out.


Title - Werewolf Warrior - Stamina drain for Werewolf skills decreased by 10%, damage of Werewolf skills increased by 10%

Name - Yin Xiao-Long

Level - 130

Age - 17

Hp - 1,500,000

Mp - 350,000

Ap -200,000

Sp -300,000

Class - Mage

Strength - 900

Dexterity - 1,200

Vitality - 1,000

Intelligence - 670

Wisdom - 650

Charisma - 200

Luck - 790

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