
Chapter 51: MANCINI

"I don't believe that, there must be some other explanation."

"If there is Jaxx I'd like to hear it. When I got back she was wearing one of my shirts, a shirt that was left on the boat. She admitted to swiping it from there but of course denied the other."

"Of course she denied it you hardheaded son of a bitch. But did you listen? You know what I think? I think you're running scared. What happened brother, did she make you feel?" Figures!

"What the fuck are you talking about Jaxx?"

"What am I talking about? We spent the few days you were gone with that girl and I'm telling you she didn't betray you, she doesn't have it in her. She's in love with you poor thing. I don't know what happened, I'd believe she took the shirt because females do that kinda wonky shit when they're in love, it doesn't matter how old they are. But planting that shit, no way. Why would she when she knows she's the first place you'd look?"

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