
Chapter 14: MANCINI

I could see that threw her since she wasn't expecting me to capitulate that easily. It was easy to since I had no plans on letting this farce go much farther but it was nice putting her through her paces.

"I'm interested in renting out your space maybe having a private party for a hundred people or so."

I looked at her for a minute before answering, let her sweat.

"Sorry not interested."


Oh that ruffled your feathers did it sweetheart?

"It wouldn't be cost-effective for me to do that; I make more money in one hour than I would by renting you the space for such a small number, unless you were willing to pay the premium plus overhead, plus the fee per person not to mention the liquor charge. So you see your little venture really doesn't hold any appeal for me."

Chew on that agent Stone let's see what else you have in that bag of tricks of yours, her eyes smoldered for just a second before she got it under control.

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