
The Winner is...

"Xia Yu, how does it feel? Walking on the red carpet?" Song Xing Xing asked as she met her friend in the hall.

"It was nerve-wracking." Xia Yu admitted. Her heart raced as she thought about walking on the red carpet with Huo Yun Chen earlier. There were too many people watching her and it was making her anxious.

Song Xing Xing laughed. She turned to Huo Yun Chen and smiled. "I heard that you will be performing later today. Huo Yun Chen, work hard!"

Huo Yun Chen scratched the tip of his nose and smiled. "Thank you." He glanced at his girlfriend and spoke, "Mrs. Lu, I have to count on you to look after my girlfriend."

"Mmm... You don't have to worry about it. I'll accompany Xia Yu for you."

At the side, Lu Xun watched his wife hide the slight unhappiness in his heart. He had thought that he could be alone with his wife. But his wife had offered to look after someone else's girlfriend.

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