
The Frail Leader


"Fuck it," Lex said angrILy as she go her gun out. Her brother had done the unthinkable, but she couldn't just leave him with this pack of vultures. He was still family and she would probably admit him to a mental center after this, but before that, she needed to keep him alive.

Looking at the boys of the Almanac, Lex pointed at their boss and a few of them dragged Alex to go check his thigh and the state he was in. It wasn't much, but they needed him safe, or the mercenary standing before them would go all ballistic again.

Lex had been thinking a lot about Aiyana and how she wasn't here. The woman had a really perfect army and could have saved them these troubles even if they were in the wrong. But then since the damned conference, no one knew where she was.

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