
Fake Holy Paladin!

In a house in the periphery of Metropolis-C, two monsters lied in wait. They were both expecting their prey to appear at any moment now.

Then finally came the knocking sound they had been expecting. "Hey, Brad! I'm here! Let's do this quickly. I don't have all day!" The tentacle man had organized a meeting with a previous colleague from Golden wolves, and the young Climber had naively taken the bait. 

Josh happily opened the door. 

"You, who are you? Where's Brad?" The man asked, on edge. 

"Just come in, and we'll talk. He's waiting for you inside." Josh shook his head. How impatient the younger generation was! 

The man could instinctively faintly feel that something was wrong. But, just as he wanted to fall back, he remembered the debt he owed and reluctantly stepped forward. That's when Josh slammed the door shut. 

— Clang! — 

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