
The Secret (Part 2)

Jules tried her best to keep the secret to herself.

"I know the location of the Nightmare sword."

Sky and Jay looked at each other, confused, as neither had heard of this sword before.

Jericho, however, gasped.

"You know what that is?" Sky asked.

"You don't know what that is?" Jericho asked.

"So it's a sword. What's special about it?" Jay asked.

Jericho and Jules looked at the two men like they were aliens.

"Have you guys ever heard of Nightmare?" Jericho asked.

"Oh, now I remember that sounds somewhat familiar. Isn't he that infamous pirate who wreaked havoc eighty years ago?"

"He wasn't a pirate." Jules corrected Sky, "Nightmare was a mermaid, an infamous merman to be exact. You guys really don't know about him and his Nightmare sword?"

"Should we? We're from the Land of the Free so we don't know much." Jay pointed to himself and Sky.

"But still… Jules, tell them." Jericho sat down. She heard of the story from her father.

Jules pulled the hair from her face back before telling the story.

"Eighty years ago there was a merman. No one knows his true name but he called himself "Nightmare" and with his sword, "Nightmare" they slaughtered countless."

"He named his sword after himself?" Jay asked.

"With the Nightmare sword he had wiped out a good portion of mermaids, fishmen, and humans alike. It is said that twenty percent of the mermaid population was slaughtered by his hands alone, no one was spared.." Jules ignored Jay.

Jules only answered to Sky and no one else unless Sky ordered her to.

"What makes his sword special?" Sky asked.

"It is said that this sword of his could absorb the stats of others that he has slaughtered and give them to the wielded, making him stronger the more he killed. That was until the most powerful beings of all three races banded together to take down Nightmare."

"Oh, that's nice." Sky pointed out.

"It wasn't. You see the humans, mermaids, and fishmen only banded together because they wanted the sword for themselves. It was a one-of-a-kind weapon that everyone wanted. And once all the most powerful beings managed to kill Nightmare… it is said that they immediately began killing each other.."

"Then what happened to the sword?"

"Well… the most powerful fishmen were forced to flee. The human and mermaid race were the only ones fighting for control of the sword. But the fight was taking underwater and thus the mermaids had a significant advantage. The last remaining human was forced to flee with the sword in hand. It is said that the human entered a collapsing portal and took the sword with him and the sword was lost forever."

"But, wait, nothing ever comes back from a collapsing portal. How is it that you know its location?" Sky asked.

"That was the story everyone knows, but I learned the truth. The three mermaids, who were actually brothers, actually managed to kill the last human and retrieve the sword. However, the mermaid that held the sword immediately attacked the other two. It is said that the one who wields the Nightmare sword gets possessed by it, or becomes mad with power. The two mermaids had to kill their youngest brother. Realizing that the cycle would only repeat itself, both decided it was best to destroy it, but the sword was unbreakable as not even their strongest magic or strongest items could even scratch it, even underwater the sword cannot rust away. So they let the sword drop to the bottom of the ocean. Once it reached the bottom they covered it with sand, coral, stone, hiding it the best they could so no one could find it and guarding it."

"How did you manage to find out the truth?" Sky asked.

"One of those two mermaids was my great-great-great-great grandfather. Recently after he passed away a few years ago he told me the way to find the sword and to guard it, he even made me swear an oath to never use it and to never tell anyone including my own family. But I became greedy for it and even told my brother a bit of what I knew for his help. I wanted the sword to become stronger and exterminate the human race and the fishmen. I broke the oath I swore to my great-great-great-great grandfather a month ago."

"Wait, something doesn't make sense here: If the sword is under the sea how is it that you were on land looking for it?" Jericho pointed out.

Jules didn't answer her because she didn't want to.

"Answer her question." Sky said.

"Well, you see… My great-great-great-great-grandfather had the purple ability to shoot out magma. With it, and with the help of other magicals items he practically made an entire island from scratch while burying the sword. It took him about a week as far as I know. The process was more difficult than that but that's the gist of it."

"That still doesn't make sense. I mean it's amazing he was able to bury the sword by making an entire island beneath it, but as a mermaid you wouldn't need to be on land for it, right? You can just dig for it while you're underwater."

"There are two things wrong with that logic: First: I cannot risk being seen by another mermaid or another fishman as everyone knows that my great… ancestor was the one who fought for the sword, but 'failed' to get it. If they see me acting suspicious they will know something is up, and the last thing I wanted was people on my case, not to mention all the monsters that live there that can kill me. Also I wanted to get it secretly and quietly and the best way to do that is by going to land and digging all the way down. Secondly: my grandfather told me of the various death traps he had set around the sword should anyone stumble upon it so I cannot just go for it without a plan."

"Where is this island?" 

"It's a bit far from here. It's a big island with nothing on it."

Sky looked at his crew.

"What do you guys say? Do you want to get this sword?"

Jules closed her eyes and looked down out of frustration. She just knew Sky would be eager to get the sword for himself, and it had to fall on the hands of a human.

"Because personally I don't want to get this sword. Doesn't seem worth it."

"Say what now?" Jules looked up not expecting such an answer from him.

"Why not, Captain?" Jay and Jericho were both surprised he didn't want the sword.

"I have to kill people to get stronger. I don't like to kill others and have them suffer." Sky looked at them with an innocent look in his eyes.

"..." Jericho.

"..." Jay.

"..." Jules.

Jules and Jay don't know much about Sky but they knew he was spewing nonsense.

"I'm just kidding about that part, but I am serious about not getting the Nightmare sword. It seems more trouble than it's worth honestly. And it's not like we desperately need it. We're not in a race against time… except for Jericho's debt but honestly by either today or tomorrow her family's debt will be completely paid for."

"Yes." Jericho threw a fist in the air out of excitement.

"But if you guys want to get it, that's fine by me. But I think we're doing well now. We can clear red portals, our skills grow stronger quickly under my influence, we earn money quickly, we can continue to expand our crew slowly and find talented people that we can trust."

Sky wanted to continue lying low. As they were they had no chance of getting such a powerful sword and especially making an enemy out of the three races. With the help of the system Sky was confident in growing stronger fast.

Of course he would love to get the sword but the risks outweigh the benefits as far as he can tell.

Jay and Jericho looked at each other.

"Captain, whatever you want to do is fine by me."

"Sky, I really want to get rid of my family's debt before we do anything important like that."

"Agreed. For now we can pray that everyone believes Jules is dead and no one knows the location of the island with the Nightmare sword. But make sure to not say anything about this."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Great, I'm going to beat this dungeon by myself first. I wanna let off some steam." Sky cracked his knuckles out of excitement. He was still angry when Lloyd punched him in the face and so he wanted to punch something in the face.

Sky had taken off his helmet to greet him properly so he didn't have anything to protect his face when taking the punch.

"Sky, I should go with you. What if there's a treasure chest?" Jericho said.

"Oh, I almost forgot about that."

Jules looked down unsure of what to think. But then something important popped up in her head.

"Wait! My brother!"

"What about him?"

"I have to make sure my brother is alive and not a slave!"

"Okay… and?"

"I need to go find him. Please let me go back!" Jules walked up to Sky pleading and almost crying.

Sky was unfazed by her crying.

He had seen his mother fake-cry to get him to do something he didn't want to do, mostly chores. In fact she had done it so many times Sky was practically immune to seeing other girls cry, but Sky would always help out his mother even if he knew she faked crying.

"Let me think about it… no. Let's go, Jericho."

"But he's my brother!"

"I get it. I also love my family and I would do anything for them and for my crew. But first off, you're not a crew member. And on the small chance your brother is dead or a slave wouldn't it be your fault?" Sky asked.


"I mean you did just admit to being greedy and wanting to obtain the Nightmare sword and that's why you were captured in the first place. Not to mention you also placed a huge burden on your brother by revealing the information to him. And also you're forgetting the fact that you are dead! If someone from the island recognizes you I'll lose a valuable asset. I feel you but I won't risk it."

Jules was understandably angry. She knew Sky was right but she was still angry and cannot do anything about it unless he gave his permission.

Sky saw a new quest pop up in front of him.

{A new quest has been created}

{Quest: The unknown fate of Jules Mayfeather's brother}

{Find Jules' Mayfeather's brother to give her a peace of mind}

{Quest reward: 500,000 shells, 500,000 exp, Jules Mayfeather's gratitude}

{Quest timer: None}

{Quest punishment: None}

{Will you accept the quest?}

{Yes} {No}

Sky tapped 'no' without hesitation. The reward was simple but he did not want Jules' gratitude, he merely wanted her talent. And he wasn't going to waste time and his safety for someone he just met.

If it were the family of his crew he would save them but he did not consider Jules a crew member.

"Just do your regular job, Jules. Let's go, Jericho."

Sky jumped off the ship with Jericho.

Jay, who stayed back, didn't know what to say or do with the angry Jules in front of him.

Jules unwillingly got up and brewed more potions.

"Hahahaha! This is so much fun." Sky laughed maniacally as he cut down every monster in his path.

"Sky, are you sure you don't want to help out Jules?" Jericho asked.

"I'm sure. Why do you ask?"

"She seemed so scared for her brother. And I remember how I felt about my family when Mr. J told us what the Caribbean might do to them."

"Jericho, let's say you were in my shoes and you decide to find Jules' brother, let me ask you one thing: how would you do that?"


"As of right now we're not strong. Jules is stronger than all of us combined and yet she was still taken as a prisoner. Chances are we also cannot do anything. Like I said I feel about her and her decisions got her in this situation, but we barely know her, and I would try to find her brother if I had the strength and confidence in doing so. But then again her brother might be alright."

Jericho did not know what to say. Sky had a good point.


Boris, the Caribbean with the red uniform jacket, sat down on his ship and called HQ.

"Hey, Georgia… HQ?"

"What is it, Boris? Did you find anything useful this time?" Georgia's voice could be heard from the phone.

"We have some news here." Boris held the file that his men compiled. "The mermaid is indeed gone and he did give her away to the winner of the tournament. The sketch I got from Edgar was wrong. This sketch belongs to one of the inmates that were killed in the recent tournament. The real winner looks like some kid."

"A kid? How old exactly?"

"According to eyewitnesses he's about eighteen years old? And his name is… Sky Rouge? Sky… why does that name sound familiar?" Boris looked up at the sky thinking.

"Seriously, Boris? Read the Haydie family file case."

"Oh, that's where I heard that name! Are we sure it's the same guy? Tristan didn't write down Sky's last name."

"The odds are thin but they could very well be the same person. But that begs the question, why would Edgar lie… I mean hand you a fake sketch?"

"I'm gonna look into that. Unfortunately I can't use my authority on other people with influence because they gave me a fake sketch and there's a million different excuses they can give me. I could risk it but I don't wanna lose my job."

"I'll tell Xero what happened, he will definitely help."

"Why are you sure about that?" Boris asked, confused.

Georgia took a bit of time to respond, "can anybody else overhear what I am about to tell you?" Georgia whispered.

Boris looked around and he was sure no one could hear him over the phone.


"I overheard a rumor recently, there is a chance this mermaid could be a lead to the Nightmare sword."

"Uggggghhhhhh…" Boris groaned, "This again? This is at least the 50th time this year alone I have to check out a rumor about the stupid sword! And they all lead to nothing."

"Huh, guess you're right." Georgia stopped whispering. "Anyways treat this as you would with another case. Byeeeee."

Boris hung up the phone and wiped his face with his hand. He was getting tired and annoyed of doing all these annoying tasks and they always seem to pick him.

"I hate this but if this job didn't pay so well I would have quit a long time ago."

Boris picked up the Haydie case file and read it.

"What a coincidence indeed… Sky."

Sky returned to the ship with Jericho. His hands were covered in blood.

"That was fun." Sky was smiling happily underneath his helmet.

"Until you started burning those giants for fun."

"Hey if they didn't want me to burn them then they shouldn't have fought back in self defense, but it was still fun. Oh and I am keeping this red scroll." Sky said.

{Red scroll: 50+ dex}

"You don't have to say that to me, you're the Captain."

Sky kept all the scrolls that give out such high stats and 50 is the maximum. This scroll will not only let him finally be able to use the trident he wants, but his stat will finally reach 200.

Ripping it he grew a bit stronger.

{Dex: 224}

{Dexterity has reached 200}

{New skill learned}

{Sleight of hand: lvl 1: Steal and snatch the items of others}

{New skill learned}

{Greedy adventurer: The next chest you find in a dungeon and open will have its rewards doubled}

{Cooldown: 24 hours: Cooldown is not affected by cooldown reduction skill} 

{Example: A bronze chest gives you 100,000 shells, 1x red scroll, 1x crappy sword: After using {Greedy adventurer} the new rewards are as follows: 200,000 shells, 2x red scroll, 2x crappy sword. The skill also applies to chests at the end of a dungeon run}


Most of the time they find bronze chests, and every now and then they find a silver chest. Only once did he find a gold chest.

This new skill of his was both a blessing and a risk. If he uses it on a silver chest but finds a gold chest while the skill is on cooldown would be unfortunate.

"You got something good out of it, didn't you?" Jericho noticed Sky's joyful face.

She noticed Sky would randomly be beaming with joy usually after killing or ripping apart a scroll, and shortly afterwards he'll be using a never before seen skill.

"I did. Let's just say we're gonna be rolling in it!"


"Anyways set course to another dungeon."


Sky walked towards his room while side glancing at Jules who was crafting healing potions. He could see she was understandably angry at him while simultaneously worried for her brother's safety.

"Captain, a word?" Jay walked up to him carrying a box on hand.

"Yes, Jay?"

"How did you do that? How did you manage to transform Jules into a card while she was still alive?" Jay was genuinely curious.

"It's easy. It's an evolved version of the card transformation technique."

"Wait, evolved?"

"Yeah, some skills can be evolved, like, um… What's an evolved skill I have? Oh, right! Lightning eagles." 

Sky summoned five eagles beside him.

"This skill is known as lightning birds but is now known as lightning eagles. Originally these birds were the size of my palm. But after using it for so long they grew bigger and powerful." Sky petted his eagles as if they were real birds.

"Wait, really?"

"I was surprised, too. That's how I transformed Jules into a card by working hard on this one skill, you can do the same thing honestly. But not every skill can be evolved."

"Wow… I believe you, Captain, but I find that hard to believe. I have never heard of skills that can be evolved until now."

"I know, right? Now I have a question for you, what's with the box?"

"Oh, I wanted to give you this for winning the tournament but I forgot about it. Open it!" Jay handed Sky the box.

Opening the box carefully Sky saw a decent violin case with a music book. And inside the violin case was a green violin covered in a thin layer of black cloth. Attached to the case is the violin bowstring, and the rosen that is applied to the string.

Sky couldn't help but gently pluck the violin strings out of instinct. None of the strings produced their right sounds as they were out of tune.

"I remember you said you used to play the violin before and I thought you might want to play it."

"It's perfect." Sky smiled. His violin and possessions got destroyed when both meteors crashed his entire island.

After a few minutes of tuning his violin and applying the rosen to his bowstring Sky played some simple chords and finger practices.

The violin in Sky's hands was different. Violins and the bowstrings in this world are made of a special material designed so that the weather, temperature, humidity, and other factors do not affect it.

If violins and bow strings were to be affected the tone and playability would be heavily affected, especially in this world.

"It's been a while so I might be rusty."

Sky was an average violin player at best even after years of practice and studying, and the sounds he produced were nothing special.

After finishing his warm up he gets a new notification.

{New skill learned}

{Violin mastery: lvl 1: People who hear your playing will be somewhat calm}

'I am not surprised anymore honestly, there really is a skill for everything. Didn't I already have this skill?' Sky thought.

{No, you have {Music: lvl 1: You somewhat understand music} it's a skill related to music itself not just the violin. It has to do with your ability to reading, understanding, improvisation, creating music, and so on}


Sky played one of the few violin songs he memorized and one of his favorites. It was a sad piece but was simple.

Everyone looked at Sky and heard his music. They liked it but were hardly impressed, but for some reason they found it soothing and relaxing to hear it.

Even Jules, who hated Sky, was worried sick about her brother, found herself calming down.

After Sky finished he was impressed with himself. Jay clapped for him.

{Skill level up}

{Violin mastery: lvl 2}

'Wow… I hardly made a mistake.' Sky thought.

If he didn't practice for a long time Sky's skills would diminish, back when he used to go to school he hardly had the time to practice and later would return to the violin barely able to play it again.

Even if he practiced consistently he would still make mistakes which is something every musician has to deal with. Violinists and other string instruments also have it difficult as even a one millimeter difference would make a difference in the note.

But this time his skill remained the same.

Sky placed the violin back in its case and stored it in his inventory.

"Thanks, Jay, for the violin." 

"Of course, Captain. Glad you liked it."

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