
The Super Saiyan of Fairy Tail...

the Fairy Tail Guildhall...

"You're... the Blue Pegasus guild!" Makarov shouted.

Five people from Blue Pegasus were present in front of Fairy Tail and was at the entrance of the guildhall. They were Jenny Realight, Hibiki Lates, Eve Tearm, Ren Akatsuki, & Ichiya Kotobuki.

"Hello there, Makarov." Ichiya waved at him with his glued right index & middle finger, "It's been days since we've seen each other. Not since the Grand Magic Games, I believe. Speaking of the Grand Magic Games, congratulations on winning! Men, I see Fairy Tail's parfum hasn't changed not one bit!"

"What are you five doing here?" Makarov asked.

"You didn't come just to womanize the girls here, did you?" Macao said as he wasn't going be surprised if they did.

"As much as we would like to compliment the girls, we have important matters to discuss," Hibiki said.

"And what would that be?" Levy asked.

"We would tell you, but we require the rest of the audience to hear this. You know, Natsu & the others?" Eve had politely asked.

"S-Sure... I guess I can have someone go fetch them."

"I can do it, Master." Cana volunteered.

And that's where chapter 3 ended. With Cana asking Goku, Mirajane, Lisanna, Juvia & Team Natsu to come out and meet Blue Pegasus because they have something they wanted to share with them. After two minutes, everyone inside of the Infirmary room had now entered the hall with everyone else and Blue Pegasus was about to get started on why they were here...

Unfortunately, due to the beauty of girls that resides in Fairy Tail, the womanizing trio were on the move with the Celestial Mage, Lucy...

"Lucy, my dear. Have you been well?" Hibiki gently asked as he got on one knee.

"Would you like a towel to wipe your beautiful face, love?" Ren offers as he too got on one knee.

"Or, would you like me...?" Eve's background had a romantic theme as he showed Lucy a rose that was in his mouth.

"I'll take none of the above, thank you..." Lucy sweats.

"Sniff* Men, Erza my honey, your parfum is as fitting as ever! You make a man twirl out of such delighting parfum!"

Closing in Erza's space, Ichiya tries to get in a sniff. He manages to get one in, but at the cost of pain. Erza one-shotted him with a right fist to his face, making him crash into the walls. As he was flying, Ichiya operated as he always did and replied to that strong parfum punch with a...


"(I see Ichiya hasn't changed a bit either...)" Erza's fist was trembling.

"Hey, Mira. Who are those five?" Goku whispered in her ear.

"That's another guild that goes by the name of Blue Pegasus. They're quite formidable too if you're wondering."

"Oh? So, they're strong from what you're telling me!?"

"Somewhat like that, I guess. Sure..."

"Tell us, you guys. What brings you to our guildhall?" Gray asked with no shirt on.

"Bob, who is our guild master, has issued a challenge to your guild!" Ichiya said as he got up.

"A challenge? That's so unexpected. What's this challenge you speak of?"

"Days after the Grand Magic Games, the five of us managed to convince the Princess of Fiore to host a 5v5 guild versus guild match!"

"Oh, hell yeah!" Natsu's eyes were shaped in stars, "I am so down for a fight! You guys were interesting during the Grand Magic Games when you gave it your all!"

"They didn't really do much, Natsu. Well, Jenny vs Mira was a good match. Of course, my sis ended up winning." Lisanna gloated.

"Hmph! I'll have you know lady, that match was rigged!" Jenny had her fist showing to Lisanna.

"Don't be mad, Jenny! You put up a good fight and I was happy to go up against you, Miss Fiore." Mirajane smiled at her.

"Miss Fiore. Wow, you must be famous..." Goku said.

"I am... Who are you, kid?" Jenny had one eyebrow raised.

"Goku, introduce yourself to Blue Pegasus," Mirajane told him.

"Okay. Ahem* Hello, my name is Son Goku, sir. It's an honor for you five to meet me."

"Uh... R-Right..." Jenny's face was confused by Goku's manners, "You say it's an honor? Care to explain...?"

"Goku is a recent new member that joined Fairy Tail. Believe it or not, he bested Natsu without breaking a sweat."

"Ah! Geez, Gramps! You didn't have to say that to them of all people!"

"Natsu was bested?" Eve's eyes widened.

"Yeah. I beat Natsu in like four minutes probably..." Goku was thinking, "I didn't even get to go all out. But look on the bright side, he was strong either way!" Goku smiled at him.

"Whatever. Show off..." Natsu pouted.

"It's hard to believe a Dragon Slayer was bested by someone who just became a part of your guild," Ren said as he saw Natsu's shark teeth growling at Goku who was laughing.

"Well, since you guys got a new member, I guess we should all introduce ourselves. A pleasure to meet you, Goku. I'm Hibiki of Blue Pegasus." Hibiki gave his hand to him.

"Um, likewise," Goku said as he graciously took his hand for a handshake.

"Oh, and these are my guildmates."

"I'm Eve." Eve bowed his head.

"The name's Ren."

"Ichiya!" Ichiya was twirling fast as a way to make his entrance seem 'good.'

"And this is Jenny Realight. The current Miss Fiore." Hibiki spoked for Jenny.

"Nice to meet you guys. So, continue with what you were all saying. You know, about the 5v5 challenge?"

"Right, right. As I was saying, our master Bob wanted to know if you guys were down for a friendly 5v5 match. The Grand Magic Games Arena can be where we settle it."

"I wouldn't mind but... What's the catch here? Why issue a fight with us when you know you're outclassed?" Makarov said.

"Because!" Jenny came in to answer, "It would be wrong to not show up to fight against us when we've informed the Fiore Princess about this! She's going to be a guest there!"

"Princess Hisui!?" Lucy was surprised.

"Who's Hisui?" Goku cluelessly asked.

"That's Princess Hisui, Goku! She's freakin royalty!"


"She's the Princess of Crocus! Crocus is the Capital of Fiore and her father is King Toma!"

"Oh... Never heard of them..."

"Of course you haven't. You're from another world..."

"What's this I hear about Goku being from another world?" Jenny repeated Lucy's words.

"Uh! It's nothing, haha! I meant to say he's from another country in this world! Yeah! That, haha...! Lucy's fake laugh was bought.

"So, Makarov... What do you say? Will you accept this challenge?"

"I would if there's a catch. There is one... Right? You can't just challenge someone to a fight without a wager. So out with it, Ichiya."

"Oh, that's right. I forgot. We four boys don't want anything but to prove to the world that Blue Pegasus is the better guild!"

"You want glory and fame?" Erza wondered.

"Well, that's mainly just the four of us. Jenny has her own wager." Hibiki looks at her.

"She does?" Natsu & Gray copied.

"Mhm, that's right. Look, ever since my humiliating defeat against Mirajane Strauss, I've been wanting to find a way to get back at her so... If we win, I want Mirajane to pose nude for Sorcerer Weekly!"

"N-Nude?" Mirajane's eyes blinked fast from saying, "It's been seven years since I posed for Sorcerer Weekly..."

"You beat her, Mira? So you really are strong! When was this?" Goku clenched his fist.

"It was several days ago. During the Grand Magic Games, she and I didn't really have a fight. I just one shotted her like she was nothing." Mirajane brags but didn't mean to.

"Okay, Mirajane! He didn't need to hear that!" Jenny was getting embarrassed.

"Hey, quick question, Hibiki."

"What's up, Lucy?"

"What does Fairy Tail get if we win? Did you decide for us or can we pick?"

"Well, that's up to you guys. You can give your own wagers once you pick your five people to go up against us."

"Gramps! Volunteer me for our team of five! I can kick their assess one by one!"

"I appreciate your enthusiasm, Natsu. But... I've been thinking about remodifying this match to a 1v5. We're the one by the way."

"One? Haha! You're speaking my language, Gramps! Did you decide to pick me? I am strong as hell." Natsu was flexing his muscles.

"Pfff, as if he pick you over me, Pyro." Gray mocks.

"Huh? Mind telling me that a little louder, Frosty?" Natsu said with a smug look.

"Hmph, with pleasure. I said Gramps wouldn't choose you over me because he knows I'm more capable of destroying them!"

"Fuck you, Stripper!" Natsu headbutts Gray as the two started duking it out.

From Goku's standpoint, he saw Natsu's rivalry with Gray the same way he has his with Vegeta. Except, Natsu & Gray's feud is a lot more childish than Goku & Vegeta's. Nonetheless, it made him laugh to that remark, making him place his hands behind his head. Mirajane saw and was astonished to see Goku crack a huge smile like that...

"You seem to be in a good mood, Goku."

"Yeah, I am. The way Natsu & Gray fights reminds me of my own rivalry I have with this other guy name Vegeta. He's also a Saiyan."

"Saiyan? Amazing..."

"Gray's right. I'm not choosing Natsu nor am I choosing Gray."

"If it isn't one of those two, then who are you going to pick, Master? Erza? Mira? Gajeel or Laxus?" Wendy asked as she wanted to know.

"Hohoho, your guesses are quite good, my child. But, no. The person I decided to nominate is none other than Son Goku!" Makarov declared by pointing his left index finger at Goku.

"Me!? Alright!" Goku said with excitement.

"Him!?" the four boys in Blue Pegasus yelled.

"The new person that joined? Okay, but why...?" Jenny was confused.

"I'm with Jenny. Not to toot my own horn but what makes him so essential to contribute for this 1v5? If I recall, he's a new member, right? I think it's a little too early to throw caution to the wind here..."

"I can assure you I'm not, Ichiya. Trust me on this one, you guys. He may have been a member for a couple of days but he's shown feats that are well above any mage! And the funny thing is, he's not even a mage!"

"What!?" Ren & Eve yelled.

"Not a mage? How is that possible? How did he bested Natsu then?"

"He's not one to rely on magic but martial arts."

"Oh, he's one of those people. Fine, I wouldn't mind if a newbie took their place." Jenny said.

"You're okay with it, Jenny? You don't want to face Mirajane to settle your rivalry?" Hibiki asked.

"Truth be told, I haven't done much training. I probably wouldn't beat her again anyway. But... If a newbie took their position for the 1v5, then I'm okay with it. It's fair game. Hear that, Mirajane? Your luck depends on your new member- She's ignoring me..."

Jenny was gloating at her "guaranteed" win but saw she was getting ignored. She saw Goku & Mirajane having their own chat. She wasn't having it. To be ignored by someone she looked up to is an insult. So she puts her foot down and grabs their attention.

"H-Hey! Don't ignore me! I was talking to you!" Jenny was a little bit angry.

"Hmm?" they both turned to Jenny.

"Mirajane! Did you hear what I said? Your chances of winning are stale because you sealed your faith the moment you let this guy fight for you."

"How so? I wouldn't say that. I think our chances of winning just skyrocketed to a hundred percent." Mirajane smiled at her.

"Eh? What makes you think that? Because he defeated Natsu Dragneel so easily? Heh! My Hibiki could've done that too if he wanted!"

"Let's not encourage that idea, Jenny..." Hibiki was sweating.

"You're not aware of what Fairy Tail's fully capable of and that can cost you a lot. With Goku, Fairy Tail's more than just the number one guild on Earthland."

"Kch... You speak of him as if you like him or something."

"Of course, I do. He's my guildmate. Why wouldn't I?"

"I like Mira too. I promised her to protect her because I'm obligated...!" Goku smile got to Jenny.

"Eh? Promise? Hey, hey... Goku was it? What's your relationship with Mirajane Strauss? Are you her boyfriend?"


"Eh!?" Mirajane and Jenny shouted as they looked at him.

"I'm a boy and her friend. Boyfriend! Right?" Goku wanted to make sure.

From hearing that, both Fairy Tail and Blue Pegasus fell on their backs comedically. Seeing that made Goku highly entertained. Because he can relate to doing that in his world too. When it comes to certain situations, he would fall on his back if there was something he considered ridiculous...

"Goku... I think you're getting it wrong. Boyfriend is another word for lover. It's what girls say when they feel attracted to a boy they love. The same can be said for boy crushing on a boy too..."

"Oh... Mira, I did say we're not near that level yet. But... If it's to view you as a loved one to protect... Then, yeah. I'm her boyfriend."

"G-Goku..." Mirajane was steaming from embarrassment.

"S-Sis! You're dating Goku!?" Lisanna was surprised.

"Eh!? What? N-No! I-"

"So that's why you were so keen on wanting to tour Goku around, sis. You have a manly crush on him!"

"Elfman, Lisanna, you two are taking this the wrong way. You see Goku and I are just-"

"Just what, huh? Friends? Like that's believable. That's the oldest saying in the book!" Jenny said to shut her up.

"No, I-"

"How cruel of me." Hibiki was hyping himself up, "If you didn't want him as a boyfriend, you certainly could've called me, Mirajane. I would've rocked your world."

"Mirajane wants someone who can sweep her off her feet. Like me." Eve winked at her.

"You're quite popular with the boys, Mira. As expected out of you!" Goku praised.

"I rather pass on them..."

"Why? They want to be your boyfriends too. We can all be your boyfriends..."

"Huh... (He has such an innocent façade, it's not even funny...) No, Goku. I don't want that many boyfriends. Do you not know how these things work?"


"If I were to have a boyfriend, it has to be limited to one only. Otherwise, it's not healthy."

"Oh, never mind then. Do me a favor and back off, you guys. I call Mira!" Goku issued that to the trio.

"Hmm? Eh? Is that a challenge?" Ren said.

"Eve, don't you have that Sherry chick from Lamia Scale?" Hibiki pointed out.

"Huh!? Yeah, that's right..." Ren blushed a tiny bit.

"I forgot those two were dating..." Lucy started to remember what she saw during the Grand Magic Games.

"Lamia Scale...?" Natsu said then remembered something, "Hey! He's the guy who tried to revive Deliora!"

"And who has a crush on me...!" Juvia said, "Oh, it's a love triangle! Gray, I need you to hold me as I faint!" when she fell to the ground, Gray didn't attend to her.

"Getting back to the topic here!" Jenny brings everyone back, "Goku, if you lose, you're precious Mira whom you want to protect will expose her body to Sorcerer Weekly!"

"I know. I heard you the first time, Henny."

"It's Jenny! Jenny Realight!"

"Oh, my bad."

"Tell me something, Goku. Since you heard my wager, what's yours? Your master offered you to us to take us on so I'm curious..."

"Hmm, good question. I don't know. I'm happy with what I've got."

"His morals are pure; I'll give him that," Hibiki adds.

"You sure? You can't just take us on empty-handed. You've gotta think of at least something simple."

"Hey, Mira. What do you think I should get from them when I win?"

"(He didn't say if...! He said when! Is he that confident?)" Jenny's stares were on Goku.

"Why are you asking me?"

"I don't know." he shrugged, "I've never been put in situations like this one right now."

"Here's a solution, Goku. If you can't figure out one, then I'll give you a wager for you."

"For me? Alright, shoot!" Goku said as he looks at Jenny.

"If you win, then I'll give you the honors of dating me." Jenny wasn't blushing but her cheeks were red.

"Eh!? What! What kind of proposition is that!?"

"It's the perfect one, Mirajane! I'm giving him a chance to go out with me that most boys dream of! It's perfect, is it not?"

"No thanks."

"Hehe! I knew it! No one can resist Jenny Reali- Hold on, did you said no!? How could you say no to someone like me? Boys are in love with me!"

"Mira told me boys are in love with her too. You're no different than she is. Well, she can cook stupidly well and I don't know much about you, so no thanks."

"W-Wah... I got rejected... That never happens to me before..." Jenny was shocked to her very core.

"Goku's a smooth slayer, isn't he?" Gray was impressed.

"Hmph. I guess that's one way to kick someone out of your domain." Gajeel was impressed too.

"Not too long ago, I went on a date with Mira. We ate at some café and I made a comparison. Food from restaurants are good, but they don't hold a candle to Mira's cooking! Her cooking is so freakin good!"

"G-Goku..." Mirajane blushed.

"Kch... You're going to regret rejecting me, Son Goku!"

"Jenny seems all fired up," Eve noted.

"Yeah. It's very sexy to see." Hibiki was eyeballing her.

"If it's okay with everyone here, I'd like to change something to the 1v5." Jenny raised her hand for everyone to see.

"What is it, Jenny?" Hibiki asked.

"Instead of loser goes nude for the public, I've decided this. Blue Pegasus' terms when we win is simple. I want you, Son Goku." Jenny pointed at him with her right index finger.

"Eh!?" the Fairy Tail guild yelled.

"Why Goku!?" Lisanna asked Jenny.

"To be specific, I want him to be my boyfriend..." Jenny informed everyone.

"(I get it. She wants to get under Mirajane's skin. From what we've seen so far, Mirajane seems to be attached to Goku. She was blushing when Goku agreed about him being her boyfriend. Considering the fact he didn't know what boyfriend meant...)" Hibiki looks at Goku.

"You don't even like him, Jenny. Why go that far!?" Mirajane was getting a little aggravated.

"It's true, I don't. However, I've never seen a boy turn me down before. Me of all people! I'm the definition of beauty! You're seven years old news, Mirajane! And yet, he chose you over me. That's an insult I can't let go!"

"For the millionth time, I don't see him that way!" Mirajane said as she started to get embarrassed.

"Right... Whatever you say, Mirajane. If no one disagrees with this, we should take our leave, boys."

"Wait, wait! Before you guys go, when is this match?" Lucy asked.

"A week from today. Next Wednesday, Lucy. At two o'clock pm! Until then, we bid you all a good day!" Hibiki bows his head.

Blue Pegasus was making their way out. Ichiya was twirling as he was spamming the word he always says no matter what predicament he's in. The trio that follows under Ichiya waved their waves in goodbye to Fairy Tail. As for the current Miss Fiore, she turned to Goku. Goku noticed her. Seeing the two of them make eye contact, Jenny blew a kiss to Goku as a way to make Mirajane jealous.

It was supposed to head straight to his face but a certain She-Devil wasn't having it. The kiss was avoided thanks to Mirajane as she comedically rips it to shreds. Jenny wasn't fazed but it did leave an impression on who her ideal guy is. And that person "might" be Goku. In her book, no one says no to the current Miss Fiore. No one...

"Man, were they a handful. I'm kinda bummed it wasn't me. But since Goku got picked, you've got to show us what you're really made of, dude!"

"Yeah, mister Goku! Show more of your strength to not only us but to Blue Pegasus, too!" Happy said in the background.

"So if we've got the info right, the 1v5 will take place next Wednesday at 2 pm. The Fiore Princess will be a guest and she'll see both our guilds go at it."

"Indeed, Erza. But not to worry. With Goku, we'll win without breaking a sweat! Well, Goku won't break a sweat."

"Aw, man! I'm still freakin bummed it wasn't me that got chosen..."

"Cheer up, Natsu. I'm sure Master will choose you next time. Have some faith." Lisanna's smile was something to cheer him up, but it didn't.

"Yeah, I know, Lis."

"Speaking of dates, when Mira went on one with Goku, it got me thinking. We haven't hung out together not since we were little. So, I was thinking if maybe you and I could... You know g-go on a d-date..." Lisanna was blushing hard when asking that but was shot down when she found down she was being ignored.

"Hey, Goku!"

"What's up? You want to fight me again? I'm down."

But he didn't do that. Instead, he showed some manners and got on both knees with his forehead touching the ground for this one request. Seeing this shocked everyone. Especially Lucy, Gray, & Lisanna.

"Please take me under your wing, Goku!" he begged.

"N-Natsu!?" Lucy was weirded out.

"Uh..." Goku didn't know how to take it in.

"Look, when we fought I had no idea there were other ways to fight. You don't operate on magic but you still whooped my ass. Since then, I've been thinking. You're from a world that probably doesn't rely on magic. So, if it's okay, I want you to teach me what you know from your world! Please!" Natsu begs again but in a politely way.


"R-Really!?" Natsu's head rose up, "You're not pulling my leg here?"

"Nope. I'll train you. I've been thinking about it too. I can't be the only one to have strength that's far out of everyone's league. Ya know?"

"That hurts from just hearing that but yeah, it's a similar feeling."

"Well then, Natsu. Consider us master and student!"

"Hee-hee, alright!" Natsu jumps in the air for joy.

"H-Hold up! If you're letting Natsu go under your wing, then do me a favor and have me as your student too!" Gray asked of Goku.

"Eh? You too, Gray?"

"He's not the only one. I'm considering about wanting to learn how to fight in your style, Goku..." Erza said as she crossed her arms.


"Hey! If you're opening up a training session, then maybe I'd like to try it out. If you don't mind, Goku..." Lucy raised her hand up.

"Count me in, too!" Wendy wasn't backing down from an opportunity like this.

"You're so eager to learn, child. It's nice to see that side of you again."

"Juvia offers herself to try your fighting style too, Goku! For the sake of my Gray!"

"S-Sure... Again, I have a crowd. Hey, Mira. You want to join? Hmm? Mira?"

When all of that was taking place, something was on Mirajane's mind. And it was bothering her hugely. It was what Jenny said. She wanted Goku to herself. But for what? Was it to get under her skin? Because it certainly worked. Never has Mirajane felt this pissed off about something since her talk with Laxus during the Phantom Lord raid invasion...

"(She wants Goku because she got turned down...? Why does that sound so shallow? There's no real reason to it, she just wants to rub it in my face... I know that but... Why does that make me want Goku to stay with me rather than her? Urgh... Is there something wrong with me?)"

Mirajane wasn't responding so Goku spoked with action to get her attention. But it wasn't too hard. To make the She-Devil fall back to reality, Goku was head patting her head. Doing that surprised her. And it worked to a certain extent. Mirajane was looking at Goku as he continued patting her...


"Haha, now I got your attention! That's good! Is there something bothering you, Mira?"

"It's nothing. Really. You don't have to worry over me, Goku. I'm perfectly okay!" she faked smiled.

"Okay... So, you want to learn about how I fight and stuff?"

"Eh? Oh, um... Maybe another time. I'm sort of not feeling it today."

"You sure? What I teach could come in handy someday."

"I wouldn't mind learning from you but not today. I've got some things I need to do."

"Whatever floats your boat. You've been acting weird since Jenny told us her wager."

"Yeah, well... Some things are better off that way. To not knowing why is something you don't need to know. Now, if you excuse me, I have to go clear my head..." Mirajane went out of the guildhall.

"That was weird. Hey, Mira's little sister. Do you want to join in?".........

"I'll come to see how you train them. That's all." Lisanna replied.

"But I wouldn't mind learning, Goku!" Cana smiled at him as she raised her left hand up.

"Okay... Wow, as I said earlier, a crowd..."

"Hehe, best of luck, Goku. Teaching them is something you shouldn't consider easy. Especially with Natsu." Lisanna giggled.

"I've dealt with worse, haha. So, can anyone tell me what was up with Mira? She wasn't acting like her usual self. You know, the whole cheery happy Mira. Instead, I saw her making a serious face."

"Not to mention her eyes. Her irises were deep blue. Like she was in a different world or something." Lisanna picks on.

"She's mad about what Jenny said. She wants you to be her boyfriend, Goku." Cana said.

"Really? Over that? But why?"

"Because she has feelings for you. It's not hard to tell. From the way she was acting, she was like a new person. When it comes to you, you spark a light in her that no other boy can..." Cana adds.

"I didn't see that in her. She didn't look like she was interested in me."

"That's because girls do a thing where they hide their true feelings from their crush."

"R-Really? So, Mira really does..."

"Love you? Yes. Yes, she does. Not to sound like a hater, but why? You just became a member for a couple of days now and all of a sudden she's crazy for you?"

"Whatever it is, leave her be. If there's one thing to take note of, Goku, it's that you don't want to see her all pissed. Right now, she's just trying to cool herself off." Erza said as she placed her hand on his right shoulder.

"Okay... But I don't see why she would get mad. I wouldn't lose to them. They seem strong no doubt, but I can beat them."

"It's a girl's thing, Goku." Lucy said as she gives a sigh later, "Still, I've never seen Mira act like that before. I guess it's a first time for everything, huh?"

"Indeed it is, my sweet Lucy! Most people, including myself, love and appreciate girls who would pretend to hide their feelings but later admit them when they get backed into a corner! Especially if someone like you confessed. With your splendid figure and your amazing rack, boys would fall to their knees!"

"L-Loke!" Lucy jumped because she wasn't expecting him.

Seeing his owner's face, Loke got on one knee and like a gentleman, he placed his right hand under Lucy's left hand as it got lifted up a little.

"Your curves are what strives me to keep fighting for you, Lucy!" in an attempt to go in for a kiss, Lucy avoids it and smacks Loke to some table.

"Loke, not that I don't mind your company, what the heck are you doing here? Don't you have things to do in the Celestial World?"

"Aghh... Haha, your smacks are as hard as ever, Lucy. But actually, I came to you guys in hoping you could answer a question for me."


"It's about your new recent member, Princess."

"Uh! That voice..."

"I didn't know you could do voices, Loke," said Natsu with his arms behind his head.

"That wasn't me, Natsu..."

"Then, who was it?" Lucy wondered.

"That would be me, Princess..."

"Eh?" Lucy realized she got picked up off the floor by someone.

The mysterious voice that spoke for Loke was one of Lucy's other Celestial Spirits, the Celestial Maid Virgo. To where she is, she appears to be carrying Lucy, but in an odd fashion. Lucy's bottom came in contact with Virgo's head as that became the reason Lucy was off the floor. With Lucy on top of Virgo's head!

"Hi, Princess. Do you like being carried this way? My head is touching your butt. Does that mean it's punishment time?" Virgo asked.

"J-Just put me down, Virgo."

"As you wish," Virgo said as she placed Lucy down.

"So, what are you two doing here?"

"We've got word from the Celestial King himself that there's someone on Earthland who possess powers that rivals the gods." Loke said, "You guys wouldn't happen to know where this person is, do you, Lucy?"

"A person that rivals the gods? I'm not sure who you're talking about, Loke." Lucy couldn't' think of anyone who could have powers such as that.

"I'm a little curious as to whom you're referring to as well. Loke, the Celestial King told you there was someone who has such a power? Here on Earthland?" Erza wanted to confirm.

"Yeah. It's hard to believe but it's the words that came from his mouth. As a matter of fact, when I heard him say it, he started trembling. Like he was afraid or something."

"Could he be imagining it instead?"

"I don't think so, Lucy. The Celestial King isn't one to lie. It's not in his nature to do so. From the way he was saying it, it made me believe him. That's why we're here."

"We're here to confirm his existence and if this 'deity' does exist, then the Celestial King would like to pose a treaty with him," Virgo explains.

"A treaty? Something tells me he's that much of a big deal."

"That's not even half of it, Princess. The Celestial King also informed us about how strong he is. He said he could destroy Earthland over a trillion times if he wanted to."

"A t-trillion times...!?" Natsu & Gray's eyes were wide with the news they heard.

"That's insane! I would hate to face him if he belongs in a guild rather than Fairy Tail..." Wendy said.

"Tell me, Virgo. Do either of you have any detail of what he looks like?"

"I actually do, Princess. The King had a vision of what he looked like and I was able to sketch it the best way that I can. Here..."

A picture frame poofs out in front of Virgo. Catching it, she showed everyone her sketch. Excluding Loke. When she centered the sketch to Lucy & the others, they were all a bit taken with what she drew. The person in the sketch was... Goku in his Super Saiyan God form.

"No way..." Natsu & Gray said simultaneously.

"Virgo... Loke... the person the King was afraid of... is Goku!?" Lucy freaks out.

"Goku?" Virgo & Loke looks at Lucy as they said that name at the same time.

"Wow, it really looks like him! But his hair is red. And his looks... His appearance is so young! He looks younger than usual!" Wendy describes.

"So, I take it you guys know him?" Loke asked.

"Yeah. In fact, he's right over there." Erza pointed at Goku talking to Cana.

"So that's him, huh. The guy that goes by the name of Goku. Wait, his freaking hair is black!"

"Hmm? Hello there, shades man!" Goku waves at him.

"Uh... Hi..." Loke waved back.

"I've never seen you before. Who are you?"

"I'm Loke. A Celestial Spirit."


"Uh-Huh. I'm from a world that serves as a dimension. The Celestial World is the flip side to Earthland's plane of existence."

"Wow, you spoke big words but I still have no idea what you're talking about."

Loke fell back, "Sigh* Well, at least you get the picture. Kind of. Tell me, Goku. Are you the person in the sketch my dear little sister drew?"

"Sketch? Hmm?" Goku looks at Virgo's sketch, "Whoa, that's me!"

Hearing that confirmed it for Virgo & Loke. They saw Goku walking up to see a better view of the sketch. Coming close, Virgo's mind was solely on Goku. From some reason, his presence was getting to her. Like she was about to detect god powers from just looking at him alone.

"Wow... that is me. Tell me, pink lady. Did you draw this?"

"... Yes, I'm the one who drew it." Virgo confirms it.

(A/N: Virgo's drawing sketch was SSJ God Goku but in Yuya Takahashi's art.)

"You drew me in SSJ God! How cool, pink lady!"

"Super Saiyan... God..." Virgo's eyes were wide, "My name is Virgo by the way."

"And I'm Son Goku! Nice to meet you, Virgo!" he smiled.


"Hold on, Goku! Did you say SSJ God?" Lucy said as she came in front of him.

"Yep. It's a transformation I can do. I used it to fight a god in my world."

"A god?!" Natsu & Gray simultaneously yelled.

"Well, a God of Destruction threatened to destroy my planet if I didn't fight him in SSJ God."

"Then... You're the person who rivals the gods. The deity whom the Celestial King is afraid of... It's you!" Loke confirms.

"The Supreme Deity." Virgo gives Goku that name.

"Supreme Deity...?" Goku was clueless.

"Hold on, Virgo. How do you know if Goku's the one in the picture other the fact they look exactly alike! Minus the hair color."

"Because the Supreme Deity can transform. He said it himself." Virgo answered.

"Tell me, Son Goku. With someone who can rival gods, do you intend on world domination?"

"Loke... What are you saying?" Lucy asked.

"World domination, hmm? Nope. That wouldn't fit me at all. I just want to fight the strongest people there is on Earthland! That's all."

"I-I see... Then, if you don't mind at all, would you care for a treaty with the Celestial King?"

"A treaty? What for?"

"The King himself assumes you might go for his throne and could one day destroy the Celestial World. So, to make sure there is a balance, he wants to become ally of yours. If you want my take, I think he's just paranoid. That's all."

"A treaty... Ah, sure. I don't mind or care! If I can fight him, then you've got yourself a treaty!" Goku gives a thumbs up.

"H-He wants to fight the King?" Virgo was surprised to hear that from Goku.

"Okay, then. This was a lot easier than I expected. Truth be told, I thought you would be a lot more arrogant & prideful. Virgo, my little sister, it's time to go. Everyone, it was nice seeing you all again. Lucy, my dear, I hope next time we meet we could go on a date. Later now!" Loke disappeared in front of everyone to go report to the Celestial King.

"Princess, Supreme Deity, & everyone. I bid you all a farewell."

"Right... See ya, Virgo," Lucy said.

As Virgo was in the middle of disappearing, she took a look at Goku. Seeing him talk to Natsu & Gray made her a little be suspicious. Son Goku, a god whom she has never seen before on Earthland. Who rivals gods that could shatter the entire universe alone. Virgo questions if Goku's character was shamble. Either way, she got what she & Loke came for and that was to request a treaty between him and the King.

"(His name is Son Goku and he's the Supreme Deity. Hmm? I could be jumping the gun here, but is there negative essences I'm sensing? It's so evilly malicious... It's probably nothing...) Call me when you are in need of assistance, Princess. Farewell."

And just like that, Virgo had returned to her world. In case if anyone was curious as to what Virgo saw, it was the Negative energy. It hid without anyone noticing, especially Goku, who can sense Ki. Without being seen, it left the guildhall to find a host to take over so it can use its body to serve under Towa's control. And it knew which host to attach itself to...

"Well, that was pretty weird. Even in my standards, that was something I don't see every day."

"Alright, Goku! Let's go train already! Teach us what you know so I can beat your ass with it!" Natsu insisted.

"Asking him to train you just to reward him a beating isn't something you should say to a person, Natsu..." Wendy giggled a little.

"Oh, that's right. I can't forget this." Goku had the square container in his hand.

"Your container? What are you doing with that?" Gray asked, glaring at the red shining container.

"Earlier, when I said I need my own house; I can set out and find space to activate one. I was planning on doing that when my date with Mira was over..."

"Where exactly are you going to pop a capsule for your house? Magnolia's certainly crowded as it is, Goku. Though, I guess it depends on how big we're talking."

"I've never used a housing capsule before but knowing my friend made it, it's probably huge. But, you're right. I don't know where I'm going to find a convenient space to place a house..."

"Ooh, ooh! I know just the place, Goku!" Natsu said with confidence.

"You do?"

"Yep! There's a forest outside of Magnolia that has space large enough for a village! I'll lead you to it if you let me."

"Sure! We can also use my home in the forest as our training ground. Let's not waste any more time and get with the program!" Goku placed his clenched right fist to his left palm, "Lead the way, Natsu!"

"Heh! Leave it to me. Alrighty then, you guys. It's time we play follow the leader here! Happy, you know what to do, right?"

"Aye, sir! To the forest, we go!" Happy's wings appeared as he grabbed Natsu by the back.

"Learning new things from Goku got me all fired up. Right! Hope you suckers can keep up with me! I'm not holding back my speed so you better pick up the pace, ladies!"

"N-Natsu's certainly on fire, isn't he...?" Lucy closed her eyes from seeing Natsu's enthusiasm.

"We are learning something from Goku. I would be just as excited as Bonfire is, too." Gray's comment on Natsu's excitement made him rush out the guildhall after him.

"Wait for me, my love!" Juvia did the same.

"I suppose we can follow Natsu. But he isn't exactly known for leading the way. He's either leading us into trouble or he's lost." Erza said.

"That won't be a problem. I can sense him if he does get lost." Goku ran to the entrance doors, "See ya, guys! Wouldn't want to be dead last if I were ya!" with a carefree smile, Goku ran out.

"H-Hold up, Goku!" Erza ran out aftafteand Master told me to go with you. You know, as a messenger."

"Good call, Mira. We've already ended our training so we're making headway." Erza said as she got into her armor.

"Before we head out, I gotta ask you something. Mira, why didn't you join us? I would've loved to see your potential. I was aiming your power to be around Erza's. Since you were her rival back then."

"There were circumstances I had to deal with alone. Something got to me and I just needed some alone time."

"Some fresh air?"

"Sure, Wendy."

"Well, you're always welcome to hang out with me at my place, Mira. Who knows, maybe you could blow off some steam by learning Ki." Goku advise.

"I'll keep that in mind." Mirajane was looking at the ground, hiding her face from seeing his.

"When that day comes and you decided to learn Ki, give me a call. I want to fight you since you're an S-Class Mage. I'll always have time for you. You know, cause I want to protect you." to tebufenozide his words, Goku went over to Mirajane and head patted her.

"Yeah... I know you do..." Mirajane blushed.

"I'm guessing you needed to clear your head because of what Jenny said to you, right?" Lisanna teased as she stood between Goku & Mirajane.

"Huh?" Mirajane was taken by surprise, "What are you talking about!?"

"Aw c'mon, sis! It's as clear as day! You got jealous when someone was about to take away your precious Goku."

"Lisanna, he's been a member for a week and a half now. And we just met him. Why would I feel jealous about the new person?"

"Because you're in llovvee!" Happy joined Lisanna in the teasing game, "Goku & Mira, sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage!"

"It's not like that, Happy! He already has kids! Why would I marry someone who just went through a divorce!" said Mirajane with a red face.

"Divorce? Goku, you were married?" Erza said as she looks at him, "You never told us that."

"It's a thing in the past, Erza. At the end of the day, nothing had worked well on both our ends. Long story but I can tell you guys another time. Let's head to where my match will take place."

"Right," Erza said.

Mirajane was leading everyone to the train station. It was crowded but they managed to find seats. Coincidentally, Goku & Mirajane were sitting together. With Lisanna sitting on her left side too. During the ride to Crocus, things were a bit quiet. Mirajane didn't utter a word because she was next to Goku. Natsu & Wendy were suffering from motion sickness so Lucy, Happy, Erza, & Carla were comforting them.

Cana was looking out the window while drinking her barrel. Gray, Juvia, & Lisanna were holding their own conversation with Goku and while they were fifty minutes in, Lisanna pitched out to check on Mirajane. She noticed her older sister hasn't spoken a word since they all entered the train. And she knew why. If it was love at first sight, then Mirajane's a con man.

The reason as to why Mirajane was quiet is obvious. She was sitting next to someone she found to be a "lover." Or at least that's what Lisanna thinks. Lisanna was one of the few people in Fairy Tail that can tell if Mirajane's acting different and seeing her emotions fly out of her when Jenny was "attacking" Goku, convinced her on one thing.

Whether it could be defined as "false hope," or an assumption, she did, in fact, develop a crush on the Saiyan. She admits that. But... What would be the reason? For the week she was alone she was thinking about how she began liking Goku. It all came to the conclusion of the Dark Purple Floater that only Goku was able to see as it was explained back in the infirmary room.

It could be the floater's fault because a girl can't just like someone who's a member for over a week and a half now. Otherwise, the phrase "love at first sight" will dilly-dally in Mirajane's mind.

During the ride, all Mirajane could think about were the feelings she's been hoarding inside of her. Fake emotions planted by the Time Rift Effects or actual feelings? That was the question the She-Devil was thinking without telling anybody. She'll find her answer soon enough

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