
the Fairy Tail Verse...

As it was said by the third master, the entire Fairy Tail headed to the Green Plains. It was the perfect place to spar since the space in Green Plains was large as heck. For the match between Natsu and Gray to start, the two were at the center of it. While the rest of Fairy Tail sat on custom made bleachers farm folks made as a way to show their admiration.

"Ok guys! Place your bets!" Mirajane said, "Who do you think will come out as the strongest in this fight? The Fire Dragon Slayer, Natsu Dragneel? Or Will it be Gray Fullbuster who uses Ice Make Magic!?"

"You know, I'd have to give this one to Natsu. We've all gotten a lot stronger but I'm thinking he's the one to top it." Lucy said.

"Tch, how absurd. Obviously, my darling Gray will be the one to come out on top! Nothing matches him in strength or in beauty!" Juvia gives her answer.

"Well, whoever comes out on top gets to fight me. For some reason, I'm in the mood to fight." Erza said, "Lucy, you said Natsu's gotten a lot stronger than the rest of us? I beg to differ. You're forgetting I'm an S-Class mage here, there's no doubt I can get even stronger too!"

"Y-Yea...!" Lucy was sweating a little.

"Erza's right. A real man shows off how much stronger he's gotten! Natsu & Gray are manly since they're going to unleash their big guns!"

"Ugh, does everything have to be manly Elfman?" Evergreen said all annoyed.

"I think Natsu's got this one in the bag since you know, he's my husband after all?" Lisanna blushes to that saying.

"H-H-Husband?!" Lucy & Juvia said.

"Hehehe, well, I'm not sure who to root for. They're both our guild mates..." Wendy points out.

"Oh child, there's nothing wrong about picking sides here. It's just a friendly match." Carla insisted.

"Well, I'm betting my money on Natsu so you better win, flame ball!" Cana gambled on Natsu as she later drinks her barrel.

"Ugh, pointless match. I'm a lot stronger than Frosty and Salamander so why do I have to watch this garbage?" Gajeel was unimpressed.

"Now, now, Gajeel." Levy said, "Just enjoy the fight here. It's something we could use since we're always fighting with other people."

"Oh, Levy you're so smart!" Jet compliments.

"No one can rival your kindness, Levy!" Droy said as he was eating a drum stick.

"Not to mention I have to hear the fanboys compliment the small fry every hour..." Gajeel said as he looked at Jet and Droy.

Half the guild placed their bets on Natsu while the others on Gray. Since everyone had decided who to root for, it was show time. Natsu & Gray were scretching their arms and legs and when they were done, they were waiting for their cue to start.

"Now, without further ado, let the match, BEGIN!" Makarov said, blowing on a whistle to indicate the starting match.

On high alert, Natsu and Gray collided with their fire and ice magic. Natsu throws in a fast punch, landing first blow as Gray responded back with an uppercut. In the air, Natsu manages to land on his feet and dashes to Gray again but with three sixty right kick to Gray's left hip.


The hammer in Gray's hands manages to hit Natsu. A slam that hard sends Natsu a few meters away, causing him to bleed a little.

"Pfft, not bad, Icy. But... It's not good enough! Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" Natsu manages to close in on Gray's lower body and lands a blow to his stomach, causing him to puke out saliva and blood. He didn't stop there. Natsu continues to turn up the heat up with a "Fire Dragon: Roar!" as flame came out of Natsu's mouth.

Straight away, the flames head towards Gray as he gets sent back due to the iron fist, "Kch, if that's how you want to play it, Ice Make Arrows!"

The multiple ice arrows manage to overcome the flames from Natsu and after some time now, both Natsu and Gray started charging towards one another. Only to land equal blows to each other's faces. (A/N: The same way SSB Goku and True Golden Frieza did to each other above Baba's place with Beerus and Whis watching in Dragon Ball Super Episode 95)

Both the boys smirked at each other. The matched was intense and it continued until early evening.

"It's always exciting to see my children grow their potential even more because from the looks of it, both Natsu and Gray definitely have gotten a lot stronger and I must say it's a great thing but also a frighten one."

Mirajane laughs, "At this point, I'd say the both of might have a chance of reaching S-Class. That is, they beat Gildarts, Erza and me."

Erza nods her head in agreement, "Mhm, that's right. You're right on the money, Mira. From the looks of it, Natsu and Gray are gonna finish it off with this one last attack." Erza saw the boys jump away from each other.

"Heavy Sigh,* Heavy Sigh,* Damn it Gray, I hate to admit it but you've really gotten a lot stronger."

"Right back at you, Natsu." Gray wipes the blood from his mouth and releases more of his ice magic, "But unfortunately, we've got to end this fight right now." Gray looks at the sun, "We've been fighting for far too long now so what do you say we use our ultimate moves as a way to finish this match?"

"Don't blame me if they can't find your body, Stripper. Now let's end this, shall we!"

"Now there's something we both can agree on."

Both Natsu and Gray channeled out their magic even further and started to charge towards each other. Just at when they were about to land the final blow, they stopped at the last second. Looking up, they both saw the clouds starting to form, causing the sky to turn dark purple which later ripped open a hole. The guild alongside with Natsu and Gray looked up in confusion as they saw a hole opened up in the sky!

"What the..." Erza couldn't utter another word.

"Why did the sky turn so dark?" Wendy said.

"I don't know but look! Something's coming out of the hole!" Lisanna said as she pointed towards it.

Everyone was looking at the hole that was ripping the sky apart and soon they saw something huge come out of it something.

"Oh, shit!" Natsu said, "It's a meteor!"

"That... Doesn't look manly..." Elfman's eyes were shaken.

"Nothing is ever manly Elfman..." Evergreen said.

Seeing the situation they were in, Natsu and Gray had to set aside their match because now, they've got bigger fish to fry. Immediately, everyone had the same thoughts about destroying the meteor.

"Quickly! We have to destroy that meteor before it causes some colossal damage to Magnolia!" Mirajane encourages everyone.

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

Both Natsu and Gray were just about to use their magic on the meteor but before they could, the meteor descended down at a rate faster than the human eye could see. Later, it crashed about a few miles away from Fairy Tail but the collision to the ground caused the ground to form a crater as big as half the size of a spirit bomb. The explosion was a heavy toll and what they were about to see, was something they don't see every day.

"Shit, we were too late..." Gray said, catching his breath from running too fast.

"Well, there was nothing we could do since somehow it flew right past us in a blink of an eye," Natsu admitted.

"Natsu! Gray!" both of them turned around and saw Lisanna and the others running towards them.

"A meteor that came from the ripped sky? That doesn't happen too often." Erza said, "All right you guys, we have to see what's inside that meteor! Who's knows the kind of threat it could impose on us if we let it fly by under our noses."

"Right!" everyone agreed.

It took about 3 minutes for them to get there front and centered. By the time they all arrived, Lucy spotted a man coming out of the meteor with heavy injuries. Stumbling to stand on his two feet, the mysterious man was visible in Fairy Tail's eye.

"Holy... Cow..." Lucy said, "It's a person... That's insane! Was he inside the meteor!? How is he still alive!?"

"From the looks of it, that man appears to be hurt..." Erza said, pointing it out, "His clothes are severely torn and his injuries seem to be serious. He needs medical treatment, quick!"

"Juvia can't believe how a man like him was inside of a meteor... That's a good question, Lucy. I'm wondering how he's able to walk still after coming out from it..."

"Yea and his clothes are all ripped, that's not a good thing to do you know," Gray said.

"How ironic," Lucy said, rolling her eyes at Gray.

Closing in, Cana manages to get a good look at the shirtless man (who was Goku obviously). Just like with everyone else, she was speechless to see the mysterious Saiyan come out the meteor crash with his body function okay.

"We've had our fair share of weirdness, but seeing a meteor tear up the sky only for a man to come out of it, isn't something you see every day," Cana said as she closes one eye with her hand aimed back, showing her wrist while looking at Goku.

"Do you guys think something like this is a coincidence?" Wendy wondered, she saw the unattended heavy injuries that Goku was showcasing.

"Could be, or... It could be someone's idea of a joke." Cana assumed but didn't find it funny.

"Joke or not, something like this pisses me off! Gah, I get all fired up from just thinking about who could've done this to him!" Natsu's angered face showed signs he wanted to find the perpetrator but with no lead, he couldn't.

"Hehe, that's Natsu for ya. (He's not always one to forgive people who treat others badly...)" while looking at him, Lucy thought of the time she and Natsu found Yukino without a guild during th Grand Magic Games.

"Enough with the idle chit-chat guys, we've got to help this guy!" Lisanna brings up.

"Yea, Lis is right! Let's take him back to the guildhall for Wendy to heal him!" Natsu points out.

"Aye, sir! Let's rescue this mysterious guy!" Happy was on Natsu's head.

"Can't we just heal him right here?" Lucy said but was ignored.

Goku, who can barely stand, was having a difficult time understanding the words that were coming out of their mouths. His head was still catching a headache as he later groans a little in pain. His vision was failing him at the moment.

"(What are these people talking about? Where am I? Man, my vision is so blurry I can barely see at all.)" Goku moves a bit forward but struggles.

"Crap, he's gonna faint. Quickly, someone catches him before he falls!" Erza said.

Everyone in Fairy Tall went down to help the shirtless Goku and just when he was about to fall forward, a certain white hair Barmaid, who was Mirajane, caught him.

"I gotcha," Mirajane said. Goku's face fell on Mirajane's chest, causing her to blush a little with Goku unconscious to the core.

Lisanna whistled, "Well, this is awkward..."

"What a play boy..." Levy said.

"Well, that's one way to catch him," Makarov said. "Now, let's get back to the guild and heal this man up to full recovery!"

Everyone nodded.

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