Chapter 145: It should be the banana guardian!
"I don't think she is your fan, Michu," Venomous suddenly startled her boyfriend.
They were already back in real life and relaxed in their room!
Michu was laying on the bed, but his girlfriend's words raised him from it. He sat down and looked at her, "Rainbow May?"
With her head resting on her palm, Venomous didn't glance back and kept her eyes on the PC's screen, "Yes."
Only after Yumi clicked enough on her notes did her eyes turn to Michu, "Let's see... Lil Monke currently has two epic moments. The most popular one is against Zerze and the other one is against Kaiser."
"Yeah," Michu replied and nodded a few times.
He was pretty proud of himself and Sandra's editing made the videos cooler so he was highly content with himself!
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: