
Book 2: Chapter 69 - THE END - Family of three.

   Two years later.

   "Ruby, why on earth have you chopped all of your Barbie's hair off? This one is completely bald!" I scold her, holding up three different dolls. She looks up at me, her eyes innocent and wide before shrugging. I let out a sigh, placing down the Barbie's back into her toy box.

   "She doesn't like Barbie dolls Muffin. I caught her the other day trying to bite Cindy's head off." Jake chuckles, leaning down to pick Ruby up. He holds her up high in the sky and she giggles loudly, thrashing around in his hold.

   "Daddy!" Ruby squeals, her laughter filling the room. Jake beams widely from ear to ear, holding her near his chest. She begins to tug hard at his hair, her latest hobby.

   "It'll never get old hearing her call me Daddy," Jake smiles, wincing as Ruby tugs slightly too hard on his hair strands.

   "She said Mummy first," I smirk, leaning back proudly with my arms crossed. Jake narrows his eyes at me playfully -

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