

The sounds of leaves rustling periodically--each time a subtle shake of foliage was heard, it came from a different direction. 

If it wasn't the evergreen that made noise, then it was the wildlife that inhabited the dense territory; chirps, howls, and growls--most of which were unrecognizable to him. 

"...I think we'll have to make-do with whatever wood we can find," he muttered, trying to keep quiet. 

"Yeah…" Aiko nodded her head. 

He faced towards a relatively dry tree, running his hand along the rough, ashen bark before gripping his sword with both hands. 

"Watch my back," he said to the girl in a half whisper, "this is...going to back some noise." 

"Got it," Aiko nodded. 

With his back secured, he coated the sharp edge of Belus in potent reinforcement, taking in a breath through his lungs before swinging his sword directly against the hip of the gray-skinned cedar. 

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