
Carnival Lord

"You should consider staying here. There is still the possibility the eyes and ears of Mastorn have sensed your intentions."

Looking upon the beautiful form of the lady knight, Beatrice spoke as the royal woman adjusted her emerald cape. They stood in the grandiose hall of the Hollow Foundation, though it was an organization precisely made to exist in secret, it wasn't exactly a lonely, empty domain; floors of hazel marble stretched far, blending into the stygian pillars that acted as the foundation for the mighty, tall-standing base. 

Standing quietly without a word spoken, the two demi-human adventurers contracted to escort Getrude waited by the lavish carriage. It was natural for Malune to hold himself as if not even existing, keeping his eyes shut and his arms folded across his chest--however, the same could not be said for the curious, colorful companion of his who gawked at the exuberant lobby like a child watching the stars for the first time. 

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